Global National: April 1, 2024 | Carbon tax increase fuels affordability politics


On this Monday night dissecting the carbon tax hike the chorus of criticism the hundreds of economists who say it’s the least expensive way to reduce emissions and the rising rebates coming to Canadians the federal government serves up a new national school lunch program when you’re hungry it’s really really

Hard to learn when it will launch and how many students it will feed gaza’s largest hospital left in in Ruins after another Israeli raid what one patient says he and staff endured and it wasn’t always a slam dunk people have doubted me people look past me the High Hopes this young Canadian

Can catapult his us college basketball team to the top global national with Donna freezen good evening and thanks for joining us there’s lots of Sound and Fury this April 1st about the rise in the federal price on carbon burning fossil fuels will cost people in most provinces a bit

More and they’ll get more in rebates the federal carbon tax applies everywhere except Quebec BC and the Northwest Territories which have their own programs it’s going up 23% that will add about three cents a lader to the cost of gas and the amount Canadians get back

Every 3 months is rising too the next check or direct deposit will be April 15th it varies by province a family of four in Alberta will get about $1,800 a year back a family in New Brunswick will get $760 a year most households will get a larger rebate than they pay in carbon

Tax the intent is to create a financial incentive for people to pollute less yet critics frame it as an affordability issue and that’s where politics comes in our chief political correspondent David Aken has our top story tonight David well Donna last week 400 economists experts all of them signed an open

Letter supporting the federal carbon price ing approach carbon pricing is the lowest cost way to reduce emissions and the independent parliamentary budget Officer says that for most Canadians the rebates will be bigger than the tax paid we estimate 80% of households get more than what they pay though the carbon tax

May slow household income growth income growth that will be lower than it would otherwise have been but the country’s conservative leaders Scott Mo Daniel Smith Blaine higs and most of all Pierre PV don’t much care what experts and economists say look behind you there that right there is Justin Trudeau and

The ndp’s cruel April Fool’s Day joke on Canadians it’s no joke on April the conservatives have been running an ax the tax drive for weeks tv ads social media campaigns leaders rallies across the country last week several conservative MPS even LED protests at the local constituency offices of some

Of their NDP and liberal opponents we’ve called on uh my good friend Mark s who’s a good guy but he doesn’t seem to get the message that we need a break Canadians need a break but the more surprising opposition is now coming from prime minister Justin Trudeau’s ideological allies leaders of provincial

Liberal parties opposed to the program of their Federal cousins we will make polluters pay but we won’t add additional tax burden to ontarians waiting 3 months for a rebate isn’t realistic for a lot of new brunswickers the country’s only liberal provincial Premier newfinland and labrador’s Andrew Fury repeated his opposition to the tax

Monday and called on Trudeau to convene an urgent first Minister’s meeting on the matter asked about that Trudeau appeared frustrated with the premier but we’re not seeing detailed plans from the premier on this they’d much rather try to complain about it and make political hay out of this and David’s with me now

David the point of the carbon tax is to change Behavior if people pay a little more for fossil fuels maybe it will push them to find cleaner Alternatives and the rebate will help with that is part of the problem for the Liberals a failure to communicate effectively oh

Absolutely and of course that has opened the door for campaigns by Trudeau’s opponents to whip up anti-government sentiment we saw some small protests across the country today but they have focused only on the tax and not on the rebate and that certainly is the government’s fault remember that rebate

Was first buried as a credit in your tax return they called it the climate action incentive and has only just recently been rebranded as the Canada carbon rebate and it’s now paid directly to Consumers four times a year Donna okay David in Ottawa thank you for lots of Canadian families paying

For food is a constant concern today the federal government promised a national school lunch program something it talk about doing three years ago Canada is the only G7 country without one it will cost $1 billion over 5 years to provide about 400,000 kids a year with lunch research shows it could save those

Families about $189 per month per child Mackenzie gray explains what’s planned thank you as a political issue it’s hard to be against the idea when you’re hungry it’s really really hard to learn the Liberals following through in a 2021 election promise 3 years later we’ll be investing $1 billion to create

