How Canada’s judge shortage can affect your family and business – Ottawa Business Journal

Sarah Kennedy discusses the judge shortage in Canada

“Is the Canadian justice system in crisis? With a shortage of judges impacting the timely delivery of justice, particularly in sensitive family law cases, the community is left searching for solutions. Sarah Kennedy, a leading family law expert, is championing arbitration as a viable alternative to alleviate the strain on the system.

**The Role of an Arbitrator**

An arbitrator, essentially a judge for hire, plays a crucial role in delivering judgments in legal disputes. With the recent exodus of arbitrators in Ottawa, the need for qualified professionals in the field is more pressing than ever. As Kennedy explains, the arbitration process involves listening to lawyers present their cases and delivering a judgment, ensuring that records are kept and the decision is enforced by the court.

**Addressing the Judge Shortage**

In light of the ongoing judge shortage, arbitration emerges as a practical solution for individuals navigating family law matters. While the common misconception is that court proceedings are more cost-effective, the reality is that delays lead to increased legal expenses. By opting for arbitration, individuals benefit from efficiency, expertise, and autonomy, ultimately leading to a smoother resolution of their disputes.

Kennedy emphasizes the importance of choosing an arbitrator with specific knowledge and skills tailored to the unique circumstances of each case. With the freedom to select an arbitrator who understands complex financial matters or parenting dynamics, individuals can gain a sense of control and confidentiality over their legal proceedings. For business leaders, in particular, the privacy of sensitive financial information is a key advantage of arbitration, highlighting the flexibility and customization it offers in resolving disputes.

In the quest for peace of mind and a swift resolution, arbitration emerges as a valuable tool in navigating the complexities of family law matters. As Kennedy aptly puts it, the ability to choose the right arbitrator brings a sense of empowerment and control to the often daunting legal process. In the realm of family law, where emotions run high and time is of the essence, arbitration may just be the beacon of hope for those seeking a fair and efficient resolution to their disputes.”



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