CTV National News | Wednesday, March 20: Newfoundland fish harvesters protest restrictions


Tonight clashes on land in a protest over business at Sea scary moments in St John’s punching horses and assaulting individuals that’s unacceptable and the calls for a Freer fishing industry your dictatorship at the moment threatening a government takedown over the carbon tax will he Spike the hike or will we have a carbon

Tax election he scor Chris Simon on the one timer also the family of Chris Simon says he suffered from being an NHL enforcer Chris Simon should get credit for this one plus accusations of an information breach over Royal Medical Records she’s absolutely entitled to a degree of privacy and the pursuit of happiness

Tell the world that you’re happy come on buddy Canada takes a hit on a global measurement of joy CTV national news with Omar saaden good evening everyone we begin tonight with the dramatic confrontation between police and protesters on the doorsteps of Newland and labrador’s legislature the chaotic clash between

Fish Harvesters and Mounted Police even delayed the release of the province’s budget Harvesters are demanding more freedom over who they can sell their catch to and for how much and want the province to loosen restrictions on what they are calling a cartel ctv’s Garrett Barry leads us off tonight on the

Tensions protesters clashed with two Mounted Police units as they blocked access to the provincial legislature this morning after the encounter one man was brought away in an ambulance with what organizers called a broken hip an officer was also injured what police call a rush demonstrators were here

Since Dawn they want changes to how newon labrador’s fishery is regulated they say the market here is like a cartel they can only sell to certain buyers at prices that are sometimes set by a government appointed board your dictatorship at the moment I I parked me both it don’t matter what

The weather’s like I’m told when to go what to bring in and and how much I getting paid for it we need more competition they protested all morning with one loud argument between a demonstrator and a senior member of the premier’s own staff you got no respect

For hot trying to get into our around noon after the province said it would delay today’s planned budget speech protesters declared Victory and said they’d be back something happened today that have never happened before in the history of new land the budget was canceled tomorrow and I got a funny feeling that

It may be cancelled again tomorrow but the provincial government went to court and got an injunction against these protests giving police more power to disrupt them Premier Andrew Fury called today’s scenes violent some of the videos that I’ve seen punching horses and assaulting individuals that that’s

Unacceptable and the police uh had a job to do and they will continue to do it he said he is listening to the Fisheries Union in the province and committing to making some changes he also said his budget will be delivered no matter what the f will return to this legislature

Tomorrow to see if the provincial government here can introduce their budget or whether demonstrators will shut it down once again Omar all right Garrett thank you in Saskatchewan the provincial government did release its budget despite angry protest from teachers in front of the legislature there feels like as a teacher we don’t

Necessarily get the supports that our students need and we need in the classroom despite an increase in education funding the teachers Federation says it’s not enough to rest store the pur students spend from nearly a decade ago some teachers are planning another strike on Friday there was also intensified political acrimony in Ottawa

Today conservative leader Pierre PV turned up the heat on prime minister Justin Trudeau over the government’s carbon price increase on April 1st and now he’s planning a non-confidence motion ctv’s Annie ber Oliver on the threat and whether it will have any impact high in the polls the

Conservatives are now turning to a new tactic to try and force an election on the Liberals over the controversial carbon tax an election on the price on pollution we had three Mr Speaker and we won them all then he shouldn’t be afraid to have one more exactly speaking to caucus today the

Conservative leader put the government on notice saying he intends to move a non-confidence motion tomorrow if the government does doesn’t scrap the $15 a ton carbon tax increase planned for April 1st right now the conservatives have a massive advantage over the Liberals they’re at 39% the Liberals are at

25 so for the conservatives to have an election now would probably be very good news and they’re trying to put pressure and up the ante on the carbon tax which is a key dividing line between the two parties polls show Canadians are divided on the carbon tax and so are provincial

Leaders Ontario liberal leader Bonnie kromy and New Brunswick liberal leader Susan Holt want the hike scrapped while the premier of Saskatchewan New Finland New Brunswick Prince Edward Island Alberta Ontario and Nova Scotia either want the carbon tax canceled or the hike paused at this time when the cost of

