Trudeau is trying more to get on the screens with positive updates for Canadians | Scott Reid


Let bring in political commentator Scott Reid for more on this interesting too Scott that we’re trying you know we’re definitely seeing an effort here on the part of Justin Trudeau and his top ministers to discuss issues like Child Care and housing some of these really important things you know protection for

Renters and on and on it goes what’s playing out here do you think well we’re witnessing a a different communication strategy from the government they’re implementing something they’ve not tried before we’re not going to have a budget day on April 16th we’re going to have budget days

Between now and April 16th and so you know yesterday as you mentioned it was uh renters legislation today it’s going to be Child Care um and we’re going to see this time and time again and I think you know it’s probably a smart approach it generates news it captures people’s

Eyeballs and you know frankly this government know knows that it needs to break through it knows that it needs to connect with Canadians and so you know it’s hoping that by forcing us to cover them on a daily basis rather than just one big event on one big day uh that

Maybe they’ll be heard More Often by more people and maybe that’ll lead to more votes yeah I’m curious whether you think it’s going to work uh you know the challenge is that you know this is something that governments have tried in the past I know you know back in the days Mr Martin

Was Finance Minister 30 years ago and I was working for him we did similar things to this but the media landscape is so different so trying to punch through and connect and be heard is really really really tough people tune you out and refuse to hear anything so force your way under their

Television screens force your way under their phone screens and hope the people hear a bit of what you have to say yeah we’re just showing some pictures here at one of these Child Care Centers the Prime Minister uh is attending and there will be uh an opportunity for the

Cameras to take some pictures of him with these kids as well uh you are you know I think you hit the nail on the head there the idea that some people you know they’re just kind of tuned off and turned off by Justin Trudeau no matter

What he’s saying even if he’s giving you know things that may in fact benefit them down the line right but if you’re working for the prime minister or if you are the Prime Minister there’s only one way to combat that which is to alter people’s opinion of you that’s to get

Back in front of them remind them of something that they liked about you in the past talk to them about an issue that they care about for the future and hope that maybe you can melt away people’s opinions because you know 15 months from now is people are going to

Be voting and that’s the timeline you’re on that’s the period of time you have have uh to turn opin opinions around and so you know there’s uh there’s no way out of the fire other than through the fire I love it so it is true uh that we

Have seen just a flurry of announcements I can’t uh even count the number of times I’ve seen them come out to talk about housing even if there’s not a heck of a lot new to announce they’re still out there you know whether it’s the Deputy Prime Minister Christy of

Freeland whether it’s the Prime Minister himself the housing Minister Shan Fraser uh the industry Minister Fran Philip shanang and on and on it goes here uh trying to sort of say more is going to help us as opposed to less I guess yeah and behind the scenes there’s some craft

Going on here so for example the prime minister’s office and the finance Minister’s office are holding daily briefings you know getting a hold of media getting a hold of people who are uh you know out there engaging with media saying this is what we’re doing so

This will be our message for today this will be our message for tomorrow we’re deliberately executing it here with this style and this approach and so again they’re trying to get people to pay attention uh not just at what they’re doing but how they’re doing it and in

The hopes that that itself will generate discussion like the ones were having or newspaper articles about wow what’s with the Liberals are changing their beat they know that they need to signal change sometimes they need to change tactics in order to improve outcomes but they also know that they need to change

Their tone they need to change their message they need to change their energy because the status quo ain’t working for them when status quo results in 23% it is time to scrap the status quo and this is part and parcel of an effort to demonstrate and to execute change hey

One last question you talked about you know conversations that are going on between different departments different ministers different political strategists how worried are they Scott right now well they’re worried you know that they’re at 23% and you know they’re verging on 9 10 years in government uh these are not

Condition i s uh that generally produce uh reelection so they know they’re inti they’re not foolish they’re not blind they’re not stupid but knowing that you have a problem and solving that problem are two different things and you know this is part and paral of an effort to

Bring new energy bring a different approach maybe this thing we try will crack through and improve us a little bit and you know the way to get out away from being at 23% is to get at 24% then maybe a month or two later you get to

28% then you’re back in the game that’s the play they know they’re in trouble and the reason that they’re doing this is because they know that they’re in trouble and they know that we know they’re in trouble Scott Reed political commentator good to see you Scott thank you thank you and

CTV political commentator Scott Reid says the PM is adopting a tactic of announcing more policies he says will benefit Canadians.

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