Global National: March 20, 2024 | Rowdy fishery protest postpones NL budget unveiling


On this Wednesday night Newland and labrador’s frustrated and Furious fish Harvesters the heated protests and the demands the immigration Minister makes a Frank admission about his government’s Gaza Asylum program up to now it is a failure what’s failed and who it hurts the most Vancouver’s Stanley Park is

Losing about a third of its trees I don’t see a a better option why so many trees in the historic Park are dead or dying and gauging the world’s happiness which countries are smiling the most and where does Canada Rank global national with Donna FZ good evening and thanks for joining us the business of government came to a standstill in Newland and Labrador today hundreds of protesters blocked entrances to the Confederation building refusing to let staff and politicians in on what was supposed to be budget day police

Including some on Horseback were sent to try to control the crowds but the chaotic scene which began Before Sunrise was so disruptive the budget has been delayed hundreds of fish Harvesters most of whom make their living catching crab are demanding The Province give them more control over where they can sell

Their catch and what they can sell it for Heidi petruk on the long-standing complaint that’s boiled over in St John’s what was supposed to be Newan and labrador’s budget day instead became chaos with shoving and shouting police on Horseback pushing into the crowd of hundreds outside the Confederation

Building entrance an officer and a protester oh there’s people getting hurt here injured and taken to hospital it looks like his hip is broken his family’s with him and so budget day was postponed the provincial government calling it quote an unsafe environment what is unacceptable is violent protests and so

Some of the behaviors we saw today will not be tolerated fish Harvesters say overregulation and selling restrictions keep them from making a living in a fishery not as lucrative as it once was before the Cod fishery collapsed three decades ago snow crab is now the most valuable catch employing more than

177,000 people and worth hundreds of millions of dollars for prices this year they say are set far too low last year we went to work for nothing and now they’re trying to do it again this year get us back to work again for nothing again and we’re not doing it this St me

I shouldn’t have to be in here fighting for my very right to survive in the industry that I’ve been grown up into their Union has urged The Province to Grant new processing licenses and open up all fish markets to outside buyers but so far Newan and Labrador has only

Committed to do so for snow crap I want to stress we want to do it responsibly uh because the whole of the industry doesn’t doesn’t just include a select few The Province now has a temporary injunction to keep protesters from causing a nuisance adjacent to or in the vicinity of the Confederation building

And from molesting assaulting or intimidating the province’s employees or blocking the entrances to the Confederation building get used to us that’s all I got to say protesters plan to return Thursday when the province intends to try to release its budget again Heidi pic Global News Halifax

Israel which had said it had control of Northern Gaza is launching more attacks there including one on shiffa Hospital the IDF claims it’s killed at least 90 gunmen during a three-day raid on that hospital a claim Hamas denies shifa was the biggest Hospital in Gaza before the

War now it’s one of the few Healthcare facilities even functioning in Northern Gaza hundreds of displaced people are living there Israel claims gunmen were again using the hospital and that it found a stash of weapons and detained 160 people the Hamas run Health Ministry says all of those killed were wounded

Patients and displaced people Canada had opened a temporary Visa program so Canadians with family in Gaza could apply to get them out well today the immigration Minister made a Frank admission about that program Mark Miller said it’s a failure we have heard from a number of Canadians who complain the

Process is stalled and now a parliamentary vote on a motion calling on the governing liberals to Halt future arms exports to Israel could make things even worse David Aken is following developments David well Donna m MPS who voted in favor of Monday night’s motion were most pleased about a call for

Canada to cease all exports of arms to Israel and foreign affairs minister Melanie Jolie said she would follow through on that Miss mcferson but that motion and Jolie’s response angered the government of Israel and Canada’s immigration Minister Mark Miller said Wednesday that will impact a special immigration program to get people out of

Gaza actions of the government of Canada has consequences and on the particular impact of that program I don’t think that MO is necessarily did thing in January Canada set up a special temporary Visa program to help up to a thousand Canadians in their extended family members trapped in Gaza so far

986 have applied and yet the program has helped just 14 people get to Canada this is a program that we knew from the get-go uh could be a failure up to now it is a failure and it’s something I think we need to recognize an Ontario woman said this week that her brother

Died in Gaza while waiting to hear about visa from Canada in Global News reported Tuesday about a Calgary man who has 16 extended family members trapped in Rafa all have been approved for visas from Canada my biggest fear right now is that I won’t be able to talk to my

Sister tomorrow the problem Canada can issue the Visas but the list of Asylum Seekers allowed to leave Gaza must be vetted by the Israelis Israeli government has been quite clear in saying they are watching the actions of the Canadian government and any actions that are seen as to be unfavorable can

Affect their decision-making at the highest political level and so we can’t be naive as a country as to the actions that we take and the impact that that can have on the ground and for actual people’s lives Israel’s Ambassador had no comment on the matter but Israel’s

