How trans content creators are fighting back against hate online


Trans influencers like Dylan malany are facing a ton of transphobic comments online two years of publicly transitioning as a woman woohoo these are some of the comments that transc creators like her see daily and there are concerns about that virtual hate becoming a real life threat Canada’s intelligence agency has warned about the

Risk of extreme violence against the 2s lgbtq plus Community people are being radicalized through social media and it’s turning into violence uh in our communities two students and a professor were stabbed last summer in a university of watero gender studies class police described it as a hate motivated incident related to gender expression

And gender identity Fay jstone told me she has to keep the replies on her ex account locked to limit the hate on her posts but it’s still not enough this hate comes into my inbox my DMs my mentions in an onslaught that never freaking ends Hershey’s Canada had to

Hire security for her after featuring her likeness on a limited addition chocolate bar to Mark International women’s day last year I was subjected to a staggering cancel campaign part of the intention here by using me as an example while making an example out of me is to

Make the next trans person more hesitant Lauren sunstrom started to pred anti-tr comments on her videos last year but she’s clapping back with style another day another tacky transphobic comment let’s get dress it’s just like a fun kind of goofy way to show the goofiness of people coming to my page every day

And calling me a man when that’s not true Johnstone and sunstrom say Canada’s proposed online harm legislation may help address the problem it would hold big Tech platforms accountable for the harmful content they host and create new penalties for hate speech this legislation is a start and I hope other

Uh jurisdictions follow but it’s also about putting the ball back in the court of social media companies what they both want is for 2s lgbtq plus people to feel confident sharing their own content without facing backlash these people hiding behind screens and their keyboards they don’t own you and they

Don’t control you so don’t let them

Canadian transgender content creators say simply being active on social media makes them targets for hate and trolling. Still, Fae Johnstone and Lauren Sundstrom are adamant that it won’t stop them from posting.

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