Media Party attempting to prop up Liberal-NDP coalition as public support dwindles


I I coined a phrase there called the media party which in in a sense it was to describe how the media was in League with the liberal party but I actually meant in a bit of a different way that it was a party until itself it had sort

Of a a party discipline it had like a party platform it defended itself it was a perpetuating machine that tried that had campaigns the only thing is you couldn’t vote it out that’s what I meant by media party but I think the chief thing about it was the feeling of

Identity it’s an ingroup if you’re part of the media party even if you’re a lowly intern at the CBC you’re you’re part of the team and these independent journalists this true north this counter signal this Western Standard this Rebel news they’re an outgroup they’re in a different party they’re the wild

Barbarians we are in it together on the inside and we don’t even have to be told to synchronize like birds uh joining formation in a flock you know it’s amazing how birds fly in a vshape I don’t know how they do it they just do it I think journalists on the in group

Are that same way and so I think they naturally feel a cohesion with Justin Trudeau and Jack me Singh and Elizabeth May and they see Rachel Emanuel key and bxy rebel news Etc as threats and they and so they would never speak out in defense of your

Reporters or M like it’s just it’s so Clubby it really reminds me of high school I don’t think in my entire life I’ve I’ve felt such a peer pressy thing other than the media party I don’t know maybe I’m overstating that but I really think it’s a social club it’s a status

Thing it’s an in-group outgroup thing it it it’s really Petty but they’re not defending our freedom of speech because they prefer to defend their Club what do you think of that well I think you’re right and that’s only the only reason I mentioned that Rachel Emanuel you know

Went to a fancy journalism school and she interned at the glob in mail she worked at I politics before she came over to the dark side of Independent Media so it’s like so how quickly you can turn on your own you’re right Ezra it’s kind of like she crossed the floor

She she went from one party uh to the other although I don’t think we’re quite the same kind of a chummy uh Club on the independent side but you know the the the broader Point really is that uh there’s a bunch of cultural Elites that sit in Ottawa that think they’re better

Than everyone else in the country they don’t really care about the concerns of everyday Canadian they’re more worried about spinning on behalf of Justin Trudeau there was an article in the CBC last week by Aaron weie talking about how the real problem with the carbon tax was a Communications issue they just

Weren’t explaining it right Ezra has nothing to do with the you know huge cost of living increases the affordability crisis the fact that folks can’t afford to fill up their gas tank that’s not the problem with the carbon tax it’s just it’s just a matter of like

Tweaking uh the language here and there and again really the the the purpose of the Legacy Media is to defend the liberal party they need the liberal party in order to to survive they need those cash bailouts they need government funding and they don’t care about the concerns of everyday Canadians which is

Why there’s such a huge opportunity for us you know True North Sor audience double or triple during covid because we wanted to tell the stories of the people who were getting fired for not getting vaccinated we wanted to tell the stories of people who perhaps had injuries uh

Because of policies that were forced upon them by the federal government we just wanted to tell different stories and it seemed very clear at that point the laky media was so disinterested in telling any stories other than the pre-approved narrative from the pmo it was it really you know the thing that

That had been living under the surface for probably two decades in Canada was just out in the open Unapologetic about it uh these people do not care about Canadians they care about pushing a message pushing an agenda and again just creates a huge opportunity uh for us at

True north folks like you at the rebel and you know it makes it fun too because we really have our work cut out for us but there’s so many opportunities to tell great stories in this country yeah one of the most uh surprising things I I

Heard when I was watching the CBC uh president Katherine Tate answering questions in committee I suppose I knew it but it it was just sort of shocking to hear it again that since Katherine Tate was appointed the CEO there their viewership has fallen in half I mean I I

Knew it was dwindling I it’s a little bit difficult to get precise numbers because the the uh agencies that measure those things don’t publish them regularly like they used to do but Canada’s population has never been bigger it’s over 4 40 million now so there’s more eyeballs than ever people

Are more glued to their screens than ever like everyone’s addicted um and in that environment to lose half your viewership I think that’s people voting with their clickers voting with their eyes I mean just no one cares anymore when I was young it wasn’t rare to have a million

People watching cbc’s the national and even if you disagreed with it you wanted to watch it cuz you want wanted to know what everyone else was saying now that there’s a lot of choice out there people are untrapped they’re they’re not forced to watch the government broadcaster and

Very few choose to do it you’re right and I think that’s why Trudeau government is stepping in with all these different various Fen censorship bans and and banning outlets on social media and trying to ban uh you know weaponized words that they don’t like and IL defined ideas like hate speech it’s like

They’re they’re trying to get that that thator story days back it’s interesting because I was covering a uh rodo Canada documentary that came out a couple weeks ago called trans Express and it was interesting the French CBC dared to do something CBC would never do which is tell a countercultural story about how

Many of the people who are rushed into transitions as adolescents lived to regret it so they followed four young women who had made this decision three of the four regretted and and are now working to get their lives back uh but anyway Radio Canada still does have a

Bit of a presence the theal Jal who put that together went on a radio talk show or a television talk show story called L parl which quebecers actually watch like like there’s still a critical mass of people in Quebec that are watching these stations that will have an impact on the

Culture and I was trying to think if there was anything equivalent uh in Canada and it’s like you know there there’s just so much diversity online there’s so many different places where you can get your news from I think that Canadians of your generation and my generation might still be aware that the