Policy has always been to do a background check and approve who gets to leave Gaza for its own security reasons to ensure that among other things no one associated with h is able to escape Donna David in Ottawa thanks the federal opposition leader Pierre POV is trying to topple the government by introducing

A non-confidence motion his conservative party doesn’t have the numbers to pull that off but that didn’t stop him from trying it’s part of pv’s campaign to end the federal carbon tax so once again which will it be will he Spike the hike or will we have a carbon tax

Election what will it be Mr Speaker it will be that Canadians get more money the Canada carbon rebate 80% of Canadian households in areas where the federal carbon tax supplies get more money that every year from the Canada carbon rebate than they pay in the price on pollution the conservative motion Was

Defeated today after the Liberals new Democrats and bl hiqua voted against it the environment Minister said the country can’t put climate change on pause the levy is set to rise about 23% on April 1st which means consumers can expect to pay about 3 cents more for a

Liter of gas than they do now though most Canadians will receive a rebate there are new Revelations about suspected fraud involving millions of taxpayer dollars public services and procurement Canada says it’s referred the cases of three it subcontractors to the RCMP they’re accused of fraudulently double billing millions of dollars in

Dozens of departments Abigail Bean explains what it’s all about nothing to do with the arrive can controversy and different from the fired auditor general employees whose cases were referred to police another procurement problem three it subcontractors accused of double billing dozens of departments for the same work for a total of $5

Million situation is obviously unacceptable this is a very serious issue and it deserves a very serious response the government referred the cases to the RCMP but Federal officials call this just the first wave of fraudulent billing they’re looking into another 5 to 10 cases right now the $60

Million arrive scam is just the tip of the iceberg they need to name names we we don’t know who has uh been implicated in this citing the investigation the government is being very vague on details not naming the subcontractors or departments involved with no clear answer on the extent of the problem the

Procurement Minister and treasury board president tried to put a positive spin on it it shows that the investments in what we call Electronic procurement in G data Gathering and data analytics over the last few years are starting to work really well saying 98% of contracts are now digital which allows for better

Communication between departments and promising more oversight including a new office of supplier integrity and compliance and an updated manager guide the purpose of that guide was and continues to be to release to to reduce Reliance on third party Contracting ministers say the fact the three were

Found should be a warning to anyone else thinking of double billing the government Abigail ban global news Ottawa Global News has learned Canada’s immigration tribunal has ordered the deportation of Iran’s former deputy interior minister in December a global news investigation found Sayad Salman samani once a spokesperson for Iran

Security Forces was living in Toronto the 43-year-old became a senior minister in Iran’s government in 2016 he is the second senior member of the Iranian regime to face removal from Canada under sanctions which bar senior Iranian officials those sanctions were put in place after the killing of Masa amini

Whose death sparked Mass protests in Iran saman’s case is one of nine suspected senior Iranian officials facing deportation proceedings in Canada Toronto Public Health officials are warning about Rising cases of empo what we used to call Monkey pox there have been 21 confirmed cases in Toronto this

Year last year there were just 27 the virus is usually spread through intimate contact and men who have had sex with men are most affected two doses of vaccine offers the best protection in the US a controversial immigration law in Texas has been put on hold again late last night a federal

Appeals court voted to temporarily freeze the law that would allow local police to arrest detain and Deport people suspected of crossing the border illegally from Mexico Jackson prco now on the standoff playing out in Texas that could have international implications the international boundary between the US and Mexico is at the

Center of the dispute between the state of Texas and the white house after Texas passed its own immigration law bypassing Federal jurisdiction all Texas is going to be doing is basically enforcing the laws that were passed by Congress that Joe Biden is refusing to enforce the law

Known as s sp4 gives local police and state judges the power to arrest and Deport people suspected of illegally entering Texas from a foreign country a job typically handled by US border patrol as the courts weigh whether s sp4 is constitutional Mexico’s president called it dehumanizing and said his

Country will not accept deportations from Texas if the law ultimately stands local police say they have concerns too it’s not like oh he looks illegal and we’re going to put him in jail we can’t do that you know we can’t uh stereotype someone you know someone from Mexico and

And do that those who work on the front lines of immigration see an even bigger problem the law could be used to Target people already in the US it’s not just against recently arriving migrants migrants who are coming to the Border today but this this really goes after

Texans throughout the state it’s all part of a broader fight between the White House and Republicans who have blocked bipartisan efforts at border reform in Congress Iowa has now passed a bill similar to the one in Texas the states haven’t been engaged in this kind

Of policy no more than they have been in printing and and coining currency but if you let the states into this area you’ll open up a Pandora’s Box and not just an immigration the standoff has become a major test of whether the states will remain United behind us law it seems

