Trudeau accuses Conservatives of misleading Canadians on carbon rebate for “narrow political gain”


Over the past number of years I have sat down with every Premier in the country to talk about everything that we are doing together to fight climate change and everything we need to continue to do not just to fight climate change but to put more money in the pockets of

Canadians conservative Premier across this country are misleading Canadians are not telling the truth eight out of 10 families across the country in federal back stop jurisdictions make more money with the Canada carbon rebate than it costs with the price on pollution so not only are we fighting climate change and reducing

Emissions but we’re putting more money back in the pockets of families particularly in low and middle inome families across the country it’s basic math that the Parliamentary budget officer has confirmed time and time again but for ideological reasons or reasons of pure partisanship conservative politicians across this

Country are not telling the truth to Canadians and that’s why I called them out and I’m going to continue to call them out and remind them that if they really don’t like our approach to pricing pollution they can develop their own approach here in BC that’s what a BC more conservative

Government did years ago in creating Canada’s first price on pollution Quebec did the same now we expect everyone to hit a level the same level of ambition in the fight against climate change because that’s fair and that’s important if we’re going to actually make a difference in the

Extreme weather events that we’re seeing across the country and around the world that are coming so yes people need to fight climate change but any province that wants to put forward a similar similarly robust way to fight climate change but do it in a way that works for

Them is more than welcome to and has been from the very beginning of our price on pollution but conservative Premier in general would rather complain and attack and mislead Canadians for narrow political gain because of both an ideological objection apparently to fighting climate change but also to an

Unwillingness to recognize that we are putting more money in people’s pockets with rebate checks that Pierre PV wants to take away from Canadians and to put an even clearer point on it we announced a doubling of the rural topup that hits millions of Canadians across the country and that’s

Being held up in the House of Commons by Pierre PV and his conservative party that are preventing that doubling of the rural talkop money in the pockets of Canadian living in rural communities across the country from having that money to help with the High Cost of Living on every different level that’s

Irresponsible by conservative Premier and I’m going to continue to call out all conservative politicians who are doing that

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in Vancouver, B.C., on Thursday that Conservative premiers would rather “complain, attack and mislead Canadians for narrow political gain” because of an “ideological objection” to fighting climate change and “an unwillingness to recognize” that carbon price rebate checks would put more money in people’s pockets.

“That’s why I called them out. And I’m going to continue to call them out and remind them that if they really don’t like our approach to pricing pollution, they can create their own approach,” Trudeau said. “They are not telling the truth.”

Earlier, a House of Commons committee hearing on carbon pricing was held in Ottawa, which was sparked by the premiers of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Saskatchewan and Alberta publishing urgent letters requesting to appear before the Liberal-led House Finance Committee to air their concerns about the looming hike.

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  1. I have never seen or heard such a bunch of whiners as so-called "conservative" Canadians.

    What will you do to address climate change? I'm hearing a lot of complaining and a lot of nothing when it comes to better ideas.

  2. He is putting more money in Canadians pockets (I think the only Canadian he is talking about is himself!) April 1st taxes going up, carbon tax going up, alcohol tax going up! ) But let us not forget his salary is also going up!

    Call an election already Trudeau!

  3. co2 is NOT harming the enviroment. According to Dr. Patrick Moore, According to Professor emeritus of physics William Happer of Princeton. according to Astro-physicist Willie Soon. Sorry the planet is not going to burn. Scare story. Brought to You by those folks making billions selling it to You

  4. Jordan Peterson on child butchery.

    Everyone who still supports this is only magnifying their crime.

    The surgical mutilation and sterilization of children is the worst sin of our age. And in this age, that's really saying something.

    Even your silence makes you complicit.

    Stop this. Now. It's absolutely inexcusable.

  5. Climate change although a real thing is not something we need to focus on. Let’s focus on what really matters like food, heat. You won’t make a difference as it’s not in your hand’s Trudeau! Someone else is in charge.

  6. I don't know why he even bothers, or why he responds so passionately. He doesn't have to defend anything, he doesn't have to lie like he does. The majority of Canadians, but especially the young have been totally brainwashed and support their own impoverishment. All Justin needs to do is just smile and wave. He will be re-elected next year, even if it's only a minority, but he will be the PM for the foreseeable future.

  7. Taxes always take money from you… it never gives you some!!
    And remember… government doesn't make money… all the money it have is the money it take frome you… and when they give you some back it will never be more than it take!! NEVER… unless you're on welfare!!

  8. I crunched the numbers last year and found that I'm one of the 8 out of ten households significantly better off thanks to the Canada Carbon Rebate. And it's more than likely you are too. It's a win-win in my books. Most economists assert that carbon taxes are the most efficient and effective way to curb climate change, with the least adverse economic effects. 

    Also, carbon taxes are not as unpopular as Poilievre would have you believe. A 2021 poll conducted by GlobeScan on 31 countries and territories found that 62 percent on average are supportive of a carbon tax, while only 33 percent are opposed to a carbon tax. In 28 of the 31 countries and territories listed in the poll, a majority of their populations are supportive of a carbon tax. Most people agree around the world that meaningful action is needed to combat climate change. Think of your grandchildren.


  10. They might have mislead us but you have lead us to the ground and below the economic predictions for the next 4 decades according to multiple studies predict Canada will be the worst!!

  11. The carbon tax just redistributes wealth, so how does that reduce emissions? Is there any scientific measurement to prove or show how the carbon tax actually specifically reduces emissions? People still drive to work regardless if they pay more or less tax, the emisions are the same. All they are doing is taking some money from one person who worked more to another who worked less, and then they keep the change for other unknown projects.This carbon tax makes no logical sense, it's an idea and Trudeau preaches this idea without any scientific backup or reasoning. Ofcourse protecting the environment is important and necessary, but I just don't understand why the government has to charge a carbon tax to do it, they can do more without robbing Canadians, Canadians who can barely make ends meet, buy groceries etc. This liberal government has no regard for anyones wellbeing it seems. There has to be a better way.

  12. The Liberal party is the one that is not telling the truth and ideologically misleading Canadians by explaining that pricing pollution and the carbon tax “fights climate change” when it does “not” do that. By having an unwillingness to recognize that pricing pollution and the carbon tax does “not” reduce carbon emissions.
    ~Also Chrystia Freeland explained that the carbon tax is “revenue neutral”, meaning it will “all” be paid back to people (by the carbon price “rebate”) then why have the carbon tax “in the first place” if it’s “all” paid back, and on top of that increase the carbon tax rate even more on April 1st. Do “not” even have the carbon tax if it’s “all” given back (returned) to people anyway then what’s the point of having the carbon tax.
    ~Net Zero Carbon is a WEF euphemism for starvation, death from hypothermia, a financially poor broke population, eating bugs, and under a false guise cover-up when the reality of the real agenda is to “enslave mankind”.
    ~Imagine “how hot” the planet earth was back “before” 1880 when many 10’s of millions of Buffalo (Bison) roamed the North American great plains farting and burping methane at will destroying the “ozone layer”, and also all those millions of Wildebeest and Caribou herds too.

  13. Trudeau’s failures he blames climate change, that’s misleading Canadians. Trudeau keeps talking down on young Canadians as we see here. There are no average hard working Canadians in this press conference he talks to kids with many many fears that believe Trudeau is there to help them with dental care…. Kids here think that Trudeau is a rock star … Please Trudeau stop this nonsense


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