CBC has a show called The National I don’t think anyone under 30 under 25 is even even aware that that exists or that that’s an option they probably haven’t had cable television in their house ever perhaps and it really we’re witnessing a changing landscape which I think is a

Big reason why you have what probably have calls The Gatekeepers people like Justin Trudeau people like Katherine Tate they’re they’re trying to tighten their reign and trying to maintain control even though that you know the ship that they’re Manning is is is is sinking around them and there’s nothing

That they can do to stop these Trends I I sometimes think of a metaphor of um a a a room with no windows and a 100 candles and if you snuff out one candle so there’s only 99 burning it’s really imperceptible the difference if you snuff out 50 of 100 candles it’s darker

It’s still bright but but you’ll notice the difference snuff out another 25 now only 25 are left and the room is is significantly darker but you can still see you’re down to 10 Candles now the room is dark and think about it every candle you snuff out now makes a measurable

Difference it’s darker and you’re down to two candles left in the room and you snuff out one of them you’ve just cut out half the light that’s left and there’s one candle left flickering in the dark room and if you take out that candle it’s a greater change than any other change before

Because you go from one to zero just one single candle is enough to put some light in the room and the reason I think about that metaphor in my mind is that there used to be a lot of independent journalists in including at some Legacy Media outlets

And you can still find a few at the National Post and the Toronto Sun and even a few at the Global Mail I’m not saying they’re all awful but as as more and more of the media either turn out the lights themselves or are Co opted by taking government grants the handful of

Candles that are flickering for freedom and and we’ve talked about the four that you know counter signal Rebel news true north um Western Standard Justin Trudeau does not like he’s I think he’s very thin skinned I I think he’s very emotional when he’s criticized he hates it he’s used to

People obeying him his entire life he he he grew up um a Charmed Life a silver spoon in his mouth famous last name famous dad he’s handsome so he could sweet talk his way through things I think his entire life he’s used to people doing what he says and getting

Away with things and so those odd people that defy him he rages against them and it’s a very long interjection forgive me but he’s he’s snuffed out most of the lights now Candace there’s just a few flickering candles left but he knows what you and I know which is those last

Candles make more of a difference than the first few that went out the difference between one and zero is the greatest difference of all and so he controls most of the media through funding he controls the CBC which is larger than the rest of the media combined directly and yet he can’t stop

The criticism so he rages at the few who are independent you me social media that’s why C63 was introduced in my in my estimation because although he controlled so much he doesn’t control that last 1% go ahead sorry for I was talking for so long yeah no well it’s

Really interesting metaphor that you raised I hadn’t thought of it that way I I I think that that room that you mentioned the room with no uh lights and just candles uh if if that’s the world of Legacy Media then then good let’s shut off the candles and let’s move on

To a different room because I think that this may be the last election whenever it does come uh between Pier POV and Dustin Trudeau that the Legacy Media even has an impact that that it even sways the needle one way or another you know Ezra you and I have lived through

Many elections where the media has dominated the the outcome and that the winner of the election is solely because of the media coverage or if if if if if not uh it’s it’s a lack of media you know not no no lack of trying on behalf

Of the media uh to paint for instance Steven Harper as an absolute Monster Who’s going to like americanize the country or whatever uh they were accusing him of doing back then I just I think that the only reason that the Legacy Media has an ounce of relative uh

Relativeness in our society is because of all these bailouts because of all the money that Trudeau has given them and and hopefully if Pier POV is elected he’ll do away with that and we’ll see a reshaping of the landscape um more players like us will have more

Opportunities to get in and and shape the landscape you’ll have you know independent journalists on both sides of the political aisle and you won’t have this sort of stale you know uh very rehearsed teleprompter reading uh news stations that are totally out of touch and not covering things uh that are even

The slightest bit uh relevant and I think I think your analysis on Justin Trudeau is is really true I was reading a book uh the other day the psychology of money and he talks about a story of this sort of wealthy guy who had kids and he was worried that his kids were

Going to grow up spoiled and so he asked like the groundskeeping staff at his property to go play sports with his son like go play soccer and then he watched later and he was horrified because his like seven-year-old son was like winning and he was dominating and he was scoring

On all these housekeepers and the dad was horrified because he was like you know none of the staff wanted to stop the privileged Golden Boy uh from being soccer playing soccer so this kid you know grows up thinking that he’s an amazing soccer player because he’s playing against adults and he’s winning

I I kind of thought of Justin Trudeau when you when you talked about his his growing up and how he’s been been surrounded by people who adore him and he’s been part of this sort of tradition of liberal royalty in Canada and how distorted a self-perception is but look

I mean he must look at the polls he knows how unpopular he is and how hated and despised he is he must know I mean they can’t keep it from him uh so I think you’re right he’s lashing out because he he this is the first time where he can’t control uh his

Environment and people actually don’t like him they don’t like his personality they don’t like his policies they don’t like his ideas they don’t like the way he talks they don’t like the way he looks he’s not a popular prime minister at all that’ll be his legacy uh and

There’s nothing really he can do about it so you see someone uh sadly is just lashing out because it’s all they have left Basically

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, True North founder Candice Malcolm joined the show to discuss the importance of independent media in Canada and why legacy media is standing by the Trudeau Liberals.

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