Former Saskatchewan teacher advocates for increased support for special needs students

‘The major reason why I left’: Former Sask. teacher calls for special needs support

“Former Educator Reveals Impact of Government Cuts on Special Needs School”

In the midst of contract negotiations between teachers and the government in Saskatchewan, Juliane Bell, a former special needs educator, has come forward to shed light on the challenges faced in the education system due to budget cuts. Bell’s experience at John Dolan School in Saskatoon highlighted the detrimental effects of reduced funding on student support and teacher workload.

Challenges at John Dolan School

Bell’s role at John Dolan School, a facility for students with complex disabilities, exposed her to the struggles faced by both teachers and students in a system lacking necessary resources. Despite the dedicated staff and specialized support available at the school, the impact of budget cuts was evident in the diminishing services such as English language support, educational assistant support, and community worker support.

Changing Role of Teachers

As a teacher at John Dolan School, Bell found herself taking on responsibilities beyond teaching, including personal care, feeding, and medication administration for students. This shift in duties raised concerns about ethics and liability, as teachers were expected to perform tasks for which they were not adequately trained or qualified.

Impact of Funding Shortages

The lack of adequate funding for schools like John Dolan School has led to a financial deficit and strained resources. While the current staff at the school strives to provide quality education and care for students, the need for additional funding to support other students with similar needs remains a pressing issue.

A Call for Government Action

As Saskatchewan teachers continue their job action to address class size and complexity concerns, Bell emphasizes the importance of government intervention to support students and educators in the province. Despite the government’s stance on addressing these issues at the local level, Bell hopes for a resolution that prioritizes the needs of all students and ensures a supportive learning environment for everyone.

In Conclusion

Juliane Bell’s story sheds light on the challenges faced by educators and students in a system plagued by funding shortages and increased complexities. It underscores the need for government intervention to address these issues and provide necessary resources for schools to support all students effectively. As discussions continue between teachers and the government, the focus remains on finding solutions that prioritize the well-being and education of Saskatchewan’s students.



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