Ontario cancelled its basic income pilot project early, and participants still feel the loss


Basic income really gave me a sense of dignity I wasn’t below everybody it was nice to see my cupboards my fridge my freezer my cupboards you know full of food with the basic income I got a gym membership it was a really positive influence in my life you’ve probably

Heard the expression if it sounds too good to be true it probably is well that’s how people are describing Ontario’s basic income pilot project the project was announced in 2017 by the liberal government researchers wanted to find out how people’s lives would change if they received a basic income nearly

4,000 people signed a contract to share their information with researchers in exchange they’d receive monthly payments for 3 years the pilot took place in Lindsay Hamilton and Thunder Bay but the program was scrapped in 2018 shortly after the conservatives came into Power he mentioned that you know if he got in

If he was elected he would keep that and of course we all know he Reed on his promise I know some people went back to school some people you know had children thinking right they had this guaranteed money for 3 years right now I’m I’m I’m

Stayhome dad and uh on ano works right now child tax so it’s very limited income it’s very it’s it’s a lot more difficult than it would have been on basic income for sure uh I felt like all the dignity I worked for and all the dignity they gave me with the program

Was just stri away earlier this month the Ontario superior court of justice certified a class action lawsuit against the province for cancelling the project early the lawsuit alleges that the province breached the terms and conditions of the contract that it entered with participants this could take years to go through the courts

Meanwhile the cost of living keeps going up a single person on the Ontario Disability Support Program gets $138 a month for basic needs in shelter less than $116,000 a year for a single person on Ontario Works it’s $733 under $9,000 a year we asked the ministry of children community and

Social Services whether that’s enough to live on the ministry provided an emailed statement saying future increases for ODSP are now tied to inflation and will occur each July helping recipients to keep Pace with the rising costs of life’s Essentials meanwhile the living wage in thunderbay is $19.80 an hour

Which would be about4 to$ 41,000 a year ODSP and ow rates are not on par with inflation so I mean I don’t know if people understand that there are folks that are living on $700 a month and that’s what they have to buy all their food pay all their bills Buy pay their

Rent they have to live on that money we know that rents are $181,900 a month that doesn’t meet uh leave much left over so what it would mean is that people would be able to meet the so social determinance of Health they would be able to live a life of quality but

There may be changes coming at the federal level an act to develop a national framework for a guaranteed livable basic income is currently going through Parliament it’s a joint effort from within the House of Commons and the Senate if passed the Minister of Finance would have one year to develop a

Framework for a guaranteed livable basic income the Senate bill has reached a second reading but there’s still a long way to go however those who received Ontario’s basic income say that it would be a game changer Sarah law CBC News Thunder Bay

The Ontario basic income pilot project was supposed to provide monthly payments to people in Lindsay, Hamilton and Thunder Bay for three years — but the program was axed shortly after the Conservatives came into power in 2018. Here’s how the cancellation continues to affect former participants, as advocates at the federal level push for a guaranteed livable basic income framework for all of Canada.

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  1. Only the CBC will propose receiving an income for no contributions of value “to someone else”, a customer wanting said goods or service.
    As a 75 yr old still working, I’m supporting my family and do not desire to support others who make little value to others.

  2. My opinion isn't popular. But if you can't afford a child. Don't have one.. if you're struggling with your first child… Don't have more. I'm tired of taxes going to cheques to offset these people's financial problems. Stop living in credit. If you can't afford to buy something with cash… you can't afford it.

  3. So instead of being thankful they are demanding more money. That's why this never should have been tried. It's a great idea, just give everyone free money. Question is who is going to pay for that?

  4. I'm all for UBI if there are significant requirements for it. Drug free, and audits. If we give people money to help them get ahead and dig out of poverty, they need to be accountable for that privilege.

  5. A lawsuit …. good grief…. that'd be like my neighbors dogs getting together to sue me ' cause I didn't wanna pay for their food…
    U collecting "UBI" ? then get out there and clean the streets up for Pete's Sake…

  6. Everyone's talking about how much of a mess single dad is, but what about gym lady? She wants access to thousands of dollars of gym equipment on the taxpayer dime, so what, she can use the treadmill or something? Go for a walk/jog its free and you can see nature.

    And dignity from free money. There's no personal responsibility with these people.

  7. Surprised comments are allowed.
    A universal income is coming. Millions of us will be obsolete soon.
    We went from too many positions unfilled that we need millions of immigrants and now line ups for a decent if that job with people fighting in line.
    What are we doing?

  8. As automation replaces human beings, there won't be enough jobs for everyone. The remaining employers aren't paying people enough to live on so the Universal Basic Income is an ideal solution.

  9. unemployment needs to have a
    bank of "few hours a week jobs and a few hours of community kitchen and volunteer work' or those receiving welfare or whatever they call it. self estime also comes from volunteering to the community. the dad could probably find an internet job!

  10. This sounds crazy but in the past we didn't have so many people with serious issues having too many babies.
    Now we have a population that is half useless now all dependent on the fewer and fewer working peoples money to survive.
    Socialism and it's programs have failed miserably.
    There must be a better way.
    Why give parents huge baby bonuses. Just reduce the taxes.
    Over and over again we doing the wrong thing.
    When will the intellectuals learn?
    When taxpayers refuse to pay for all the tax money paying thier salaries and benefits.
    Please stop the insanity.


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