Unlikely to end the crisis at America’s Southern border with migration still at record levels Jackson prco Global News Washington in a move that surprised the country Ireland’s prime minister Leo Vadar says he is resigning and that the country’s coalition government would stand a better chance of re-election under another leader baradar says the

Decision is both political and personal he suffered two recent defeats in referendums on changing what he calls sexist language in the country’s Constitution he was in Washington last week where he challenged the US position on the war on Hamas he also played a leading role in the 2018 referendum that

Legalized abortion he was the youngest person ever elected Irish Prime Minister when he took office in the country’s first biracial and openly gay prime minister tens of thousands of trees are being cut down in Vancouver’s Stanley Park coming up why so many of them are unhealthy or have already died plus why

All bodies of water in two national parks are now closed and the investigation at the London Hospital where Princess Kate was Treated Parks Canada is closing all bodies of water in two BC national parks and restricting watercraft in Alberta’s Waterton Lakes National Park to slow the spread of some invasive species Lakes creeks and tributaries in eastern BC’s cutney and Yoho national parks will be closed until at least March of next year

To try and contain something called whirling disease it’s infecting juvenile salmonid fish including rainbow trout steel head and cutthroat trout and beginning in April non-motorized watercraft will be banned from entering Waterton Lakes National Park in Southern Alberta to protect that Waterway from whirling disease and also from invasive zebra and quagga

Muscles Vancouver’s Stanley Park is open for visitors but they may be a bit surprised to see what’s happening with the trees the centuries Old Forest has had a few bad years an infestation of moths and a few scorching hot summers have killed thousands of trees and

Others are dying so about a third of the trees are being removed changing the look of the park and leading to a bit of a backlash by some who love it meu Gara explains Stanley Park a beloved Gem of West Coast rainforest in the heart of Vancouver is at the center of a

Contentious debate the city of Vancouver is proposing a plan to remove dead trees from Stanley Park citing concerns about wildfires and Public Safety these trees are going to come down regardless whether it’s through storm or or just through natural processes we could lose our whole park to a fire so cut the

Trees down that are dying to save the rest of the trees the Vancouver Park board says drought and infestations by the Western Hemlock Looper moth have devastated a significant portion of the Park’s tree cover the park board says the plan to remove about 160,000 of these dead trees aims to enhance the

Forest’s health prevent injuries and mitigate the risk of wildfires everybody’s heartbroken that we have to do this work in the uh in the in Stanley Park uh but it is necessary but not everyone is convinced critics say they’re skeptical about the extent of the tree removal I became quite alarmed

At the dramatic change that that would cause the Stanley Park and to my experience and to other people’s experience Michael Robert Ked started a petition to Halt the tree cutting it’s received more than 16,000 signatures he says based on on his own research and discussions with experts he doesn’t

Believe there’s an imminent fire danger their case was very weak that if there were a danger the proper solution would be to cut down a third of the forest meanwhile across the Rockies in Alberta similar work has taken place last winter Crews began thinning approximately 34 hectares of forest in and around bam

National Park the decision driven by concerns over climate change and the mountain pine beetle infestation also aims to reduce the risk of wildfire the misconception is that we’re cutting down trees unnecessarily and that is absolutely not the case um they’re cutting down dead trees as the dispute over Forest management underscores the

Delicate balance between preservation and protection Nara Global News Vancouver how happy are you ahead where Canada ranks on the world happiness index at least eight people are dead after a South Korean tanker capsized off the coast of Southwestern Japan at around 7:00 a.m. local time Japan’s

Coast Guard received a call the ship was tilting in rough weather it had capsized by the time Rescuers arrived 11 passengers from South Korea Indonesia and China were on board only one of the nine people who was rescued ended up Surviving two others are still missing a British privacy Watchdog is

Investigating claim staff at a private London Hospital attempted to access Princess Kate’s medical records The Daily miror Newspaper reports at least one staff member at the London Clinic was trying to obtain the medical records of Kate Princess of Wales she spent almost two weeks at the clinic after abdominal surgery in January there

Strict rules about which patient note staff can access and intentionally breaching them could be a criminal offense the UK’s information commissioner says it’s received a report and is assessing the information an internal investigation is also underway at the hospital which also recently treated King Charles this year’s World happiness report is

Out and Finland has done it again the annual report ranks Global happiness in 143 countries taking into account six factors such as social support income and health and for a seventh year Finland is in the top spot Nordic countries lead the list Finland Denmark Iceland Sweden and Norway all made the

Top 10 the US didn’t make the top 20 the first time it’s ranked this poorly since the report began in 2012 and Canada it was ranked 15th overall next Canadians pay their respects to former prime minister Brian Malon before he leaves Ottawa for the last Time hundreds of Canadians stood in line in Ottawa today for their turn to pay their respects to the late Brian Malon today would have been the former prime minister’s 85th birthday the Hearst carrying his casket passed by Parliament Hill for one final time before heading to Montreal ahead of the state funeral

