Liberal MP confesses to using political tactics in supporting Ukraine

Liberal MP admits his party plays political games with support for Ukraine

“Liberal Government Admits to Playing Political Games with Support for Ukraine

In a surprising admission, the Liberal government’s parliamentary secretary for foreign affairs, Rob Oliphant, disclosed that his party has been engaging in political maneuvers to obscure the Conservatives’ unwavering support for Ukraine. This revelation sheds light on the complex interplay of politics and international relations in Canada.

Confession of Political Games

During a session with Ukraine’s ambassador to Canada at parliament’s foreign affairs and international development committee, Oliphant stated his belief that Canadians, along with their elected officials, unequivocally stand behind Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. Despite acknowledging the presence of political games within his own party, Oliphant emphasized the unyielding commitment of Canadians and opposition members to supporting Ukraine.

Standing by His Words

In a bold move, Oliphant acknowledged the potential repercussions from his party for his candid statement but stood by his conviction. He emphasized the importance of genuine support for Ukraine without allowing political tactics to undermine the country’s solidarity.

Call for Accountability

Following Oliphant’s admission, Conservative MP James Bezan called upon Prime Minister Trudeau to apologize for politicizing Canada’s support for Ukraine. Bezan condemned the use of Ukraine as a pawn in divisive partisan games and urged Trudeau to recognize the significance of maintaining unified backing for the embattled nation.

Diverging Perspectives on Ukraine Support

The political landscape surrounding Ukraine’s crisis has witnessed contrasting viewpoints from different parties. While Prime Minister Trudeau has questioned the Conservatives’ stance on Ukraine, accusing them of aligning with former U.S. President Donald Trump, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has reaffirmed his party’s unwavering support for the country.

Poilievre has characterized Russian President Vladimir Putin as an “evil dictator” and advocated for measures to reduce Europe’s dependency on Russian energy by exporting Canadian natural gas. Despite voting against certain provisions in a revised free trade agreement with Ukraine, the Conservatives remain steadfast in their commitment to aiding Ukraine in its conflict with Russia.


The acknowledgement of political gamesmanship in handling support for Ukraine highlights the complexities of international relations and domestic politics. As Canadians reflect on these revelations, it is essential to prioritize genuine support for countries in crisis over political expediency. Maintaining a unified front in aiding Ukraine is paramount, irrespective of partisan affiliations or strategies. Only through authentic solidarity can Canada effectively contribute to resolving global conflicts and upholding democratic values.”



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