A national school school food program that’ll provide meals to 400,000 more kids every year cash sent to provinces to build up existing programs and establish new ones with the target of more kids getting healthy food by the start of the next school year it’s not an exaggeration to say that this will

Change the future of Canadian life and Canadian Children’s Health that’s Debbie Field from the Coalition for healthy school food her organization has been pushing for this plan for decades the affordability food crisis has really hit the school food programs and they can’t afford the healthy food they want to serve so they’re often

Going down in terms of serving sizes or uh serving less food or not serving as many kids with only a third of Canadian schools offering free meals and food inflation pinching grocery budgets growing the number of programs won’t just lead to full stomachs studies show in Sweden where there’s a universal

School food program women labor participation increased by 5% but the biggest beneficiary parental pocketbooks we know that a national school meal program with access to free breakfast and lunch at schools can save families upwards of $190 per child per month and that really goes a long way right now

Justin Trudeau’s announcement of part of a new strategy from the Liberals to pre-announce their upcoming federal budget a trend that liberal sources tell us Don we’ll continue for the next two weeks McKenzie gray in Ottawa thanks Mackenzie Iran has accused Israel of a deadly air strike on the Syrian Capital

Damascus it destroyed an Iranian consulate building and killed at least six people Syrian and Iranian State media say an Israeli War Plane targeted the Consular section of Iran’s Embassy in Damascus among the dead is a senior commander of Iran’s revolutionary guard a key figure in Iran’s military hierarchy Iran has vowed a decisive

Response of the same magnet itude Israel has not taken credit but has struck Targets in Lebanon and Syria before what was gaza’s largest hospital is now mostly in Ruins Israeli forces had assaulted it again this time for two weeks and this time entire buildings were destroyed the medical complex in

Northern Gaza is barely recognizable after days of intense fighting and Israeli air strikes the rubble strewn with bodies that have yet to be recovered Crystal ganing Reports on the scale of the destruction and what means for Palestinians who are still alive operating rooms a radiology department a dialysis unit virtually

Nothing resembling what was gaza’s largest medical complex remains this is what the facility looked like one week ago when Israeli forces showed off what they claim were weapons found inside alifa Hospital Israel has Justified multiple raids on or near hospitals saying Hamas and other Palestinian militants have been using health

Facilities in their operations I believe that the terrorist takeover of shifa and the subsequent Special Forces operation to clear the hospital of terrorists will be studied by Future generations of military strategists under international law hospitals are protected during times of War but that designation can be lost if facilities are militarized Israel

Claims more than 200 militants were killed during the operations and more than 500 Hamas or Islamic Jihad members were captured the Hamas run Gaza government media office says Israel killed more than 400 Palestinian civilians in and around the hospital destruction is far and wide in the shifa compound says this Palestinian

Medic the World Health organiz ation said 21 patients were killed since the hospital was under sieged survivors are now being moved to Al Ali Baptist Hospital the patient says the bombing was constant and they were left with small amounts of food for them and the remaining staff based on wh statistics

Out of 36 hospitals in Gaza only 10 were left providing minimal services and that was before the destruction of ela Crystal Ganson Global News London Israel’s parliament has approved a law that paves the way to ban foreign news networks it deems to be National Security risks prime minister Benjamin

Netanyahu said he would act immediately to close alzer’s operations in Israel he accuses the qatar-based network of being a Hamas mouthpiece the channel has accused Israel of deliberately targeting its staff in Gaza journalists including the son of the AL jazer Gaza bureau chief have been killed in Israeli air

Strikes a big election defeat for Turkish president RP tyup erdogan whose main opponent dominated local elections supporters of the Republican People’s Party took to the streets in celebration last night after their candidates gained nine mayoral seats Nationwide they swept most big cities including Istanbul where mayor eam Imam

Malu won by more than a million votes he is widely considered to be erdogan’s potential rival in the next presidential election the results mark erdan ‘s biggest electoral defeat in more than 20 years there is a new theory about what’s behind a mysterious illness affecting diplomats including Canadians in Cuba

