Nunavut celebrates 25th anniversary as a Canadian territory


Nunut means our land in intitute the language of the Inu who’ve called This Land home for Millennia Canada’s largest and northernmost territory covers more than 2 million square kilom of land and water and is home to 37,000 mostly Inu who continue to live their traditional ways but anyone who calls this land home

For any amount of time and regardless of ethnicity is embraced as nunum the people who live here it’s a era in people’s lives and uh I think I see a lot of inspiration and dedication going on uh in in this territory governor general Mary Simon is a nuk from the

Neighboring Nunavik area she spent the day in nunut celebrating the 25th anniversary took the dedication of many people including John amarik who I’ve had the pleasure of seeing today and uh and I gave him the order order of Canada in his home um because he’s a Canadian

Hero am aulik was chair of the nunit implementation commission and helped forever change Canada it was the first time since new fan joined Confederation that the Canadian map changed and we as in are so proud of this thing that happened in Canada which I don’t think anybody ever thought that it would

Happen this whole region is what Canada called the northwest territories until an Inu land claim carved out the Eastern portion and in 1999 nunut became Canada’s third official territory the creation of Nuno was one of the late Brian Mal’s final acts as prime minister signing the Nuno agreement in 1993 to

Pave the way for the territory’s birth six years later it is a vision that we had and he gave it to us and we are forever grateful Premier PJ aag’s office tells Global News every Community today is marking the 25th anniversary reflecting on all the work it took to

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Nunavut separated from the Northwest Territories and became its own Canadian territory on April 1, 1999, giving the Inuit more control of their land and future.

The territory covers more than two million square kilometres of land and water and is home to 37,000 people. It used to be part of the Northwest Territories, prior to the Nunavut Agreement.

Melissa Ridgen looks at who’s credited for helping make this happen, and how Nunavut is marking its 25th anniversary.

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  1. Let’s hope sometime in the next 25 years Canada develops a coherent, intelligent arctic policy that enables Nunavut to reach its full potential. Been on minimal life support for the first 25.


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