Global National: March 21, 2024 | Limits of Canada ending military’s authority over sex offences


On this Thursday night ottawa’s proposed changes to investigating sexual misconduct in the military the move survivors and Advocates have long called for it’s a good step in the right direction and why the legislation has its limits pleas for peace and to protect civilians in Gaza Israel has the right

To defend not to Revenge the fresh confidence of ceasefire can be reached Bad Apple the US Justice Department’s new lawsuit and accusations against the Tech Giant and an apology nearly seven decades in the making this was a failure of the system Manitoba’s May a culpa to two men switched at

Birth global national with Donna Fen reporting tonight Jackson frco good evening and thanks for joining us major reforms could be coming to the Canadian military’s justice system the federal government has proposed long- awaited legislation that will strip the can Canadian Armed Forces of its ability to investigate and prosecute sexual

Offenses on home soil those cases would instead be handled by civilian courts something Advocates and survivors have called for as Abigail Bean reports the Chang has come after years of recommendations and extensive investigative reporting by global news it’s change Advocates call years in the making it gives more agency to the

Survivor um because they no longer have to go through their commanding officer that’s the the biggest reform for survivors of military sexual misconduct if the new legislation becomes law they can go right to police with a complaint rather than through their chain of command it was a key recommendation and

One of many from separate reports by two former Supreme Court Justices this is the right thing to do for the men and women who serve in the Canadian Armed Forces um we’ve heard very clearly from from victims and survivors once the legislation is passed there will be no

Fight over jurisdiction because it would be entrenched so it’s a good step in the right direction beginning in 2021 Global News has reported extensively on allegations of sexual misconduct against senior military members the government promised culture change and has been criticized for being slow to act cultural change is critically important

We’re absolutely committed to it but I also recognize it’s a process not an event but Thursday’s announcements still leave some issues unaddressed it only applies to alleged offenses in Canada with hundreds of Canadian Armed Forces members serving abroad and it’s also no secret our civilian justice system is

Strained and there’s no promise of new resources beyond the minister saying he’s working with provincial counterparts it does seem like a major Gap and and I will be pushing on the government to to look at that as well the minister says the new legislation tackles nine of the recommendations from

The former Supreme Court Justices but after several years he acknowledges there’s still much more work to do with 119 of the 20 and six recommendations expected to be completed by the end of this year Jackson Abigail Bean in Ottawa thanks conservative party leader Pierre POV ramped up his campaign to try and

Pause a scheduled hike of the federal carbon tax on April 1st after running petitions and attempting to force an emergency debate in the House of Commons today he urged MPS to back his motion to topple the liberal government over the planned increase our chief political correspondent David Aken watched the debate play out

David well Jackson the conservatives simply did not have the numbers to bring down the government I declare the motion defeated the minority Trudeau government won the day with the support of bla and NDP MPS the Tories would surely have known they would lose but for them the

Point of the exercise was to force the debate we as common sense conservatives are ready to restore hope in this country but it starts with change We rise today to vote non-confidence in this NDP liberal government and while the House of Commons spent the day debating that confidence motion

Conservatives on The house’s transport committee were trying to make more political hay at the expense of environment Minister Steven Gilbo Gilbo had been quoted in February saying the federal government would no longer invest in New Roads he subsequently corrected himself to say he meant there would be no federal money for a car

Tunnel in Quebec but his political opponents were not going to let him off that easy so this seems to be a war on cars this has been the plan all along and so what what M Minister gbo did was was just say the quiet part are loud my comments were specifically related to

The project in Quebec Gilbo is a favorite Target of conservatives because he is the chief evangelist for the carbon tax so if you don’t understand how the carbon tax affects road infrastructure I can’t help you but I have a question for you is there anything that you would do to walk back

You personally would you walk back in any case the 23% carbon tax increase in April gabo would only defend the carbon tax in French noting that yes while the carbon tax does go up April 1st so does the rebate paid to most Canadians in getting Canada to net zero emissions but the

Institute said industrial carbon pricing systems on large emitters that’s what’s in place in Alberta will make the single biggest cont contribution to cutting emissions Jackson thanks David for the first time Canada is setting targets for the number of temporary resident arrivals the immigration Minister says in 2023 Canada was home to about 2.5

Million temporary residents roughly 6% of the population the federal government wants to reduce that to 5% by 2027 the reduction includes temporary foreign workers but won’t apply to the construction or Health Care sectors it was back to business for the liberal government of Newland and Labrador today releasing the provincial budget a day

