How can you protect your vehicle from getting stolen?


Vehicle theft is up across the country according to the insurance Bureau of Canada more than 105,000 Vehicles were stolen in 2022 that’s one vehicle every 5 minutes so what can you do to protect your vehicle well I asked an expert for advice hi my name is consal John Benson I’m with the

Trap Team which stands for Target response to auto theft prevention in 2023 just over 4,700 Vehicles were stolen in Edmonton with that uh over half are stolen with keys in the vehicles so um it is on the rise and there’s also been an increase in um auto theft for profit

Where vehicles are being shipped overseas the most common type of vehicle is stolen is pickup trucks but uh all types of vehicles are Stillen we’ve seen them stolen from everywhere uh whether it’s public parking lots or uh off driveways that people’s residence there’s no real specific Place so some basic tips uh would include parking in well lit areas uh removing any valuables from Vehicles just to make that vehicle less uh desirable of a Target but the one thing that we really want to encourage people is to um ensure their keys are secured um generally when the temperatures drop

And we see that increase in vehicles being stolen while they’re being left idling and that’s where we recommend people either remain in their vehicles to while it warms up or or invest in a remote car starter um because some offenders will actually uh go looking at those early hours in the morning when

They know people are getting ready for work leaving their vehicles idling and and that’s when um those opportunities present themselves if your vehicle is stolen Constable Benson says there is a way to increase the likelihood of getting it back and that’s giving the team the ability to track it whether

That’s existing GPS technology in the car or something like an air tag Emily Fitzpatrick CBC News Edmonton

The number of car thefts each year continues to rise across Canada. Edmonton police have a dedicated team working to address that steady increase in vehicle thefts and have these tips for protecting your vehicle.

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  1. According to a statement by Toronto Police, we are advised to leave our key fobs at the front door. It should be accompanied by a fresh cup of coffee and a few treats in case the theives are hungry and a little parched.

  2. Who is your expert, most cars today use a key fob and not an old standard key. There are many precautions to take with a key FOB and there are many videos covering this subject. Also, i suggest you get a club for the brake or steering wheel or both.

  3. This video was useless. If you want to prevent your vehicle from being stolen, install an IGLA anti-theft system. Won’t matter if thieves steal your key fob or your key fob’s wireless signal to start your vehicle. Won’t matter if thieves hack in through your vehicle’s OBD port. You can literally leave your key fob outside your front door like TPS suggested.


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