Israeli strikes fuel fear conflict is expanding


A series of pre-dawn strikes in Northern Syria reportedly hit a missile warehouse and Training Center for the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah a UK based Syrian human rights organization calls it the deadliest bombings by Israel in 3 years Israel released images of a strike that it says killed the deputy commander

Of hezbollah’s rocket and missile unit in Lebanon Israel’s defense minister did not confirm the strike in Syria but said it would pursue Hezbollah wherever it operates this Friday like many since Hamas led a deadly series of attacks on Israel on October 7th Pro Palestinian demonstrators took to the streets in

Yemen we came out for those who were displaced for the children without homes we came out for those who were justly killed in Cold Blood while there is growing international support for the innocent civilian population in Gaza caught up in the fighting sa is held by houthi rebels the

Houthis Hezbollah and Hamas are all allies of Iran Iran calls the militia Network the access of resistance the houthis have ratcheted up tensions in the Red Sea launching attacks on vessels the group claims have linked to Israel while Hezbollah launches strikes and counter strikes on

Israel none of it is easing the pain or suffering across the Gaza Strip This Man in Han Yunis lost his home if we weren’t sitting in the main room he says all of our children would have been killed hostage negotiations are expected to resume Reviving the possibility of a temporary ceasefire and

Hostage release nearly 5 months have passed since the last reprieve Crystal Ganson Global News London

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netayahu is facing pressure to return hostages still in Hamas captivity.

On Friday, he confirmed a new round of negotiations will proceed in the coming days, but also brought renewed fears of the conflict expanding.

Syria is accusing Israel of deadly strikes near Aleppo International Airport, which killed more than 40 people.

Several members of the group Hezbollah are reportedly dead.

Crystal Goomansingh reports.

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  1. Son’ you might think you won 13 wars outright …. BUT your dad played a major role in your victories..Talk about Biden or Trump both are NOT happy with Israel Government policies. Sure some Americans are yelling go Israel but those people never send their children into Afghanistan unless we have a war draft!! America provides 90% of Israeli financing, military hardware, diplomatic cover!!!


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