UN food waste report reveals staggering statistics: Over 1 billion meals wasted daily in 2022

Here's why food waste is a major climate change issue

“Over a billion meals wasted daily in 2022, UN food waste report reveals”

In a shocking revelation, Richard Swannell, director of impact growth at Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), shared that the amount of food wasted globally could feed an entire country the size of China. This eye-opening statistic was uncovered in a recent report on food waste released by WRAP in collaboration with the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP).

Global Food Waste Crisis

The report found that a staggering 1.05 billion tonnes of food went to waste in 2022, with 19% lost at the retail, food services, and household levels. The impact of this waste is not only economic but also environmental. Food loss and waste account for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions, making it a major contributor to climate change.

UNEP aims to cut global food waste in half by 2030, emphasizing the need for all countries, regardless of income level, to take action. While some countries like the U.K. and Japan have made significant strides in reducing food waste, there is still much work to be done to address this global crisis.

Individual Responsibility

It’s not just businesses and governments that need to take action. Each individual plays a role in reducing food waste. Richard Swannell encourages people to track their waste, plan ahead before shopping, store fruits and vegetables properly, and use leftovers wisely. By being more conscious of our food consumption habits, we can all contribute to minimizing food waste and its impact on the environment.


The staggering amount of food wasted globally every day is not just a loss of resources but a humanitarian and environmental crisis. By raising awareness, implementing sustainable practices, and holding ourselves accountable for our food consumption habits, we can work towards a future where food waste is minimized, and more people have access to the nourishment they need. Together, we can make a difference in addressing this pressing issue and building a more sustainable food system for generations to come.



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