It’s known as Havana syndrome now an investigation by journalists reveals the diplomats may have been targeted by Russian Sonic Weaponry controlled by a top secret unit within the Russian military Joel senic reports it’s a mysterious ailment reported by diplomats and spies stationed at home and abroad inside my

Right ear it was like a dentist drilling on steroids this FBI agent speaking to cbs’s 60 Minutes about Havana syndrome named after American and Canadian diplomats in the Cuban Capital reported suffering concussion-like symptoms in 2016 the condition itself is still under investigation but now 60 Minutes Latvia based The Insider and Germany’s Dar

Spegel are drawing connections between between Russia and the potential attacks citing evidence they say shows acoustic weapons testing was done by a top secret Kremlin unit they’re linking the group to a reported Havana syndrome case in the country of Georgia I was frankly not very surprised Russia expert Simon miles

Says the reporting follows a pattern of how the Kremlin operates in foreign countries the same top secret unit is linked to high-profile incidents like the failed 2018 assassination of former Russian intelligence officer Sergey stripple in the UK Bad actors like the Russian Federation are only emboldened when their activities are not

Called out and explicitly and meaningfully punished the Kremlin is dismissing the report a spokesperson Monday calling it nothing more than unfounded accusations us officials also don’t believe Russia is involved the intelligence community’s broad assessment that a foreign adversary is is is unlikely to be responsible for these incidents some Canadian diplomats

Who were based in Cuba are now suing the federal government the Foreign Affairs Minister’s office did not provide us a statement before our deadline but the lawyer for the group hopes the new reporting leads to action I think prime minister Trudeau will will step up and follow through in his commitment to my

Clients especially as this becomes more clear as to what’s happened here in Washington the Biden Administration says they take reports of Havana syndrome seriously and will continue to closely examine the cases as they work to find a conclusion Joel senic Global News Washington a last minute change to tax

Filings coming up what the cra’s just done that Canadians need to know about in case you need a reminder it is tax season personal returns are due at the end of the month and a last minute change has accountants across the country fuming and thousands of Canadians face an unnecessary bill it

Has to do with something called be trusts as Abigail Bean explains you may have one of them without even knowing it I walked out of my office and I let out a guttal scream of frustration accountant Chris dyk’s reaction when he learned the Canada Revenue Agency canceled new reporting requirements for

Bare trusts Thursday of a long weekend before a Tuesday deadline before your eyes glaze over a be trust could apply to you it’s when you have legal title to an asset but you’re not the beneficial owner examples include being on a joint bank account to help elderly parents or

Being on title of a mortgage to help your kids until Thursday Canadians in those situations newly had to report it there’ll be a number of clients that want to adhere to the law and would have prematurely made sure they filed on time and they’ve already done the work and

They’ve already spent the money the ra is expanding trust reporting requirements in general to try and crack down on tax evasion and fraud but experts Global News consulted agree including be trusts won’t help I use the term Soul crushing most of these be trust Arrangements aren’t where income

Is being generated right there wouldn’t be any additional tax to pay the CRA tells Global News it listened to stakeholders expressing concerns and needing more clarification industry frustration is about the last minutes switch something the government also did with the underused housing tax last year getting the government to try to work

With stakeholders like CPA Canada in advance of implementing the legislation so we can try to get it right to begin with Dyke estimates his firm spent as much as $45,000 on be trust filings and has chosen to take the hit we’re not going to charge the clients for these because

Just in good conscience is there going to be compensation for people who have incurred those costs now all for nothing Global News asked that question of the CRA the finance department and the ministers responsible as well as why the change was so last minute no one offered any answers nor any message for

Canadians who already paid a lawyer or an accountant trying to do the right thing Abigail bman Global News Ottawa Global News has learned Air Canada has awarded a Hong Kong based company a major contract to perform maintenance on its widebody Jets raising security concerns here at home Hong Kong’s closer

Ties with Beijing have some in Canada’s intelligence Community pushing for a pause in the deal they say Chinese surveillance equipment could be installed in the Long Haul Jets the maintenance company says it undergos regular Audits and approvals by regulatory authorities to ensure adherence to International standards you can read more about that

