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4-H Canada is going through some key changes

“4-H Canada, a renowned national youth development program, has recently faced a major setback with a 35 percent cut in support from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. This unexpected funding decrease has led to the unfortunate layoffs of seven staff members, forcing the organization to restructure its operations.

The Impact of Funding Changes

Over the past decade, 4-H Canada has benefited from approximately $1 million in funding from Agriculture Canada. While some of this funding is considered flow-through money, with 4-H Canada redistributing it to provincial organizations for their programming, changes in AAFC’s priorities have necessitated a shift in how the funding is allocated. The focus is now specifically on programs related to agriculture, leaving other non-agricultural programs at risk.

Looking Towards the Future

Despite the funding challenges, 4-H Canada is actively seeking alternative funding sources to support its provincial programs. Applications have been submitted to Employment and Social Development Canada, with hopes of securing grants that align with the 4-H mandate. Optimism remains high, as past support from the Department of Canadian Heritage and ESDC has provided a glimmer of hope for continued financial assistance.

A Call for Continued Support

As 4-H Canada navigates these turbulent waters, it is crucial for stakeholders and supporters to rally behind the organization. The impact of the funding cuts extends beyond just financial constraints, affecting the valuable programs and opportunities that 4-H provides to youth across the country. By coming together and advocating for continued support, we can ensure that 4-H Canada remains a beacon of inspiration and growth for generations to come.

In conclusion, the challenges faced by 4-H Canada serve as a reminder of the importance of investing in youth development programs. As we reflect on the impact of funding cuts, let us not lose sight of the profound difference that organizations like 4-H make in the lives of young people. Together, we can work towards securing a brighter future for Canadian youth and ensuring that programs like 4-H Canada continue to thrive.”



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