Health-care practitioner and writer Amy Hamm faces cancellation (for telling the truth)


I think that there is a small number of tyrannical woke persons that have managed to get a choke hold on every institution every political party and it’s this most of us don’t agree with these people and with the delusional belief system that they hold but through a campaign of fear and intimidation and

Trying to cancel people get them fired they they’ve managed to essentially run our culture um and our government and so that’s yeah that’s why we’re fighting well folks I’m with Amy ham she is a healthc care professional and a writer from Vancouver and you might be familiar with

Miss Ham’s story and it’s a hell of a story but for those who aren’t Amy um you got into a bit of hot water regarding the trans community and their allies what exactly set off that chain of the the big one was um years ago now um sponsoring an iHeart JK rolling

Billboard after the writer came out in support of women’s sex based rights so that led to an onslaught of public complaints to my regulator to attempt to have me fired from uh my nursing job and in it’s been more than 3 years many more complaints have come in and I’m still

Fighting to keep my job essentially so let me get this straight your job is under Fire yeah as a health care professional not because of Any incompetence or malpractice but because you committed the heinous crime of wrong think yes I’ve never had a patient complaint I’ve never had an issue in my

Workplace with performance and the college that’s persecuting me laid out in their opening arguments that this is 100% nothing to do with my uh workplace conduct it’s it’s entirely the outof work conduct and the things that I say and do and write while I’m in my own private time and this

Battle with your employer is still ongoing I know you can’t get into all the details but it’s a little terrifying Amy that just because um you’re part you were part of the billboard campaign I love JK Rowling and of course that billboard was vandalized in day one and taken down um that

This could put you in an economic Penalty Box if you will why is it we see this increasingly in society that everyone seems to be bending the knee to radical transgenderism I would argue and I know I’m going to offend some people that once upon a time maybe even 10 years ago

These people would probably be in a Mental Health institution instead it’s literally the the Tail Wag in the dog what is your take on this issue that’s a very big question of course but I think that there is a small number of tyrannical woke persons that

Have managed to get a choke hold on every institution every political party and it’s this most of us don’t agree with these people and with the delusional belief system that they hold but through a campaign of fear and intimidation and trying to cancel people get them fired they’re they’ve managed

To essentially run our culture um and our government and so that’s yeah that’s why we’re fighting and I’m here today wanting to talk about free speech um because as much as I coming an advocate for women’s rights I quickly learn that I also need to be an advocate for free

Speech um because when your speech is under threat and you’re censored and you’re told that you could lose your livelihood uh you lose your reputation when you know when the CBC smears you ac across the country as a hateful bigot um you you’re not going and nobody else is

Going to want to speak out if they see what happens to you so I care deeply about free speech and then of course the recent uh bill that was tabled by the liberal government C63 is hugely concerning um for all Canadians um and especially for someone like myself who’s

Already going through the ringer over AE Free Speech issue and indeed it was just a little over a week ago that was tabled in the House of Commons Bill C63 I can’t imagine Amy that being passed into law as is um it is the most sorious legislation I have ever seen

Enacted not in Canada’s history but in any Western democracy um for those who don’t know about Bill C63 and we’ve been all over it certainly um the idea that somebody anonymously can make a complaint about you that this law will be retroactive so they can go back 10 15

Years find something you said on social media and file some kind of hate complaint Lord knows what the Benchmark for hate is and if you find out who that person’s identity is you’re not allowed to out him or her you’ll face another um penalty and finally uh the idea that the state can

Put you under house arrest for something that you might say in the future that is hateful I mean my God Amy this is 1984 meets Minority Report it’s horrifying like you mentioned if a judge deems that a complainant has a reasonable ground for being afraid or for fearing that someone else might say

Something that could be hateful and hateful being a term that is very subjective and it will be defined by the ruling Liberal Party um you you can be in trouble you can be penalized they’ve even said that persons uh can get a life sentence for hate posting hate online where

Wherein hate is defined in such a vague manner that you know it’s obviously meant to threaten political dissidents and to chill their speech and possibly to imprison them and you know there’s all this concern about so-called hate speech online and as you said we don’t have the

Uh a proper definition of hate it’s very nebulous and yet right now since October 7th of last year we see pure hatred on the streets we see pramas uh demonstrators making genocidal chance and Amy I’m pretty much a free speech abs salus but my you know my saying has

Always being the Free Speech Line in the Sand is if you Advocate harm or death to an individual or an identifiable group of individuals um that’s offside and yet we’re seeing this virtually every weekend in so many Canadian and other Western cities what do you make of the

Fact that the trudo Liberals are so gung-ho about this uh online hate and here’s hate classic happening on the streets of Canada and they shrug yeah it’s a case in point of why this legislation is so dangerous it is a tool to be used by the state to punish and

Silence and destroy the lives of political dissidents who they happen to disagree with and who happen to disagree with the prevailing Orthodoxy which right now in Canada is a very out of touch with reality and dangerous Orthodoxy I’m sure you know well I’m so happy you’re covering this you know we

Did streeters at Young dundes and it’s sad you know the how you know few Canadians are engaged about legislation that is literally going to affect their lives and uh I mean if we talk about Bill C63 they’ll say what if we ask them about Kim Kardashian’s new bikini man

They’ll talk to the cows come home but you know we did a little trick and it was hey did you hear about Vladimir Putin’s new hate speech law uh and then we uh talked about all the uh penalties and stipulations that we just discussed about Bill C63 and the typical answer is

Well thank goodness I live in Canada a free democracy and I go sir I was tricking you this is a Justin Trudeau liberal initiative and uh it was a a real shocker for the vast majority of people go to Russia and start talking about the government and see what

Happens right but that’s where we’re going right now that’s the same thing that’s going to happen here people voted him in right so now we have to vote him out and I think people need to kind of put on some thicker skin like unfortunately there is criticism within

The world fruit spee was dead for a while now in Canada you’re concentrating on Bill C63 in your writing um Amy uh whether it’s your health care uh career that is at stake right now or what you’re hoping to write about in the near future last word goes you my friend oh

Thank you so much um H where to start you know the positive thing I I haven’t lost hope entirely in Canada and I also am reminded that in 2013 former Prime Minister Steven Harper conservative he actually um asked very similar legislation about um hate speech because he felt that it was so vague

That it was intended to censor political speech and it’s looking as though Pierre POV will be our next prime minister and I I’m hopeful that he will do the same thing well Amy you are a very brave woman can I call you a woman on here on International women’s day it’s all okay

Please do yes then good luck all the best to you thank you so much thank you Amy wow the common sense espoused at this uh conference it was a shock to the system given the garbage that we have to listen to from the radical Elites from politicians to our mainstream media

Types folks if you want to take a stand against trans sanity please go to transness dcom that’s transness sign the petition and please if you’re able to kindly make a donation

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David Menzies catches up with Amy Hamm, a health-care practitioner who is facing a cancellation campaign, including from her employer, for daring to tell the truth and pushing back against woke, radical gender ideology.
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