Trump civil fraud case: NY appeals court lowers bond, extends deadline


Donald Trump is celebrating a major win in the courts tonight A New York appeals judge gave the Republican presidential candidate a partial Lifeline he gets more time and can put up less money to mount his appeal of the nearly half a billion dollar civil fraud judgment against him is is a decision we

Appreciate and respect the appell division very much we have a judge who I believe is a crooked judge and a crooked attorney general absolutely crooked Trump slammed the New York judge who oversaw the Civil fraud suit and the attorney general who filed it alleging it to be politically motivated the

Appeals court ruled to reduce the bond to $175 million Reggie Chini joins us from Washington now and Reggie we know Trump has just over a week to find the money but we’re still talking about a huge amount here well the biggest question Jackson is where Trump will Source this Bond

Payment from his lawyers had already raised concern over his liquid assets saying much of his wealth is tied up in real estate and that may be why no company would issue him a bond in the first place but Trump did say that this will be paid for in cash right around

The time that he ignored questions from reporters to whether a foreign government May assist him now if Trump does post his bond it’s expected to stay proceedings through September which would deal a significant delay to the state’s attorney general who wouldn’t be able to enforce collection against him

The Attorney General still has the Judgment that is going to be appealed uh if if he loses the Attorney General will still have $175 million plus interest in hand and now can go after Trump on the enforcement procedure if he loses the appeal and so there’ll be lots of uh

Lots of pickings from the field so to speak so Reggie while there was good news for Trump in one case he was also dealt a blow in the first criminal trial against him tell us more about the case that a judge now says can proceed well Jackson this one carries

Historical significance because this will be the first ever criminal trial against a former president if you remember its allegations that business records were falsified to cover a payment to bur stories about an alleged affair with an adult film star this trial was actually supposed to start today but after Federal prosecutors

Released thousands of documents related to the trial just a few weeks ago Trump’s team asked for a delay and today the judge said this wasn’t the fault of the DA’s office and scheduled the trial to begin with jury selection on April 15th which will not be easy given Trump

Is such a polarizing figure and Jackson that’s highlighted in new polling that suggests 44% of American voters say a conviction in this case won’t affect the likelihood that they would support Donald Trump for president Jackson Reggie Chini in Washington thanks

Former U.S. president Donald Trump has been handed a partial legal victory after a New York state appeals court gave him another 10 days to post the bond in his civil fraud case, while also reducing the amount from $464 million USD to $175 million USD. Reggie Cecchini looks at whether this partial lifeline can help Trump.

Reggie also reports on the setback dealt to Trump in his criminal trial involving alleged hush money payments to former adult film actor Stormy Daniels.

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  1. Go read the 8th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. If they don't reduce it, it will end up at the Supreme court. This was them walking a fine line. Still, It is unreasonable.

  2. I feel so so so…sorry for Mr Trump has so many many hatred disgusting cases trying to harm the president the one trying to save to protect his people and his country going to collapse ??God bless you Mr Trump ????????


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