Manitoba government, feds commit $40 million towards landfill search


Manitoba Chiefs for always being there for every step of the way from the very beginning of the homicide announcement on December 1st 2022 today and every day moving forward will be very very tough um but we did get a commitment today of $20 million from the provincial government and from the federal

Government so that’s a total of $40 million to search the landfill Bob canoe in his words said that we are going to search every keep meter of sou 13 where my mother Morgan and Mercedes are laying they have also committed funding um $500,000 as well as $200,000 for

Mental health supports to help the families during the hard time of the trial to come up ahead I am very grateful for these commitments going forward and I hope that we can continue to provide transparency to members of the public community members as well as

The families and I pray that one day we will see Justice that the uh that the uh the trial is going to happen and so we’re very much aware as well that we don’t want to impede or we don’t want to to uh to do anything to to ensure that uh

He he’ be uh going through the system himself through trial so we we will uh we’ll have to look at the time frames as to what when we will be able to start doing the work you may wait until after the trial’s concluded it might be maybe

There’s some stuff that we can do prior to that because a lot of the uh a lot of the issues that arised we need to be able to train people we need to be able to purchase such and such to be able to start that process there could be

Appeals and so forth which often take extended periods of time correct so is it possible that this could be years before no no no no I hope that whatever happens in terms of the trial be be done within uh a certain period of time we got to realize that when uh people go

Through the system that of uh going into into the courts that uh it’s up to the jury that’s going to determine the whether it’s guilty or not what whatever it is but uh in that uh in the meantime we we will start preparing to do the work I am grateful that there

Is a commitment being made it’s been a long road and back in January I myself filed a complaint of discrimination against the province of Manitoba as well as the previous Progressive conservative party for the levels of discrimination faced by my families over the last year

So I can definitely say that it is a step forward for indigenous peoples and it’s about taking back that narrative and from those who stole it from us um and it’s going to be Survivor and family Le going forward and I’m glad to hear that the premier is willing to work with

Their families

Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs Grand Chief Cathy Merrick joined Cambria Harris on Friday to comment on commitments made by the Canadian government and Manitoba’s provincial government totaling $40 million towards a search of Prairie Green landfill for the bodies of Mercedes Myran and Morgan Harris. “Wab Kinew, in his words, said: ‘We’re going to search every cubic meter of cell 13 where my mother and Mercedes Myran are believed to be buried,” Harris explained.

An additional $750,000 will be provided to the families for mental health support leading up to the trial of alleged serial killer Jeremy Skibicki. “[The federal and provincial governments] have also committed to binding support for mental health supports to help families for when the trial starts. It’s vital and important for [us] to have that support as we go into the trial because the grief is a reality every single day,” Harris added.

“Today’s a bitter sweet day, it’s a sense of relief but yet work needs to be done,” Merrick said. Merrick commented that this funding will help initiate the search. However, she didn’t say when the search will begin as the families and their advocates don’t want to jeopardize the trial of Skibicki to ensure justice is served.

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  1. Look how many people r against this move. But no, we favor the minority again. Such a waste, could be used for much better things, such as homelessness, housing, crime, list goes on and on. Need to have our priorities. Money is eventually going to run out

  2. THIS is LEADERSHIP? Trudeau has to go. Can’t say anything different expected from Kinew. Manitoba running a $2 billion deficit this year, the Province rife with substance abuse, homelessness, boil orders, murders, and other social problems…but no problem spending $20 million on this? Another $20 million from Canadian taxpayers. Gutless cave in. And they have the nerve to suggest that they may ask for more funding.

  3. wow, what a lack of compassion in all the ignorant comments. we are talking about peoples family members. Indigenous women are being murndered at 10x the rate of non-indigenous women and dumped into landfills….. if it was your sister,daughter, auntie or mother, I wonder how much money you would draw the line at then….. we are not talking about one family and I am almost certain there will be more remains found than the ones being searched for … if you're going to comment, be respectful

  4. They could take all of those unemployed men off the reserved to dig through the trash. Then at night they might be too tired to continue to abuse their women. I didn’t need an inquiry to tell me what happened to missing Native women

  5. I know it's sad, but this is ridiculous – just spend it on the living instead of the dead!! why don't they just burn the 40 million in cash in the same junk pile and say "Well! we didn't find the bodies!" what a waste.

  6. 40 million dollars to search for human remains? While people are dying across Canada in waiting rooms in emergency departments? While people are dying in the streets from “legalized deadly drugs”? While people are dying of homelessness? Of despair? While indigenous people are offered death for their children – their survival as a culture? Okkkkkkkaaaay. Wow!!!!!!! Whoa!!!!!!!

  7. Maybe a member of the public should file a lawsuit against their local or provincial government for wasteful spending? Its like a hundred and fifty bucks to file a small claims suit. Less than that if you're not looking to be paid out for anything more than 3k.

    Both parties are required to defend themselves if one choose to self represent. People need to learn how to use the system to our advantage.

  8. Gee, I wonder why the province is 2 billion in debt, a bunch of professional victims with their hands out and fingers pointed at everyone else but themselves.
    That’s the attitude of people who have zero understanding of working for a living!
    Ever sick, ever sick…

  9. NDP and Liberals are very well known for spending tax dollars as if money was infinite. Alberta made that mistake once and we went downhill very quickly. Time for Manitoba to pay for their mistake

  10. What??? Are you fukin serious???? I’m sorry those ppl were murdered and dumped into the landfill but this is a total waste of money and it’s very dangerous for ppl to go searching in that stuff!! This is unbelievable!!! Why should the government pay for it???

  11. And just like the places that got excavated after claims of remains by ground penetrating radar…NOTHING WILL BE FOUND AND THE DISAPPOINTMENT ON THE CHEIFS FACES WILL BE OBVIOUS. THEN THEY CAN PAY IT BACK

  12. Still no apology for false claims of inndigenous remians..and it was proven that there are no remains at places ground penetrating radar was used. IT WAS A LIE,STILL IS,THEY GOT CAUGHT,AND OWE ALL OF CANADA AN APOLOGY.


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