Discover why the Canada Revenue Agency terminated 232 employees in this week’s business quiz for March 29. Take the quiz now!

The Canada Revenue Agency fired 232 employees for doing what? Take our business quiz for the week of March 29

“Test Your Business and Investing Knowledge: Weekly News Quiz

Are you up-to-date on the latest business and investing news? Test your knowledge with The Globe and Mail’s weekly quiz. Our business reporters have crafted challenging questions to see just how well you know the headlines. Join us to see if you can ace this week’s quiz!

The Good News and the Bad News

The Canada Revenue Agency made headlines this week with some announcements. On one hand, taxpayers with bare trusts received a break from new tax-reporting requirements for 2023. On the other hand, the agency laid off over 200 employees and Trump Media & Technology Group saw a surge in NASDAQ shares. Former Toronto mayor John Tory also made a comeback in the news.

Warnings of Crises

1. National Productivity Crisis: Carolyn Rogers, senior deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, sounded the alarm on Canada’s declining productivity levels, urging action to address the issue.
2. Retirement Crisis: Rogers also warned of a looming retirement crisis that could affect many Canadians in the future.

Other Notable News

– The Canada Revenue Agency fired employees for various reasons, including collecting unauthorized benefits.
– Canada saw a significant increase in temporary residents, adding over 800,000 people last year.
– Cocoa prices doubled due to poor crops in West Africa, impacting chocolate lovers everywhere.

Compelling Stories

Former Toronto mayor John Tory made headlines with his return to the public sphere. He re-entered the board of a prominent company, showing that retirement doesn’t always mean fading away.

Reflecting on the Legacy

The passing of renowned researcher Daniel Kahneman, who received the Nobel memorial prize in economics, leaves a void in the field. Despite his background in psychology, Kahneman made significant contributions to economics and decision-making.

Unexpected Surprises and Challenges

Booyoung Group’s offer of a $75,000 bonus for a unique condition raises eyebrows and questions about workplace incentives.
Authorities in British Columbia made moves to seize assets from individuals involved in questionable activities, shedding light on the issue of unexplained wealth.

The Unpredictability of Markets

Market reactions to company debuts, like Trump’s Truth Social network, often defy expectations. Even with limited revenue, stock values can soar, illustrating the unpredictable nature of markets.

Mixed Reactions and Legal Battles

The sentencing of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried to 25 years in prison sparks debates on appropriate punishment for financial crimes.
Canadian school boards suing social media companies for disrupting learning highlight the challenges schools face with technology use.

Conclusion: Stay Informed and Stay Tuned

How well did you do on this week’s quiz? Whether you aced it or missed a few, there’s always more to learn in the world of business and investing. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on the latest headlines and prepare for next week’s quiz. See you then!”



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