Can money buy happiness? Research says it might


Can money buy happiness this guy Nobel prizewinning Economist Daniel conoman looked at how much money you need to be happy he found the magic happiness number was $75,000 that’s us that much money lets you pay for your basic needs after that happiness plateaus but then Matt Killingsworth a professor from the

University of Pennsylvania he came along with a different study and he found nope it’s not $75,000 happiness doesn’t Plateau there the more money you make the happier you get so who’s right well they didn’t have like an academic researcher happiness Smackdown what they did was they got together went back over

All the data and they found Killingsworth got it more right it’s because more money can give you more control if your car breaks down you can get it fixed do we finally have an answer money can buy happiness not exactly when researchers dig into what really makes us happy what they find is

It’s other people it’s relationships it’s your friends it’s your family maybe the answer’s been there the whole time and who knew it the Beatles

Research shows your income may boost emotional well-being more than we thought. Paul Haavardsrud, host of CBC’s Cost Of Living, breaks it down.

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  1. I'd say more money would make me happier. The ability to stop working so I can spend time with people i like, go places and do things i want to do would definitely make me happier. That's not so much a number value but a lifestyle improvement that requires excessive wealth.


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