Released Coutts protester describes terrible conditions of Carbert’s and Olienick’s incarceration


The light is coming out the truth will come out um you can only tell a lie so many times and cover it up with a lie so uh it’s been a long process we’re still in this I’ll be in this for about another year and a half these four boys

I mean we’re we’re still fighting for them I’ll continue to come as much as I can and support where I can so the two defendants Chris carber and Anthony olenic they’re being charged with conspiracy to commit murder allegedly they were going to Target get RCMP officers they’re also facing a

Mischief charge and weapons charges now there’s a publication ban over the proceedings right now we’re in sort of pre-trial hearings so we cannot discuss things that are being said evidence being presented or contested inside the courtroom for fear of violating this publication ban and subjecting me and

Rebel news to contemp of Court the two defendants charges arise from their involvement in the Cs blockade of 2022 it was this peaceful demonstration involving Civil Disobedience at the border between the US and Canada specifically between Alberta and Montana at this small town known as Cs on the US

Side it’s sweet grass this blockade this protest obstructed traffic going across the border and was ideologically and philosophically aligned let’s say with the freedom Convoy protest and demonstration in Ottawa Ontario the two protests broadly were opposed to what I regularly refer to as the covid-19 Enterprise this massive governmental and

Industrial apparatus of surveillance and control you all remember it orders edicts and mandates so I’m with Joan Joan is is it fair to say an interested party and observer of these proceedings yes I I want to support uh Chris and Tony and um try and show that uh we want

Um well this is this is total Injustice so that’s why I’m here is um I just want to support um the two guys who have been in reman for over two years now without without um without a trial without any kind of evidence presented against them sorry I’ve

Interrupting you but this this let’s say incarceration for 77 something days prior to the actual preliminary hearings that’s a big part story right that sort of Injustice itself that treatment yes that is definitely Injustice the background here we all remember these lockdowns and mandates and edicts and so

Forth were you already let’s say on this philosophical wavelength then were you opposed to this sort of what I call the co9 apparatus uh yes I saw the I saw that it was um just a excuse for transfer of wealth to the rich and um ruining a whole bunch of businesses ruining our

Health um it it was uh the lockdowns were unjust and um yeah I was I was against um what they did with the whole plandemic I also spoke with James SRI he was arrested in relation to the Cs blockade the Cs protest and what’s particularly interesting about him is

That he spent something like 45 days in this Lethbridge Correctional Center it’s basically a prison here in Lethbridge and he can speak to the conditions inside that prison and this is the prison within which Chris carbert and Anthony olenik are both being held and they’ve been there for something like

777 days thus far and the conditions themselves as they were described will be of interest to you folks James is from kilum that’s 4 hours north of here it’s a big drive to come and attend this trial here in Lethbridge James could you tell our audience why are here here and

What this trial is about why it matters why it’s important why are making the sort of commitment to be here absolutely so as all of you know I was down at the Cs Milk River protest same time as these four boys and we’re all in this because

It’s uh very political I mean I was charged with running over a pylon and these four boys it’s all conspiracy stuff which which is not uh the case in this why was there front lines and it was uh hockey games in the streets it was horn honking it was Smiles laughter

There there was no fight fights there was no violence of any kind whatsoever you’re characterizing the cous blockade so the claims of it being intimidating you’re saying it was a peaceful fun happy absolutely absolutely it was it’s more than peaceful it was Canadians coming together for what it’s worth

That’s the exact same experience I had over at the freedom Convoy in Ottawa 110% peaceful you spent 45 days in that Lethbridge Correctional Facility what’s the name of that prison again uh LCC Lethbridge Correctional Center um it’s just outside of town here this is where

Uh I was held for 45 days this is also where Tony Ock and Chris carbet are being held presently uh 767 days now I believe um a little bit about the conditions in in that Correctional Facility um they’re serving uh three M meals a day um just enough to meet

Health services and it’s uh bulked up with on average eight slices of bread a day um the sleeping accommodations you sleep on a gym mattress uh most of them have rips in them tears in them uh they have stains on them um on weekends they’re only

Getting two meals a day you’re locked in your cell till till later on in the morning where you can get out and they feed you a brunch and then you get your second meal there for supper and that’s it um I feel that that is uh a drive to

Mental health um it really discourages inmates um yes you’ve done the crime you deserve to do the time for a lot of those guys but there’s a lot of innocent guys in there as well and it’s supposed to be a rehabilitation center not a place to discourage them and put them

Down they’re still human beings they’re not animals um and that’s that’s my views on that now the the types of the population inside that prison does it not include people convicted of very violent offenses like murder aggravated assault attempted Mur things of that nature absolutely yes you have murderers

In there you have breaking enters you have uh uh drug trafficking uh drug dealers um you have everything of All Sorts gang members you name it okay did I get that right it was 45 days that you were there 45 days is what I was held in

There before I was granted bail appeal of pending where I am now uh uh I have filed my appeal and uh we’ll go from there but what I want to ask you is after 45 days what happened to you in terms of your physical status and was it

Noticeable to people that knew you when you were released did they see you wow James you look worse or different yeah absolutely I I felt myself losing weight instantly within the first week um I started getting a belly on my on me and I have a very high metabolism um so I’ve

Never been able to to have a big belly but my muscle mass has gone down drastically I had to stop going to the gym and just start walking just to lose the different parts of weight where I didn’t want it to you know try and still have a

Figure and lastly uh we see Chris carbert and Anthony olenich behind that glass over in the courtroom how long have you known them for given that they’ve been in there for almost 800 days and how they changed physically uh in your observation across that time um you can see their their

Health has changed their body sizes have changed I mean as many of you know um Anthony was denied probiotics while I was in there for a long time it was a huge fight many phone calls many letters uh to finally get uh his probiotics antibiotics um different health things I

Mean uh they’re sleeping on these gym mats and some of us like I have a fractured uh C7 face it in my neck and I I wasn’t uh granted any special pillows or anything of the sort I was treated the same as everybody else which which I

Understand it but again like I said you’re not animals in there you’re still human beings anything else you want to share with the audience about what’s going on I’ll continue to come as much as I can and support where I can and yeah so proceedings for the day have

Come to an end for the remaining two defendants of the Cs four Chris carbert and Anthony olenic the previous two defendants who accepted plea agreements to lesser crimes Jerry Moren and Chris lys are now out of this grouping let’s say Robert kichic here in Lethbridge Alberta reporting for Rebel news remember that

The proceedings are still under a publication ban so there’s not that much that we can share about what’s going on inside but that doesn’t mean that we still can’t deliver relevant important information regarding this trial to you folks out there in the audience go to a page we’ve set up

Called trucker and that’s really where we’re going to compile all of our reports not just from me but from Robert cek who’s done a great job covering the trial in Ottawa of Tamara leech so we’re delighted to have him here in Alberta to cover these trials

Too all right we’ll talk to you soon

James Sowery, a Coutts protester supportive of the defendants, told Rebel News about the conditions in the Lethbridge Correctional Centre (LCC), where Carbert and Olienick are currently being held in custody.

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  1. FYI The prison system is NOT, rehabilitative, punishment nor educational oriented. Prisons only duty is to service the sentence of the court. Remand prisoners are not guilty until found guilty in a court of law.


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