Air Canada maintenance contract on our website happy anniversary ahead none of it reflects 2 5 years after becoming a Canadian territory Nunavut is celebrating today 25 years ago on April 1st 1999 nunut was established the biggest change to this country’s map since New Finland and Labrador joined Confederation as Melissa

Rgen reports it took decades for the dream of an Inuit Homeland with a culturally appropriate government to become a reality nunut means our land in intitute the language of the Inu who’ve called This Land home from Millennia Canada’s largest and northernmost territory covers more than 2 million square kilm

Of land and water and is home to 37,000 mostly Inu who continue to live their traditional ways but anyone who calls this land home for any amount of time and regardless of ethnicity is embraced as nunum the people who live here it’s a new era in

People’s lives and uh I think I see a lot of inspiration and dedication going on uh in in this territory governor general Mary Simon is a Nook from the neighboring Nunavik area she spent the day in nunut celebrating the 25th anniversary took the dedication of many people including John amarik who I’ve

Had the pleasure of seeing today and uh and I gave him the order order of Canada in his home um because he’s a Canadian hero I’m aulik was chair of the nunit implementation commission and helped forever change Canada it was the first time since new fan joined Confederation

That the Canadian map changed and we as in are so proud of this thing that happened in Canada which I don’t think anybody ever thought that it would happen this whole region is what Canada called Northwest Territories until an Inu land claim carved out the Eastern portion and in 1999 Nunu became Canada’s

Thirdd official territory the creation of Nuno was one of the late Brian Mal’s final acts as prime minister signing the Nuno agreement in 1993 to pave the way for the territory’s birth six years later it is a vision that we had and he gave it to us and we are forever

Grateful Premier PJ aag’s office tells Global News every Community today is marking the 25th anniversary reflecting on all the work it took to get here Melissa Ren Global News Winnipeg Canada’s latest basketball star is hard to miss born and raised in Toronto Zack Edy is in his senior year at Purdue University and stands 7′ 4 in tall he is among the tallest players in US college basketball history Eric senson explains how he’s worked on his

Game and is taking it to new heights in his hands a basketball looks like a child’s ball at 7′ 4 in Zach Edy is dominating us College men’s basketball Edy has led Purdue University to the final four for the first time in 44 years his determination overcoming all

Doubters it’s kind of been the story of my life people have doubted me people look past me and can’t do that anymore it’s been a remarkable Journey Edy only started playing basketball in high school after trying out hockey and baseball this kid had a whole bunch of transferable skills from other sports

That was the first time I saw him and instantly it was like wow at Purdue he blossomed his mom remembered the time a youngster asked for his autograph he hadn’t even played for the team yet we said that kid just got a signature from a nobody well he’s not a nobody anymore in

The US college basketball championship he has scored 30 points points and 15 rebounds in all four games who else has done that Wilt Chamberlain Jerry West Elvin Hayes only among the greatest in the history of the game so Zack Edy should be a shoe in for NBA stardom it’s

Not as they say a slam dunk Ed’s game looks like it’s from a different era a center playing close to the basket today’s big men are Nimble can shoot from long distance like Victor wanyama the game has changed now and the big man is not used quite as much as he was

Before but I think Zach is is good enough to overcome sort of those different philosophies those who’ve watched him say he’s ready Zack Edy thanked his coach Matt Painter for years ago he took a chance on me when not a lot of coaches would so few wanted to

Take that chance now in the final four next weekend Edy hopes to give back to bring Purdue its first Men’s Basketball Championship in history Eric senson Global News Toronto and that is global national for this Monday I’m Donna freezen tonight’s here Canada is the Canadian museum for

Human rights in Winnipeg we’d love to see your Canada please email it to viewers at and thanks for watching hope to see you here again tomorrow Bye-bye

In tonight’s top story: The Canadian federal carbon tax has increased by 23 per cent, meaning burning fossil fuels will cost most Canadians more money, but they’ll also get more money in rebates. David Akin explains why hundreds of economists support the hike, how politicians from all sides are criticizing the increase, how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is responding and why the Liberals’ poor communication is contributing to the criticism.

