Canadian government pushed to boost seniors benefit as federal budget looms


Morning for these seniors the weekly trip to the grocery store has turned into a contest bitching Rising food prices against their fixed incomes it’s challenging cuz you have to find something hopefully something different every day and spaghetti is you don’t want to eat that every day with a fixed income you

Really have to budget and budget hard you’re very careful you have to count your pennies welcome to meeting number 130 a majority of MPS on the House of Commons finance committee wants to help even things out with that Weekly contest and they have recommended boosting elderly benefits with an idea to add $50

A month to the guaranteed income supplement and increase old age security by 10% for seniors age 65 to 74 no tomatoes no onions everything else you got it meanwhile business groups would like to help boost seniors incomes and ease some labor shortage problems by offering seniors a job with the Baby

Boomers leaving the job market in in large numbers uh we’ve just seen the start of this uh we’re really worried about where the labor force is going to come from in the future okay yeah the finance committee has taken some of their ideas to heart and recommended Finance Minister Chris je Freeland

Adjust tax rates to give seniors more of a financial incentive to go back to work and that can mean things like deferring CPP uh but it could mean other things like like withdrawing some of the clawbacks that you might get at fairly modest levels of income now boosting

Benefit payments would likely cost the treasury eight1 billion dollar a year and that’s money that Minister Freeland just doesn’t have if she wants to hit debt and deficit targets that she’s already announced but those ideas about tweaking tax rules for seniors who want to return to work might be the kind of

Less expensive option for a cash stra government looking for a way to help some seniors pay their bills David Aken Global News Ottawa

Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is into the home stretch of preparing to deliver this year’s federal budget.

Freeland is set to table the spending plan in the House of Commons April 16 and she’s been getting lots of advice on what should make the cut.

That includes advice from MPs on the House of Commons Finance Committee who, after cross country hearings with Canadians, prepared a pre-budget submission containing more than 300 recommendations.

As our chief political correspondent David Akin reports, some of those recommendations are aimed squarely at making life more affordable for senior citizens.

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  1. Great…… and for disabled seniors unable to return to work after they are medically retired nothing…the disability benefit passed last year sits unfunded and dead…cpp disability rates have a ceiling and clawback extra income..

  2. $50.00 a month ? What an insult ! Cash strapped government ! I am 73 and almost died when I had heart attack just before Christmas. I don't think I will return to the work force any time soon.

  3. Hell they put ceiling on Survivor benefits in 2021 just before my wife past…so where did all her CPP contributions go that she contributed to for over 40 years…l sure as hell didn’t get but a portion of it!!

  4. lol as some one who is in his late thirties. I see no retirement money left for us! So why should we pay for this old age people? They have a house when we are struggling to pay our rent.

  5. To be fair, Canadian ?? Trudeau is a good, strong leader with character.
    Besides helping Canadians get through the Wuhan outbreak,
    high food prices,
    housing crises, and
    healthcare coverages,
    he stood up to the Russian, Chinese, and Indian interference into Canada.

  6. The Trudeau Liberal government along with the Jagmeet Singh NDP put the seniors in this hole and now the solution is go back to work?
    The Trudeau Liberals and the Singh NDP are the most incompetent leaders in the world of politics.

  7. well for starters in Toronto Ontario area with TTC (Public Transportion) to even GO Transit the Canadian Government needs to Cease to Bring to an end to Free Child Fare Free Children Fare on TTC and GO Transit Waste of Canadian Government Tax Payers Dollars funding for RUDE, ROUDY, Noisy and even assaulting like throwing French Fries at the faces of Adults and Seniors and Pushing People Not Boarding the TTC BUS by GROUPS of Children blocking the entrance of the bus to Adults and seniors Not able to Enter the bus or exit the bus These Rude CHildren thinking they own the entire bus or the entire bus belongs to the group of children the Canadian Government needs to Cease TTC and GO TRANSIT Free Child Fare Free Children Fare and instead give Seniors FREE Seniors Fare on the TTC and FREE Seniors Fare on GO TRansit to help Poor Seniors to Buy FOOD at the super Market like FOOD BASiCS People should Protest or speak up or have there voices heard to the Canadian GOvernment to what i am typing this helps alot for Poor Seniors to BUY FOOD at the super market like FOOD BASiCS

  8. Protect the housing market so seniors can retain their equity into their retirement, but also, increase their benefits too. Just throw some more debt on the pile and let the younger generations deal with it, right?