After delaying it due to a Rowdy protest a group of fish Harvesters returned to the legislature demanding changes to their industry they were met by dozens of police officers Heidi petrac reports on the Fallout from the dispute that overshadowed budget day a firecracker signaled the start of

A second day of protest frustrated fish Harvesters back before Dawn facing police officers in riot gear outside the Confederation building this side stay here a court injunction granted to the province was meant to prevent protesters from blocking entrances or harassing government employees but tensions were still high although calmer than Wednesday’s

Chaos police and protesters clashed mounted officers pushing their horses back into the crowd the family of this man injured in The Fray says 52-year-old Fisher Richard Martin is waiting in a hospital hallway for surgery a police officer picked them up from behind and slammed them down on the curb allegedly

Um so his hip bone is completely smashed in half don’t be baited into doing something with the line held outside government politicians went ahead with the budget inside but one side of the house remained empty after opposition politicians refused to enter the building citing solidarity with fish Harvesters the premier and his been

Minister of Fisheries LED people to to conclude that they they hurt us and they’re actually going to do something and we find out that nothing was done the province has repeatedly said it is working on fish Harvesters concerns but with the affordability crisis felt here as much as anywhere many feel the

Financial future is Bleak this fishery has changed dramatically in the last 30 years and there’s massive Debs now that’s being incurred especially by those young Harvesters starting out get this hammered out get it done we’re going home the question is whether that will happen now Heidi pachic Global News

Halifax in Ukraine at least 17 people were injured in and around keev in an early morning Russian missile strike around 30 missiles were fired on the Ukrainian Capital the first strikes in 44 days Ukraine says its air defense systems intercepted all the missiles injuries on the ground were mainly

Caused by Falling debris The Assault renewed calls from Ukraine’s president for more International Aid and World Unity the US Secretary of State says there’s clear consensus for an immediate and sustained ceasefire in Gaza Anthony blinkin made those remarks on a tour of the Middle East as the US circulates a

Draft UN resolution that calls for a humanitarian pause in exchange for the release of hostages as Crystal ganing Reports European leaders are also increasing pressure on Israel to do more to help civilians European leaders managed to unite around protection for ukrainians now leaders are looking for consensus on

Civilian lives in Gaza Israel has the right to defend not to Revenge the European Union foreign policy Chief has aggressively and repeatedly called on Israel to do more to protect civilians and permit more Aid to enter Gaza America’s top Diplomat is meeting with middle eastern leaders selling a draft ceasefire resolution it’s

Submitted to the United Nations security Council the US vetoed three previous Council resolutions the difference this time seems to be the temporary ceasefire is linked to the return of hostages more than 100 Israeli hostages are believed to be held in Gaza captured following the deadly October 7th attacks

Orchestrated by Hamas in an interview with an Arab Network Anthony blinkin sounded confident a new temporary ceasefire would be achieved we worked very hard to put a strong proposal on the table we did that Hamas wouldn’t accept it they came back with uh other uh requests other other demands the

Negotiators are working on that right now but I believe it’s very much doable Israel launched fresh ground in air assaults on Gaza Thursday the Israeli government says a delegation will go to Doha Friday for talks but author gu ziv says peace will do little for prime minister Benjamin netanyahu’s career

What we’re seeing see today is a Netanyahu who is in deep political trouble uh he has lost a tremendous amount of support so it is in his interest to continue this war in a national TV address Wednesday the Israeli Prime Minister said he approved military plans to enter Rafa

And told the American president the operation was happening Chrystal ganing Global News London the US justice department and 15 states have filed an antitrust lawsuit against Apple accusing the company of illegally monopolizing the smartphone market we alleged that Apple has employed a strategy that relies on exclusionary anti-competitive conduct

That hurts both consumers and developers if left unchallenged Apple will only continue to strengthen its smartphone Monopoly the 88 page lawsuit accuses Apple of intending to keep consumers using their iPhones instead of singg to other devices in a statement Apple said the lawsuit could set a dangerous

Precedent and hinder its ability to make compelling consumer-friendly technology apple is the latest in a string of big tech companies to be sued by us Regulators including meta and Amazon in a medical first doctors in the US have transplanted a genetically modified Pig kidney into a living patient 62-year-old Richard slamman who

