Outrage, protests after carbon tax increase | CTV National News


There is an added cost for most Canadians today with a rise in the federal carbon tax there’s also an increase in rebates geared towards the environment the issue is fueling political debates centered on affordability the change will cost drivers an extra 3 cents per liter at the pump the amount people get back

Every 3 months also increases depending on where you live a family of four in Alberta will get $1,800 back per year a family in New Brunswick 7 60 the government says eight out of 10 Canadians will receive more in rebates than they pay under the carbon tax but

Some feel it doesn’t add up here’s ctv’s Annie berson Oliver fueled by another carbon tax hike frustrated protesters took to the streets in Ottawa and to the Trans Canada Highway near the New Brunswick Nova Scotia border to make their message heard the fact that the Carin has to exist is is

Atrocious like a person can’t get ahead in life there’s no possibility of saving money I can’t pay my bills and uh taxes and buy food because it’s too much ottawa’s carbon pricing program involves yearly increases like the one today that the government says are needed to drive

Down emissions and hit Net Zero goals by 2050 the carbon tax is now $80 per ton of carbon emissions up from $65 that translates into an extra 3.3 cents a liter for gasoline 4 cents a liter for diesel 2.3 cents a liter for propane and 2.9 cents per cubic meter of

Natural gas with that comes an increase to the Canada carbon rebate with payments now as high as $1800 for a family of four so it is effective it does not drive down emissions um all the studies that have been done internationally and domestically show that it will work and it works better as

The price goes up at least seven Premier disagree and say now is not the time to increase costs for Canadians one of those leaders Newland premier Andrew Fury wrote to the Prime Minister today asking for a meeting to discuss alternatives to the carbon tax so all those Premier that are busy complaining about

The price on pollution but not putting forward a concrete alternative that they think would be better for their communities are just playing politics the Prime Minister has also accused his main opponent Pier PV of playing the same card this is not just a tax at the

Pump it’s a tax on your heat attacks on your food for those at the pump the answer doesn’t seem as clear I think they should scrap it all together I think it should be even higher it is what it is I got to get around I got to

Drive although the federal carbon tax doesn’t apply to British Columbia The Province does have its own system which saw an increase today and in Alberta the provincial gas tax Heather also went up

A planned increase to the federal consumer carbon price went into effect today, sparking outrage from some. Annie Bergeron-Oliver reports.

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  1. Generally speaking no households will be hurt because of the CT. The poorer and middle-income households, 4 out of 10 ($120k/year and under), will get more money. The upperish middle-income households, 2 out of 10 ($150k/year or so) break even or pay a tad bit more, the cost of a few restaurant burger meals. The richer and rich households ($250k to the millions per year) lose a bit, but it's not hurting them. They have money. The only things hurt might be their pride and politics.

  2. anyone want to bet that he's raising the tax this year to frustrate everyone just to drop it next year to get praise for lowering tax just before the election in an attempt to become popular. I bet you anything that's exactly what's going to happen.

  3. This carbon tax affects everyone and every level of society and life! It’s just a snowball effect! Think about your heating in your house, gas in your car, the price of the food (the increase of the cost for the farmers ) etc and so on….

  4. I live in rural area. Before the Carbon Tax I would drive half an hour to go to a restaurant once a week. Now I do not go to any restaurants. The restaurant industry must be feeling the pain from the millions of Canadians like me stopping spending


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