Would you pay for an empty middle seat on your flight? ??? #plane #MiddleSeat #travel


A US Airline is unveiling a new option for people who want more space when flying Frontier Airlines is introducing the upgrades that guarantee an empty middle seat it’s called upfront plus and only applies to the first two rows of the plane which also have the added

Bonus of extra leg room and there’s an introductory offer right now so the upgrade will cost passengers around $67 Canadian for flights between April 10th and 20th right now Frontier doesn’t operate flights in Canada but the idea could take flight on this side of the Border

U.S. airline Frontier is offering passengers the chance to pay to guarantee an empty middle seat in a three-seat row on their flights. Though the airline currently doesn’t operate flights in Canada, it’s possible the idea could take off there as well.

#Plane #Frontier #Travel



  1. To some aspect, glad I do not need to use such transport means.
    Only flown once or twice..
    Did not like the whole proccess of having to strip down, have all my stuff rifled through.." class system" well..I understand to a point but felt a bit discrimanated against in the way how they announced " first class" to be borded first, among all the other stuff brought on by a few arseholes whom had some political agenda hijacking planes and causing problems with passengers.
    I do not see this move working well come christmas time, or other occasions where people need to travel in large numbers.
    Well, if one could afford their own means, would consider that over a major airline, but reality says not exactly feasable or without bigger problems. ?.
    Looking at the roadways and all problems associated with travel on them..figure the airways already have enough problems with traffic and security.
    Moving people, products and such well..don't know if there ever will be a perfect system that allows all to get around with no hassles or hang ups.
    Was a treat to see the ground from the window of a 737 once in the air, will never forget how the sun looked shining through the clouds and the cities at night from above.
    Will most likely never get to see that again, save for anything posted here on youtube or livestreamed.
    Even if I wanted to fly, cannot afford it regardless, so these measures do not affect me that much.
    Just see longer lines and more people stuck at airports waiting for another flight.


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