Has endstage renal disease underwent the 4-Hour operation last Saturday he’s been recovering well and so far there are no signs of rejection a tribute to Brian at his childhood home coming up we visit the neighborhood where he grew Up the family of Brian Mor gathered privately around the late former prime minister an emotional occasion as he lies in Repose at Montreal St Patrick’s pilica Mone will remain there until his State funeral this Saturday among those who paid respects today former Quebec Premier Lucian bushard one of Malone’s

Former cabinet ministers and an old friend I think that someone like byan Malon leaves behind him hope for young people let them think about Brian M young guy from bigo Mal would often call himself the little guy from B comoo his hometown along Quebec’s North Shore our Mike

Armstrong is there for a glimpse of Mal’s early life if you stand on this street corner in bom Mo you’re basically in the middle of Brian mud’s childhood it is in every direction especially that one so let’s start up the hill when Ben and Irene Mal brought their first son

Home from the hospital they lived at 132 Champlain Street Brian was their third child but the first born in bomo they moved several years later further down the street most of mone’s childhood was spent at 99 Champlain Street if you peek in you can see the current owner’s small

Tribute the Malones eventually moved again and again it was just further down Champlain to 79 now down the hill is the hotel where a teenage M Ro had one of his first jobs washing glasses in the bar a little further there’s the post office another early job he was a Sor

Now near the crust of the hill is the church where mber he was baptized St Emily was where his mother went to mass every Sunday and where Brian served as an altar boy it was also for a time his school classes were in the basement and there was the occasional bingo in his

Memoirs Mal Ro remembers winning a turkey and 4 pounds of butter which he and his mother proudly carried home now mone’s Last Visit to his hometown was in 2019 it was a ceremony at St Emily to unveil a bust in his honor talk about his love affair with

The town and how it shaped him I suppose that if there were a model for a growing Canada it would have been bomo a small town with Big Dreams the bust unveiled on that day is now in front of City Hall and as dignitaries from around the world go to

Montreal for the state funeral to remember this man people here will watch from afar sort of with the the blessing of the Malone family the town of B Koo is going to be showing the funeral at St up the hill Mike Armstrong Global News bomo Quebec Switched at Birth ahead what led

To a formal apology from Manitoba’s Premier Richard the province of Manitoba has formally apologized to two men switched at birth nearly 70 years a go Edward Ambrose and Richard bouvet were born in the same Hospital on the same day in 1955 while they can’t change the past they hope today’s apology is an important step forward Marne blunt

Reports first there was a warm heartfelt welcome then came the words two Manitoba men have spent years waiting to hear I rise today to deliver an apology that has been a long time coming for action that harmed two children two sets of parents and two families across many generations an official apology for

Manitoba’s Premier nearly 70 years in the making to two men switched at birth in 1955 Ed and Richard are here today as two people wronged by the Manitoba government and the institutions they should have been able to trust Edward Ambrose and Richard bouvet were born on June 2 8

1955 at a hospital in the small rural community of arberg north of Winnipeg they were sent home with each other’s parents now the two say they feel gratitude and relief he came across as apologizing for all of man TOA and it meant it meant it was good I I feel

Relieved and I think he did like I say he did a fantastic job I think he put everything at peace the discovery of the switch was made 2 years ago thanks to atome DNA testing kits which led to a meeting that brought a range of emotions it’s

Emotional uh for meeting someone who who is you but I am him bouvet discovered he was Ukrainian and Jewish he had been raised May te attended day school and was taken from his family during the 60s scoop now they’re trying to find the good in what they can’t change been emotional but

It’s been happy it’s been positive and uh no one is losing anything by this but our family is just expanding and growing this is the third known case of babies being switched at birth in Manitoba two other cases happened in 1975 both at the same Hospital in Norway house in Northern

Manitoba Jackson Marne blunt and Winnipeg Thanks next how some famous friends are remembering the late Brian Mone well as Canadians pay their respects to Brian Malon some high-profile figures are sharing their own stories of the late prime minister and one theme stands out in many of the tales Eric senson gives us insight into Brian Mone the

Kuner even a hockey hero in his prime was Star Struck we were so proud and so excited to go to 24 Sussex and Wayne Gretzky remembers another time a music icon just as anxious before singing in front of Brian and Mila Mone I said how

You doing he goes I’m so nervous I said nervous you’re Michael bé he goes the Prime Minister Canada and his wife are here Wayne I’m very nervous Gretzky chatting with the former prime minister’s son Ben Malone one of several public figures telling personal stories for a special on corus radio we thought