Living the pressures that families are under the pressures Nova scotians are under for for the for the federal government to be reached into the pocket and taking even more it’s just it’s not appropriate in any way while an election now may be advantageous for the conservatives the Liberals are are

Unlikely to lose any non-confidence vote the NDP are on side with the carbon tax and so why why vote against it B um they’ve got these other things in the can with the Liberals like pharmacare for example and they’re not going to jeopardize that I don’t think the

Liberals say this increase is necessary to drive down emissions and that many Canadians will get more money back from the Canada carbon rebate but the conservatives disagree and say that this hike Omar will only make life more expensive all right dennie thank you to the deepening cracks in the liberal

Caucus now after the watered down NDP motion on Palestinian statehood passed on Monday one of the most outspoken critics of the motion and one of the three liberals who voted against it says he has not ruled out crossing the floor to join the opposition conservatives I have relationships and

And and in the same way my liberal colleagues are talking to me um others are talking to me today the immigration Minister said the motion could make it harder for people seeking asylum in Canada to get out of Gaza but of the government of Canada has consequences

And on the particular impact of that program I don’t think that motion is necessarily a good thing well Mark Miller says the motion was principled he added it has upset Israel’s government more Canadians had a chance to say their goodbyes on the final day of former prime minister Brian maron’s lying in

State in Ottawa it was a privilege actually to work for him I wouldn’t do this for every politician but for Brian M for sure he was just a great man his family attended the public View doing again today meeting many wellwishers the Cortez will now travel to Montreal for

2day lying in Repose starting tomorrow morning Maron would have turned 85 years old today and we will be broadcasting live from Montreal this Friday and again on Saturday for our special coverage of the state funeral for Brian morone starting at 9:00 a.m. on CTV and online at ctvnews.ca

The federal government revealed today it has called the mounties to look into several cases of fraud involving millions of illegitimate payments on federal contracts Ottawa says they’re not related to the controversial arrive can app but have warned they could discover even more ctv’s Michael Couture has the details accusations of fraud have led

The government to ask the RCMP to investigate it contractors who worked on federal contracts and allegedly double builded an internal review found between 2018 and 2022 three individual it subcontractors charg the same hours to multiple government departments the alleged fraud netted the trio $5 million and touched 36 different government

Departments and agencies this is a obviously a troubling outcome something that we would never want to see government officials told reporters between five and 10 other internal investigations are underway suspecting similar schemes opposition conservatives believe it’s a troubling Trend and frankly um you know they need to name

Names we we don’t know who has uh been implicated in this these latest cases aren’t connected to the arrive can app but they do come just weeks after the auditor General’s report revealed a lack of checks and balances in the government’s accounting however the whistleblowers who raised concerns

Around arrive can say the procurement process is vulnerable the way that they contracts have have been um designed um it allows um Bad actors to abuse them in ways that are um discoverable now to better manage subcontracting the government is setting up a new integrity and compliance office and is asking all

Managers to take a closer look at thirdparty Contracting before issuing payment they will need to Monitor and document the delivery of service the procurement Minister says modernizing the process could catch would be fraudsters just a few years ago cross referencing contracts wasn’t possible because they were siloed within

Departments and were often only on paper Omar all right Mike Michael Couture in Ottawa tonight an unusual site on a highway in Southwestern Ontario today a Canadian Forces armored personnel carrier lost control and flipped onto its side on the 401 running through ashaan onario Crews eventually got the

Vehicle back up and there were no injuries reported the Biden Administration revealed the strictest rules yet in the US for gas car emissions the goal to push the accelerator on more climate friendly Vehicles the US Environmental Protection Agency says its new pollution standards will transform the US Auto industry and

Cut billions of tons of carbon emissions over the next three decades by 2032 the White House wants more than half of all new vehicle sales in the US to be electric 3 years later in 2035 Canada wants all sales of its cars SUVs Crossovers and light trucks to be climate

