Justin Trudeau defends the people’s right to protest (in foreign countries)


We’ve got uh Trudeau saying that we need to combat misinformation on climate change and to combat misinformation we need to give a bunch of money to whom I’m not sure for what your guess is as good as mine but as the Liberals always say it is important to to

Protect democracy let’s hear it we’re all facing a series of challenges new and old we’re still reeling from a pandemic that put immense pressure on our democracies we’re seeing growing distrust of government and media and increased polarization exacerbated by misinformation and disinformation we’re dealing with insecurity caused by armed conflicts and

Climate change so today I’m announcing that Canada is investing $8.4 million on Research across the global South to better understand how climate change interacts with Democratic decline these initiatives will also help protect the human rights of environmental Defenders on top of the uncertainty caused by different crises we’re also

Seeing direct threats to individuals globally through transnational repression this is why Canada is increasing and expanding its funding for Access now to ensure human right Defenders and others facing digital threats have the resources they need to protect Themselves what I don’t understand any of that and I have to deal with interpreting Trudeau’s mumbo jumbo all the time he said he’s giving money to protect the rights of environmental defenders in the global South what does that mean uh top of mind what I thought was okay well he’s giving

Money for these people who invade Chevron job sites he’s giving money to them to continue to do that and to hire them lawyers when they are arrested by the governments of the day I don’t know what he’s doing but all of a sudden he cares a lot about civil liberties and

The right to protest in other countries that’s fine you know if those people let’s say uh Brazilian environmentalists were protesting I don’t know deforestation of the Amazon something I really don’t care about but let’s say that they were protesting at the Brazilian Parliament and the Brazilian Parliament perhaps invoked the

War measures act on them of some kind Justin trau is funding the environmental activists there is that what he’s doing to undermine other countries I don’t know what he’s doing I have no idea what he’s doing I don’t know where this money is going to go whose radical environmentalist hands

It’s going to land in and it is my concern that we are funding environmentalists in other countries to undermine the economic prosperity of the locals now we we’re the foreign meddlers in environmentalism instead of generally the victims of uh foreign meddlers in environmentalism for so long Canada was

The victim of big American money coming out of San Francisco these clearing host Charities like tides and the Rockefeller foundation and they were giving money to environmentalist groups in Canada to block oil andas gas projects here it it was the oil sands campaign the tar Sands campaign I guess they called it because

They have to of course call it by the pejorative and we were the victims of their influence in our elections and their organizing and keeping Canadians from achieving the economic Prosperity we could and now it sounds like Justin trau is going to do that to other countries

So I guess if we’re not going to have oil and gas nobody else can either like I guess I don’t know who even knows what he’s saying

| On yesterday’s live, Sheila Gunn Reid reacted to Trudeau’s speech at the Democracy Summit in which he encouraged radical environmental protests in foreign countries.
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  1. No, its you causing ALL the problems. STOP wasting OUR money on other countries!!
    Canadians first.
    YOU are a tyrant and I for one will never stop saying whatever I want about you, especially you, JT.
    I challenge you to come get me, not my accts, me. I'm waiting ?

  2. Thumbnail: Democracies. C’mon Rebel. Pretty basic spelling. Trudeau believes in censoring any criticism of him. That’s what all of his “free speech” legislation and bureaucracy is intended to do. If you fly a “Feck Trudeau” flag, you will be jailed.

  3. How about the rights of the Canadians being raped by you and your thieving cabinet.
    Suppress our rights while defending rights of other countries? Ludicrous, we're so in debt
    because of you, STOP spending our money so frivolously!


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