  9. It is really becoming apparent, isn't it.
    A rich country whose government over governs and over- taxes its working population, and is beggering its people..
    Yet, imagining that its place on the world's stage is to give millions away, and also fund themselves. Increase the paper pushers.
    Forcing costs up on everything: food housing etc.
    And businesses raising costs to cope, insurance companies doing the usual. Utilities skyrocketing. Taxing everything they can, adding costs.
    to everything they can.
    So the citizen can exist for who???
    For what reason then does this country exist?.
    And those calling for solutions, call for ALL the wrong solutions. Who ARE these people who want to govern rather than serve??
    Oh, the seniors need a raise, or they should work until they are 80 . How about quitting trying to skin them in daily living? That's a good idea.

  10. Are they bloody serious. Seniors worked most of their lives to have the chance to retire and enjoy life for a very small period of time relative to how long they worked, now they are being told too bad, go back to work if you want to eat. What a cold and heartless government!

  11. So first they wanted us to use MAID ; now they want to send us back to work ??
    How about bringing our pensions up to par with inflation which would be more than 50 % not the measley 10 % mentioned here ! ! Instead of giving themselves a big raise and golden pensions !
    To add insult to injury, Freeland and Trudeau are paying for seniors pensions in Ukraine with OUR money !!! It is outrageous ! While seniors here cannot afford their rent or groceries ! Truly these Liberals are out of touch with our reality and live in their own little world ! Furthermore, Freeland is Ukrainian and obviously works for them not us. Billions to Ukraine while we cannot survive ! What a disgrace ! Why isnt she in Ukraine ; instead of robbing Canadians of their money ?!

  12. This is just an electoral promises who will disappear as soon as the election is over don’t believe anything Trudeau’s coalition government says they are all involved in filling their pockets with their programs to launder taxpayers money to enrich themselves , friends and family with arrive scam , carbon tax , housing and other fake initiatives

  13. these people worked hard endless hours so they could retire and you want them to go back to work if we start helping more Canadians instead of other countries maybe the government budget wouldn’t be so low where all struggling and it’s seems our government chooses not to see it

  14. Why many countries Nationialized its resources, currency back onto gold. CGTN The Point-Hub-Heat, Einar Tangan-Martin Jacques-Lijinjing-Tian Wei. Reporterfy Media-Cyrus Janssen. RT International Africa Summit-SPIEF 2023-BRF. Telasur-Middle East Eye-Aljazeera..

  15. Two ideas thst strike me. I’m a 73 year old Canadian handicapped by a stroke in 2010. That “ Guaranteed” pension supplement is not really guaranteed which means certain no matter what. Except like me
    I live outside of Canada to escape the horrendous health system there. I’m punished for that but there is no way I would have survived for 14 years after a hemmoraghic stroke in Canada. I could not get the acupuncture and magnetic resonance therapies I can get in South Korea and see a doctor day or night 24/7 in literally half an hour with technology made by GE and Samsung you don’t know even exists. For that the Cansdian Government withholds the GUARANTEED PENSION SUPPLEMENT, which it isn’t guaranteed, and taxes me 25% nonrefundable, non resident tax on my Canada Pension. So the Cansdian government is punishing me for protecting my life against their horrific health system. Now this pressuring old people to go back to work. They say there’s no work force. Well I heard during Covid they were paying $2000 a month Covid cheques to 17 year old kids livjng at home with mom and dad to do nothing. I never saw a penny of that. Seems to me that those kids would be unlikely to want to go out to work after all that free money. Yet they have billions to send to Ukraine and give new immigrants who have contributed nothing to Canada. So it’s send out the old people to work instead. Just how much are you Canadians going to tolerate from this inept WEF puppet government? Their policies depressed the natural birth rate far below replacement level to unrecoverable and now talking about sending “ boomers” in their 70’s back out to work. $50 a month is peanuts when the minimum wage is $20 an hour and going up. I would invite old Canadians over here to South Korea but their pensions would be cut and unless they have a work visa they can’t get national healthcare. At the same time my modern one bedroom apartment with appliances includung 36 in flat screen TV, fridge, new air conditioning, gas stove, clothes washer in the kitchen, free cable and free WiFi in town was $350 a month and jumped to $450 in the last year. My apartment is about 1200 sq ft . So how’s it going for you over there and why? It’s about time you woke up and did something about it instead of complaining. Vote with your feet. Look for other citizenships. Canada will work you to death or if you can no longer work put you to death with MAID. The choice is yours. Canada is not your friend.

  16. Yet Justin has no issue spending hundreds of millions to put asylum seekers in hotels in Niagara Falls with free meals and healthcare and daily allowance, yet seniors who’ve paid into Canadian society for 50’s get the shaft. Way to go Justin.


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