This side of him was something worth sharing and if there was one side of Brian M that kept coming up it was this music and singing Canadians remember the famous Shamrock Summit When molone cwed an Irish favorite with US President Reagan well it wasn’t a one-off President George W bush recalls a dinner with M roone when he popped up at the table uh when we were visiting up in Canada and started singing I said oh my God what is this guy up to and it was

Clear that he loved to sing and frankly I was uh amazed another President Bill Clinton talking to Ben M the older he got the more he would sing he sang at the drop of a hatk goodness he had a good voice he did all been miserable cuz he would have sung Anyway Brian Mone loved to sing officially and unofficially he referred to himself as a frustrated Bon singer I think he wanted us to remember him at his most joyful and that’s when he was singing late in life Mal audio recorded several songs just for his family these are mostly for the

Grandchildren and I thought the Mila particularly thought it would be nice for them one was paper doll I’m going to buy a paper doll that I can call my own a favorite too of Michael bé A close friend a do other fellas cannot steal they sang together the last time

They spoke by video and when the camera pan back I could see the whole family was there surrounding him and uh and everyone was very emotional and I was very emotional you’re who H you never had to ask Brian M twice to sing here joining the choir honoring him in his

Home town I see shaking hands saying hi with a microphone in hand it’s hard to know what Brian Mone really preferred to make a speech or sing a song and I think to myself What a Wonderful [Applause] World Eric senson global news Toronto and there will be a chorus radio

Network special remembering prime minister Brian morone a family tribute it’ll be hosted by his son Ben morone on Saturday afternoon and Donna FZ will host live coverage of Brian Malon State funeral in Montreal Saturday morning right here on global and that’s global national for this Thursday I’m Jackson

Prco tonight’s your Canada is the notredam Basilica in Montreal where Brian Mone State funeral will be held on Saturday thanks for watching and have a great Night

The federal government is proposing the Canadian Armed Forces be stripped of its power to investigate and prosecute sexual offences within its ranks. Abigail Bimman has reaction to the move and how the legislation has some limits.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has survived a non-confidence motion on the carbon tax, after Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre tried to trigger a snap election over the Liberals’ planned increase of the levy. David Akin looks at how some Conservatives also spent the day criticizing Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault, who’s the chief advocate for the carbon tax.

Newfoundland and Labrador’s government has tabled its budget a day after delaying it due to a large protest of fish harvesters outside the province’s legislature. Heidi Petracek looks at how police officers handled the second day of demonstrations and how one protester injured the day prior is now waiting for surgery.

While pressure grows on Israel to agree to an immediate and sustained ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the U.S. has put forward a draft United Nations (UN) resolution for a humanitarian pause. Crystal Goomansingh reports on the conditions for that temporary ceasefire, how Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remains adamant about his military’s planned invasion of Rafah, as well as European Union (EU) foreign policy chief Josep Borrell’s tough words for Israel.

Former prime minister Brian Mulroney would often call himself the “little guy from Baie-Comeau,” which is his hometown along Quebec’s north shore. Mike Armstrong reports from Baie-Comeau for a glimpse of Mulroney’s early life and how the current owners of his childhood home are honouring him.

Manitoba Premier Wab Kinew has formally apologized on behalf of the province to Edward Ambrose and Richard Beauvais, two men who were accidentally switched at birth at a hospital in the town of Arborg in 1955. Marney Blunt looks at how the error was discovered and the range of emotions from both men and their families after the apology.

Plus, as Canadian pause to remember Mulroney, one theme stands out in the stories being shared about him. Eric Sorensen looks at how Mulroney’s love for signing endeared him to so many people over the course of his life.

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  1. military sexual offences now being investigated by civilian police. are you kidding me.
    so basically none of the offences will be investigated, no recommendations will ever be approved by prosecutors and lastly If charges were to be approved no judge in Canada would ever convict any offender because our criminal justice system is as much of a joke as trudeau and his circus of liberals.
    I feel for future victim's I really do.?

  2. "Israel has a right to defend not avenge" How do you classify this as avenge? This is going on for years of terrorists attacks on Israel. PM Natenyavu is the wisest decision maker ever. May God bless Israel to win this war against terror

  3. The government of canada failing on every level big surprise sexual a miss conduct Is the least of our problems we have a Corrupt prime minister And I know lots of people in the military who are crackheads Our country is a joke


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