On Saturday McKenzie gray spoke to some of the people who waited in the bitter cold in Ottawa today to remember the man they hold dear in their hearts early morning tears gave way to Smiles as Brian maron’s family received warm tributes from Canadians for a second day as the former prime minister

Lay in state in Ottawa we lost a prime minister but they lost a dad and she lost a husband today is about filling that space with the memories of everyday Canadians who are waiting outside right now I can see the line out there and uh

And to listen to them and to to enjoy their memories and uh their kind words the family was so like nice and sweet I felt like I was meeting the royal family like so it was really cool it was an amazing moment very intimate uh they were uh great with the people very

Personable uh it felt like a family funeral those intimate moments ultimately exceeded over schedule to accommodate all those who came to pay the respects before a final private family moment together with Moon’s casket Canada’s 18th prime minister now headed to Montreal where he’ll lion reposed for 2 days ahead of a state

Funeral Saturday these are of course Grand displays not often seen in Canadian life they’re significance acknowledged today by some on mark from our entire family thank you again to everybody out there who’s reached out or wrote to us we can’t thank you enough you shared indeed March 20th has been a

Long memorable day for the family this year they mark it in grief and quiet celebration without the husband and father who led this country dad would have been 85 today Mark wrote what a life he had we miss him dearly Mackenzie gray Global News Ottawa I’ll host live coverage of Brian

Malone State funeral in Montreal Saturday morning right here on global that is global national for this Wednesday I’m Donna freezen spring has officially sprung and sorry to those who are still feeling like they’re living in the depths of winter tonight’s your Canada are these beautiful cherry blossoms in Vancouver yeah I said sorry

Thanks for watching Jackson frco will be at the anchor desk tomorrow and I’ll see you again on Friday bye-bye N

Newfoundland and Labrador’s government was unable to unveil its budget after hundreds of furious and frustrated fish harvesters blocked entrances to the province’s Confederation Building in a rowdy protest. Heidi Petracek looks at their longstanding complaints, how their anger has boiled over and what the protesters are planning next.

Immigration Minister Marc Miller has made a startling assessment of the federal government’s temporary visa program for Gaza refugees, calling it a “failure.” David Akin looks at the program’s problems and the latest move that could make it even more difficult for Gazans to come to Canada.

Public Services and Procurement Canada says it has uncovered cases of fraudulent billing costing millions of taxpayer dollars. Three information technology subcontractors are accused in the schemes involving dozens of departments. Abigail Bimman breaks down the allegations and why federal officials describe this as the “first wave” of cases being investigated.

A U.S. federal appeals court has temporarily blocked a controversial immigration law in Texas, just hours after the Supreme Court ruled in favour of the bill, which would allow local police and judges to arrest, detain, and deport people accused of illegally entering the U.S. Jackson Proskow explains the backlash to the bill and the growing standoff playing out between state and country that could have international implications.

After a few bad years, roughly one-third of the trees in Vancouver’s Stanley Park are being removed because they have either died or are dying. Neetu Garcha explains what caused so much damage to the park’s forest and the criticism to what the city says is a critical move.

Plus, hundreds of people stood in line in Ottawa to pay their respects to former prime minister Brian Mulroney, before his casket heads to Montreal for his state funeral. Mackenzie Gray speaks with some people about why this was so important to them.

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  1. ? Our country continues off the cliff & the Citizens continue idly watching waiting to be saved after a vote ?
    I'm sorry the country didn't mobilize for you Newfoundland. I'm not sure how much more goon shows are needed. Unreal!!!! No gov is responsible for this. The citizens are responsible for allowing a rogue criminal govt to do this to our people.

  2. THE FACT the government will say “I had no idea of those government overcharges” IS THE RED FLAG. They do not have the RIGHT to say “I was not aware this was happening in government”. Don’t you see? We need PIERRE and an ECOSYSTEM around him. Not only Pierre but an entire ecosystem to drag us out of this. I am afraid you don’t know how deep this runs. Time is running out. Canada is slowly falling behind economically which is DANGEROUS.

  3. Don't play with Canadian emotions, Palestine ?? we are not here to save you, Citizens are in priority. Get help from Arabic countries, Muslims, they are rich enough to save you.

  4. How dare this Fascist NFLD premier bring-out Riot Police, FCKG Horses to stop hard working and the most oppressed sector of our economy.. Fisheries, and especially in NFLD
    the most ignored province in the Dominion ! How Comedy ! Oppression from the Bank of Canada , corruption Glore by Liberals, a Pierre Poillever who supports Genocide of 1.5 M
    people in Palestine !! You think that this "Adopted- Unwanted Child" , cold hearted, No lov e experience , cares about NewFoundland hard working fishermen ??????


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