Poilievre’s carbon tax non-confidence motion ‘will not pass’ but it’s ‘great politics’: Strategist


All right let’s bring in Andrew brander conservative strategist to give us his take hey good to see you as always Andrew your thoughts on what we’re seeing here by the conservatives uh great politics uh from the leader of the opposition Pierre who’s obviously very in tune uh with the

Pains that Canadians are feeling right now um and taking full advantage of uh an opportune time look the House of Commons is only sitting for one week uh this entire month uh and so he’s got to make the most of of this week while the

House is sitting to make sure that he is making this issue as as big as possible because he knows um Canadians are feeling the pinch and at a time when we can project that you know all all the banks are kind of saying that inflation’s gonna g to start to

Stabilize pretty soon and people might be more adjusted to the pinch but they’re still feeling it really hard uh right now um he’s only got 10 days before uh before this increase comes in into place and we know uh once once it’s in place uh Canadians kind of tend to

Sigh and and accept it so he’s certainly leveraging uh the ramp up to that time we’ve seen rallies uh with thousands of people uh in Toronto we’ve seen rallies with thousands of people uh out east who are uh who are certainly feeling the pinch I would expect uh Pierre not only

To use uh this week in the house and his motion of non confidence uh to continue to leverage that but I assume he’s going to be spending every last second uh before the carbon tax goes up and probably for a few weeks after talking about this issue nobody likes attacks

That’s for sure I’m just curious why you think the government wouldn’t hit the pause button on the carbon tax at least for now sort of recognizing as you rightly point out that times are tough economically for a lot of Canadians and the last thing people want is additional

Taxes I think the second they open the door to any more car voutes they really uh really negate their whole argument around the carbon tax which is uh that climate change doesn’t take break and therefore uh the the tax must continue and and needs to be continue to be to be

Paid in um I I I do think uh that the Liberals should start looking at the economic realities of the day and provide perhaps some other solutions to Canadians to provide a bit of relief if they’re going to continue to be so dogmatic in their approach um on on on

Carbon pricing uh and and we’ve seen last time uh when you know the the Atlantic caucus for the Liberals were able to achieve uh a little bit of a carveout for uh for the cost of home home heating oil um how much uh how how many problems that created for uh for

The liberal caucus in terms of uh in terms of management uh sort of some off the leash comments from the environment Minister uh the prime ministers got a lot to balance not to uh not to exclude obviously the consideration of um the ndp’s continued confidence in this government through the form of that

Agreement you talked about Todd the supply and confidence agreement so uh any any kind of change to the carbon tax could uh could certainly put that in considering how uh supportive the NDP are of the carbon tax as well yeah what do you think the NDP is going to do here

Because really it it lies with them again well of course they’re going to continue to support the government that’s going to be the reason why um this uh this motion does not pass uh regardless of if Canadians themselves have lost confidence in the Prime Minister uh which you know if you’re

Looking at any of the recent polls many of them would suggest um suggest that they have uh but ultimately you know this is uh this is politics it’s uh it’s it’s in the motion itself if you read um Pierre’s uh motion to the house he he calls uh for motion of non-confidence uh

And asks that uh Canadians uh are are brought the question in the form of a carbon tax election uh despite whether the motion passes this week or not which it will not um I you know the next election is going to be about the carbon tax anyways we’re going to have a carbon

Tax election whether it’s uh next week or in the next two years Andrew brander joining us from Toronto conservative strategist with his take on this showdown going on uh in the House of Commons in the next couple of days good to see you as always Andrew thanks for

Taking time for CTV news thanks Todd

Conservative strategist Andrew Brander calls Poilievre’s non-confidence motion ‘great politics’ and intune with Canadian struggles.

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  1. Pierre uses the average carbon tax cost, which is indeed a negative, to insinuate that all households pay more money into the CT than they get back through the rebates. This is not the case. The low and middle-income households, 4 out of 10 (making about that 100k/year and under), do get more money back, something like 200$ to 600$. The slightly richer and rich households, 4 out of 10 (making over 150k/year to the millions) do lose more. But because some of them pay a lot more, like up to 8-9k, their losses then skew the average into the negative. The rich however have money so it's not some undue hardship on them.

  2. The thing is, there was a petition that was read by Peterborough MP Michelle Fiera calling for a vote of nonconfidence. Also, this vote of nonconfidence will happen. And the coalition you speak of with the NDP is finished. And I’ve also heard from somebody that works with elections Canada that they are gearing up for an election.

  3. Right now electoral reform legislation has been agreed upon in the secret by the NDP and the Liberals in an attempt to pretend to be worried about election integrity and the ability of Canadians to vote. It is yet another display of pure corruption right before our eyes and a way to steal an election because they know Canadians do not want what they are selling anymore.

  4. Yeah I am really sorry guys, Pierre Poilievres eyes are literally 2 inches apart. Trudeau has absolutely nothing to worry about. Canada is NOT a Conservative party country, remember we already tried that. How did that work out?

  5. I don’t normally agree with this channels politics, but in this, I do agree. I highly doubt that this will go through, as much as it NEEDS to go through…however, if/when it DOESN”T go through, the next election will be won already…and the parties that push to go through with it, and vote against it? They will be obliterated come the next actual election.

  6. My Father said "Remember, Son – Lib & Con are still just two sides of the same Coin – OUR Coin"… And he's right – not one Member of Parliament pays one damned Dime in Taxes – but they sure do collect and spend it like it's theirs…

  7. You don't have to be a non-Conservative leaning Canadian to be a priceless environmentalist nor to be a priceless humanist. With that said, I do wonder what the underlying elements/mechanisms are which result in a Conservative party acting as a magnet to some hate groups as well as to those who do not place any value towards protecting the environment. That aforementioned metaphorical mageneticity is an odd phenomenon. There is nothing which can impede a Conservative leaning Canadian from being loving nor from being kind. ?


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