Ottawa alleges contractor fraud, taking action to recover money | Power & Politics


We start today on those allegations of Contracting fraud the federal procurement Department says it has referred three cases of suspected invoicing fraud to the RCMP the estimated cost about $5 million prompting these questions to the Prime Minister today we now learn that there are $5 million in additional fraud that

Has been identified by the department the situation is obviously unacceptable which is why authorities are looking into this procurement process all federal contract s with these companies have been suspended as the investigation continues for more on this story I’m joined by the cbc’s Karina Roman here in

Ottawa so Karina uh quite the the unusual event for the government to hold a news conference today to outline allegations of fraud tell us more about what the government discovered here so these three individuals and they’re very clear we’re talking about people not companies we’re it subcontractors and I don’t even think

Double billing is the right word because we’re talking about 36 departments agencies corporations that they would build for the same work the same hours and this was between 2018 and 2022 um and as you said we’re talking about $5 million here that should not have been paid out uh so in they they

Said that at the beginning of the investigation which was actually years ago this is how long it took uh the security clearances for these individuals which is what allows them to do the work if you don’t have that you can’t work in the government um were stripped or suspended at that time

Uh and now they are stripped because it’s gone to the RCMP the RCMP has been asked to look into these three cases we asked how did this even come to your attention and it was a combination of a tip line that the government has but also data analysis uh looking for

Anomalies and patterns across uh but they don’t have a central data system for all the contracts so this is what they were able to catch with what they have um and as you said they are trying to recover the money but they also acknowledged that there could be more

Cases of this in fact five to 10 cases of possible fraud uh has been already flagged that they’re now starting investigations on and because they plan to be more proactive in looking for this in the data and in the contract uh database uh and because Anita nand announced a horizontal audit as she

Called it you know across all contracts uh that’s going to be undertaken there could even be more cases found yeah double triple billing I don’t even know what the multiplier is across 36 specific departments but it kind of highlights problems with the it systems inside government they’re in ability to

Sort of see these duplicate uh Billings I I mean how are they dealing this because we’ve seen all these issues around other subcontractors and contractors that committee on things around arrive can I mean what are they doing here to to clamp down on potential fraud like what they say has happened

Here so they’ve announced a new oversight office called the office of supplier integrity and compliance but it’s not just sort of a central oversight office it’s also new measures that they say they’ll bring in to clamp down and really tighten what they say what seems to be quite a porous system

Um so right now they have this what they call Integrity regime but they can only revoke uh security clearances and the ability to to work uh as a subcontractor if they face a criminal charge uh or a conviction and on a limited number of types of charges and conviction not just

Anything um and so they now say they’re going to broaden that a wider set of offenses and misconduct will would would disqualify you from being uh cleared to to be a subcontractor and more jurisdiction so now if if it’s in another province that it happens or if

It’s even in another country like a trading partner now that would also qualify you to lose your security clearance um and and be debarred as they called it okay that’s an interesting move now look people are going to see this allegations of fraud on Contracting you know contractors subcontractors and

They’re going to think this sounds a lot like what’s been going on with arve can and the things we’ve been hearing at those committees is there a connection here what’s the connection here with any of those uh issues specifically they insist they said we’ve asked multiple times no connection with these three

Individuals and the arrive can app okay so that’s they’ve said but if you look at the broader picture and certainly these questions came up at the news conference um arrive can is a high-profile example of a system that isn’t working uh procurement wise and and well procurement the word sometimes

Makes people’s eyes glaze over we’re talking about taxpayers money being spent on goods and services uh on contracts that you know outside of the public service but it’s the public service and the managers that determine who gets these contracts so um I think it shows that there’s a wide more

Systemic problem and that was acknowledged uh by the ministers that this is why they’re bringing in these new measures to really try and tighten this system uh new guidelines for managers things that will become mandatory um you get a sense that they acknowledge it maybe up to this point

Has been a bit Loosey Goosey you know and this is really so it might not be tied directly to rcam but it’s just one more example of a problem that’s across the government that they need to do something about yeah there are vulnerabilities in there and they’re being exploited in some fashion all

Right Karina thank you so much this is cbc’s Karina Roman here in Ottawa

Canada’s federal procurement department says it has referred three cases of suspected invoicing fraud by IT subcontractors to police and is taking action to recover the money. The scheme allegedly involved 36 federal departments, agencies and Crown corporations.

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  1. 5 mil is a drop in the bucket in government over spending.
    Having worked with these folks AS a contractor trust me the government employee does almost nothing, no work and produces nothing. Most dont even understand their own business because they only been around 6 months and will be in a different role in another 6. They dont stay in these roles very long at all. They only care about the pension.

    They will budget 5 mil for a single contract and the person doing the work makes maybe 100k. The rest is all wasted on government employees and 6 managers whos only job is to attend online meetings and throw all the work over the fence at the contractors.

    Dont surprise me they would also throw them under the bus.

  2. The left wing alliance is full of corruption!! Canadians are not going to vote left ever again!!
    Pierre has a big mess to clean up Canada! Taxpayers are not putting up with this ever again!!

  3. Liberals panicked during Covid to look like they were doing something [virtue signaling] so they hired anyone and let loose a ton of money. ArriveCan is very similar to this. All Covid fallout, will be paying for Covid over reaction for generations to come.

  4. The problem is that projects like building an a financial system or Crm may cost 200k but the government can only pay via timesheets so if you have a product that you want to sell and deploy to a client and you want to charge 200k you are forced to provide timesheets – it's like if I buy a product I can't just pay for it I can have to ask for timesheets to pay for it lol

  5. How about you start taking actions and have him thrown in prison. Oh yeah that's right, prime minister's can't be thrown in prison or charged for that matter. I've bumped in to about 8 different people in the past 5 days, all of which are getting out of this country. Many are going to Asia some to Texas and the rest of them. I believe to Mexico. People are getting out of this country. This is absolutely disgusting

  6. If Trudeau had any sense of value for money, provided he wasn't steeling it, it wouldn't have been an issue. This man is unable to run a country. If one can't understand what it take for those without money to make it, or can't produce value with tax dollars, that person shouldn't be allowed to hold office.

  7. This will be forgotten soon, just like the MILLIONS climate Barbie lost a few years back. People got very rich off taxpayers money and it’s been completely forgotten and never mentioned anymore.


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