Friendly investigators are trying to determine the cause of a huge preon explosion that destroyed a house in Central Utah a home security camera caught the moment the duplex blew up two women were in side at the time one in each unit one escaped with minor injuries the other did not

Survive and a beloved clubhouse at a senior’s community in a Philadelphia suburb was destroyed after a fast moving fire destroyed the recreation center fortunately no one was injured the hockey world is grieving the sudden loss of former NHL Chris Simon tonight his hockey family stood by his side as they

Paid Tribute to The Enforcer our entire organization extends our deepest condolences to his family and his friends now please join us in a moment of silence as we come together to remember and honor The Life and Legacy of Chris Simon Chris Simon was honored right before the Toronto Maple Leafs in

Washington Capitals game tonight his family says the 52-year-old died by Suicide and believed repeated traumatic brain injuries played a major part here’s ctv’s Adrien griel he score Chris Simon should get credit for this one Chris Simon’s hockey journey is one that’s all too familiar Chris Simon

On the one born in a small town he achieved his NHL dream as a fierce competitor he became a Stanley Cup champion only to have his life cut tragically short on Monday night Simon was pronounced dead a statement released today through his former agent reads the family of Chris Simon regretfully

Announces that Chris died by Suicide going on to share that the family strongly believes and witnessed firsthand that Chris struggled immensely from CTE which unfortunately resulted in his death how many people have to die before somebody thinks it’s important enough to you know stop it Dr Carmela tartaglia has studied the donated brains

Of deceased athletes she believes it’s completely plausible that Simon suffered from CTE it’s really important to understand that a concussion can lead to significant Neuropsychiatric symptoms and those can set you up for suicide years of research has uncovered that repeated head injuries can lead to the progressive degenerative disease known

As CTE nearly every professional sports league has acknowledged that relationship as a medical fact everyone except the National Hockey League C’s B thing is tragic it’s sad NHL commissioner Gary bman avoided linking Simon’s passing to CTE when asked about the families claim today on all these

Matters we wait to see what the medical experts tell us to not acknowledge that there is a relationship to me seems irresponsible some former NHL players say it’s time for the league to quote man up once a guy dies they’ll say how tragic this is yet they won’t Advocate

The NHL is the last living League to say no there isn’t a plausible cause they’re taking a page right out of big tobacco with smoking and lung cancer currently CTE can only be diagnosed once a person has died though doctors believe so much more can be done to support athletes

Before it’s too late Chris Simon was more than just a hockey player he was also a son a brother and a father of four he was 52 years old Adrian griel CTV News Toronto coming up and it shows that something has gone very very wrong here the alleged breach of Kate Middleton’s medical

Files plus no laughing matter Canada’s happiness score slips Ireland’s prime minister Leo vedar dropped a political bombshell today announcing his sudden resignation my reasons for stepping down are both personal and political bradar made history in 2017 as the country’s first openly gay leader and the youngest

When he was just 38 he said his reasons for stepping down were personal and political and he believes his party stands a better chance of reelection with a new leader at the helm new development in London tonight involving the Princess of Wales British authorities confirmed today they are

Investigating after a report an employee at the London Clinic the elite private hospital where she underwent abdominal surgery was trying to access her medical records ctv’s Joy Malin on the alleged security breach another day and another princess Katherine headline now it’s a police matter at the private London Clinic

Where the princess underwent abdominal surgery in January and stayed for two weeks multiple sources are reporting staff members tried to access her medical records the information Commissioner’s Office confirming we have received a breach report and are assessing the information provided we’re being told that three staff members are

Being investigated for trying to access the private notes of the Princess of Wales they take any of these breaches very very seriously it’s the latest twist in this Royal AA made worse by that digitally doctored photo and wild conspiracies since she’s been out of sight even this weekend video reportedly

Of Kate and Prince William out shopping has not stopped the speculation and when you got this real hunger for to to find out what’s going on then you will find people who are willing to try to satisfy that that hunger by trying to access information that that they really don’t