The federal government is also promising to spend $1 billion over the next five years for a national school lunch program, which is supposed to feed an additional 400,000 children per year. Mackenzie Gray reports on how advocates are welcoming the announcement after decades of pushing for the initiative and how this program could have benefits beyond the classroom.

Al-Shifa Hospital, which was Gaza’s largest medical complex, is now mostly destroyed after a two-week raid by Israel during its war on Hamas. Crystal Goomansingh reports on the scale of the destruction, what one patient says he and staff experienced, and what the loss of the facility means for Palestinians who are still alive.

A mysterious illness, “Havana Syndrome,” that has affected Canadian and American diplomats in Cuba may be linked to a top secret unit within the Russian military, according to an investigation by CBS News, The Insider, and Der Spiegel. Joel Senick reports on the evidence and the reaction from the Kremlin and the U.S. State Department.

Many Canadians have already filed their taxes, but the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has now paused new reporting requirements for bare trusts, giving thousands an unnecessary bill. Abigail Bimman explains what a bare trust is, why the CRA made the last-minute change, the fury from accountants and how it could impact your tax returns.

Nunavut separated from the Northwest Territories and became its own territory on April 1, 1999, giving the Inuit more control of their land and future. Melissa Ridgen looks at who’s credited for helping make this happen and how Nunavut is marking its 25th anniversary.

Plus, Toronto’s Zach Edey, who is among the tallest players in U.S. college basketball history, is dominating the sport, while trying to lead the Purdue Boilermakers to its first NCAA men’s basketball championship. Eric Sorensen explains how Edey has silenced his critics by taking his game to new heights.

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  1. Rebates are temporary, just to shut the criticism and taxes are here to stay. Do not fool the public. Already Liberals lost a Federal election in past. Let us remind them again in near future.

  2. If the Liberal party opposed the completely useless carbon tax so would global News and all the so-called "experts". Just remember that when they're giving you their personal opinion!

  3. Dont get woke now global news. Whats Canadas tax gonna do to the worlds emissions? Like give your head a shake. Canada is so small compared to other countries and their pollution. And now another thing funded by government? Unbelievable..

  4. Everyone has to breathe, eat, drink, consume energy and produce one ton of garbage and 17.3 tonnes of greenhouse gases. How to stop an ecological catastrophe if in 1900 there were 1 billion people, in 1969 there were 3.6 billion, and in 2020 there were 7.7 billion. Liberals continue to destroy own economy and contribute to accelerating the ecological crisis by spending tens of billions of "Humanitarian Aid" to the growing populations of other countries on the escalation of own forest fires, droughts, floods, hurricanes …

  5. I wanna buy electric car, but have to wait for 2-3 years! Why punish us…

    BC is “exempt” but we still got an increase today on top of it, only 65% of BCers get bc rebate which only is 200-400 A YEAR! Bc Provincial NDP needs to go!

  6. Face it. The carbon tax is nothing but a cash grab. The premiers could come up with the perfect sensible plan to pause or abolish this insane tax, but Trudeau would reject it anyway because everyone knows he doesn't like to be proven wrong. That's the level of his arrogance. He is just the absolute worst of the worst. Canadians need help NOW – NOT 10, 20, OR 30 YEARS IN THE FUTURE!!

  7. Here in Mexico we have expansive gasoline and no free lunches in schools. You Canadians are more fortunate than you think… And, well, 32,000 Palestinians killed doesn't sound atrocious anymore, Israeli influence is off the charts!!

  8. Canada produces a total of 500 million metric tonnes of carbon each year. China increases its carbon emissions by 550 million tonnes each year and now produces as much carbon as all g20 nations combined including usa japan Europe and canada. In other words we are bankrupting canada to allow china to pollute more. When will this insane thinking end??!!

    Canada is a huge sparsely populated and cold country. We must heat our homes and drive our cars and trucks to work. It will take more than 30 years to build the infrastructure to replace fossil fuels long before that happens the population of the industrial world will drop by 30 percent and continue to drop. Since carbon production is proportional to population. Carbon emissions will drop proportionally so why is Trudeau bankrupting canada. Is it to help china or just a lack of intelligence required to understand demographics and economic drivers?


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