Canada’s Gaza visa program a “failure,” immigration minister admits


Canada had opened a temporary Visa program so Canadians with family in Gaza could apply to get them out well today the immigration Minister made a Frank admission about that program Mark Miller said it’s a failure we have heard from a number of Canadians who complain the process is stalled and now a

Parliamentary vote on a motion calling on the governing liberals to Halt future arms exports to Israel could make things even worse David Aken is following developments David well Donna MPS who voted in favor of Monday night’s motion were most pleased about a call for Canada to cease all exports of arms to

Israel and foreign affairs minister Melanie Jolie said she would follow through on that Miss mcferson but that motion and Jolie’s response angered the government of Israel and Canada’s immigration Minister Mark Miller said Wednesday that will impact a special immigration program to get people out of Gaza actions of the government of Canada

Has consequences and on the particular impact of that program I don’t think that motion is necessarily a good thing in January candidates set up a special temporary Visa program to help up to a thousand Canadians and their extended family members trapped in Gaza so far 986 have applied and yet the program has

Helped just 14 people get to Canada this is a program that we knew from the get-go uh could be a failure up to now it is a failure and it’s something I think we need to recognize an Ontario woman said this week that her brother died in Gaza while waiting to hear about

A visa from Canada in Global News repor Tuesday about a Calgary man who has 16 extended family members trapped in Rafa all have been approved for visas from Canada my biggest fear right now is that I won’t be able to talk to my sister tomorrow the problem Canada can

Issue the Visas but the list of Asylum Seekers allowed to leave Gaza must be vetted by the Israelis the Israeli government has been quite clear in saying they are watching the of the Canadian government and any actions that are seen as to be unfavorable can affect their decision-making at the highest

Political level and so we can’t be naive as a country as to the actions that we take and the impact that that can have on the ground and for actual people’s lives Israel’s Ambassador had no comment on the matter but Israel’s policy has always been to do a background check and

Approve who gets to leave Gaza for its own security reasons to ensure that among other things no one associated with Hamas is able to escape Donna David in Ottawa thanks

Immigration Minister Marc Miller has made a startling assessment of the federal government’s temporary visa program for Gaza refugees, calling it a “failure.”

It was set up in January to help 1,000 Canadians bring loved ones trapped in the Gaza Strip to Canada.

David Akin looks at the program’s problems, as well as at the move that has angered Israel’s government and could make it even more difficult for Gazans to come to Canada.

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  1. If their Muslim brother not accept them, it tells something. A history lesson. They assassin Jordan King who accepted them as refugees, twice! They also break the peace in Lebanon by arming themselves which tip over than Islam-catholic balance.

  2. Canada’s immigration policy as a whole is an absolute and utter failure to this country. We need resignations of people like this so-called minister. Other areas of the government are also unmitigated incompetent corrupt failures

  3. Read between the lines people:

    It’s a hostage situation where the entity who’s holding the hostages won’t release them, unless we give them weapons with which it’s actively attacking them hostages.

    The honourable minister has admitted it to us.
    What justification is left for any Canadian to defend the actions of Israel?

  4. I want pierre poilievre to win but honeslty Marc Miller should run for Liberal mp he's got a good track record and he actually speaks the truth alot better than truduea this guy just says it its not working let's try something else a good minister even though I hate liberals

  5. I hope you liberals start looking for a new alternative trudeau is wrong for canada please I beg you country man to country peoples I respect what you want to be called but please we need change ask for a new leader. Guys like Marc should be looked at he probably doesn't even know it but he could be a good Liberal leader

  6. See the problem is when people identify themselves as Palastinian-Canadians. If you come to Canada you should be Canadian and have allegiance to Canada first and Formost.

    This is one of the few times in recent times where our governments failure is actually benefiting Canadians.

  7. Why do most comments come from ignorant people? Raise your hands off form supporting the occupier of our land, and we can live safely in our homeland, the Holy Land. We did not take another people's land. Canada is home to indigenous people and every one else is immigrant


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