Have any business looking at Princess Catherine has reportedly been told of the breach the fear of a leak of her most personal and private medical condition yet another Blow To The Princess and The Palace we’re not going to get the complete medical report or breakdown and frankly I think most

Sensible people would think well why should we yes she’s the Princess of Wales but she’s absolutely entitled to a degree of privacy around her private medical matters the London private Clinic pledging tonight to take all disciplinary action it’s a serious violation says the BR British Health Minister that could include fines and

Criminal prosecution Joy malbin CTV News Washington still ahead we know that flavors are one of the primary reasons that young people start using these products and one of the main reasons that they keep using the products Going Up in Smoke the band lighting up debate in New Zealand

A dangerous habit that has children hooked is sparking fresh fears with Canada holding some of the highest vaping rates in the world but now New Zealand has extinguished the sale of disposable ecigarettes or Vapes to miners here at home the youth vaping crisis is still leaving a smokefree future clouded here’s ctv’s Alison

Bamford in most cases there’s 20 milligrams per milliliter of nicotine in these which is considerably High a common concern raised in governments around the world how do we keep ecigarettes out of the hands of children the biggest issue I’ve seen is actually parents buying these for their their

Kids now New Zealand is setting the tone announcing a total ban on disposable Vapes and Hefty fines for those who sell ecigarette products to anyone under 18 we recognize that vaping Got Away on us and it became very attractive to the demographic we definitely don’t want to start vaping

And now we’re left with um you know how do we tighten that up a move Health experts and some Canadian vape shops would welcome here they’re a waste of money and they’re horrible for the environment it’s the easy access and high appeal that have health experts worried the potential for their

Long-term addiction uh is highly concerning disposable ecigarettes are legal in Canada but a handful of provinces have banned flavored vaping products the Canadian Lung Association has long asked for the federal government to follow suit we know that flavors are one of the primary reasons that young people start using these

Products and one of the main reasons that they keep using the products after they start some Vape Shop owners believe a ban on flavored products could decimate businesses in 2021 health Canada proposed regulations to restrict flavors they’re still looking to advance these measures but have not provided a

Timeline Allison Bamford CTV News Regina after the break the generational Gap so some of the younger adults in Canada in the United States are reporting lower levels of satisfaction with the support they get from friends and family also higher levels of Stress and Anxiety Boomer Bliss while under 30s feel the Blues

How happy are you well some countries have a Rosier view of the world than others Canada by comparison has slipped in the rankings on the global Joy index and is grappling with the dip in spirits CTV Sarah Plowman on the generational divide there’s no shortage of Smiles in this

Toddler’s world and dad is along for the ride being being able to come out and play and have a good time and being with family tell the world that you’re happy come on buddy happiness summed up for one family a global snapshot of Happiness shows Once Again Scandinavian

Country’s lead Canada ranked as the 15th happiest country two spots lower than last year the United States fell to 23 in North America boomers are happier than Millennials in generation Zed the report compared countries by age Canadians 60 and up are the eighth happiest but people under 30 ranked 58th

So some of the younger adults in Canada and the United States are reporting lower levels of satisfaction with the support they get from friends and family also higher levels of Stress and Anxiety Vance Foreman is just shy of 30 he’s optimistic but faces Financial challenges gasoline going up is

Obviously something that’s kind of uh Weighing on my mind a little bit um buying a home also um I’ve been trying to save for what feels like ever Those Behind the report also blame social media and how young people connect with each other and form their views about

Life uh via the social media a virtual connection researchers say is isolating there is also the fact that many people from not exercising their social skill SKS have now developed social anxiety back at the park they’re absorbed by a play day a bright spot despite the clouds Sarah Plowman CTV

News frederickton that kid could make anybody smile and that’s a snapshot of this Wednesday for all of us at CTV national news thank you for watching good night and see you tomorrow

Environmental protections have led to a dramatic confrontation between police and fish harvesters protesting in Newfoundland.

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