Liberal MP Ya’ara Saks goes from ridiculous to reprehensible, and her constituents are furious


She’s embarrassed us she should be resigning immediately the entire Community wants her gone as an Israeli I I’m overwhelmed with what I see how can you have a foot on each side of this equation I I live in this writing I live in her writing and uh it’s atrocious

Jewish Community need to consider this situation David men for Rebel news here in North Toronto and folks I am in the writing of York Center that’s the writing for yaras sax yaras sax is of course the minister of mental health unbelievably last week she was in rala

And she met up with uh mmud abas he’s the leader of the Palestinian Authority he is a holocaust denier he is an October 7th denier he even has a martyr fund which is to say if you can kill an Israeli Jew uh you will get a big payday

If you die in the process your family gets the benefits and look there was Yas sax shaking his hands unbelievable The Other Woman in the photo as you can see is foreign affairs minister uh main Jolly look we have a truck we have it for 4 hours we’re going to drive it

Around her riding it’s going to cost us about $2,000 if you can can you go to fires fire sign the petition and kindly chip in what is the political strategy of you know aligning with an anti-semite a terrorist in a writing that has a heavy Jewish population and

Folks don’t worry I know what you’re thinking but I’ve instructed our driver to lay off the horn because you may remember a couple years ago when the freedom Convoy dropped by Ottawa what was it that yasak said about horn honking uh well let’s go to the minister

Herself in one of her most infamous sound bites Hong honk which is an acronym for hail Hitler yeah so she thinks Hong honk is an acronym for H Hitler uh first of all this idiot doesn’t even know what an acronym means it doesn’t mean a Sonic Blast just

Unbelievable in any event let’s go about a writing and let’s talk to constituents and let’s see what they have to say about Behavior by their MP that is equal parts egregious and outrageous what was she thinking I have no idea I know what I’m thinking uh I’m the daughter of

Holocaust Survivors and my heart is broken I I live in this writing I live in her writing and uh it’s atrocious no matter what or or where you are like the anti-Semitism needs to stop here in Canada it’s it’s crazy what do you think of uh yasak uh well basically um having

A nice photo with a a terrorist care okay thank you will you be voting for her in the next election no never voted for her no I will not she’s a Canadian Israeli Jew she’s shaking hands with him what is she thinking that was shocking to us like as an Israeli I I’m

Overwhelmed with what I see I knew from the getting what her background was that’s why I never voted for her uh and I was vocal about it uh but I don’t know what to say I have no idea what she’s thinking what she’s doing all I know is

That that picture with Mahmud Abbas is atrocious I don’t think that a lot of people would vote for that this picture says a lot I hope she didn’t mean to I don’t know if Yara sax was standing right here today what would you say to her I’d say how would you explain that

To my parents if they were here how would you explain that folks another reason why we rented this Jumbotron equipped truck was to drive it by the constituency office for yaras saxs and lo and behold once we got there we saw that there was a demonstration outside

Her office let’s go check out what these folks have to say reside now resign now resign now resign now resign resign now resign now resign now Yar Sach who has siblings who live in Israel y it’s the most atrocious thing I can ever imagine anybody who has a family that is

Actually being paid by makm Abbas and fata and their organization to be killed to then hold hands with this man he’s one of the worst anti-semites on the planet today being a politician that’s your job but you know in the end just like the the cappos in in Nazi Germany

They come after everybody she’s not going to have any any protection she is such a useful idiot no one gives a about her Trudeau doesn’t give a about her but his handlers are smart they bring a Jewish lady from Thornhill a Jewish area to represent and silly Jews

Voted for because she’s got a Jewish name and she’s Israeli y sax is trying to appease the Muslim voting block because they know they have lost most of them so they’re trying to appease the islamists who are who have been very vocal recently in Canada Mahmud abas Holocaust denier A person who supported

October 7 terrorist attack you can consider him as a Nazi sympathizer a person that y Shake hand with him what Jew in this writing or for that matter anywhere in Canada looks at her actions of last week and goes yeah this is winning strategy none self-loathing Jews

Those who support uh you know the Jewish voices for Palestine groups that are On The Fringe they love these types of people but what YX doesn’t know that she’s a doormat she’s a doormat to Liberal Party who needs the token Jew to come to Israel so that they can justify

Their mean with Mah Abbas we are here Stand United against anti-Semitism and against yak’s resignation and our message is a simple career Hong Kong for your sex resignation brother Shan Shan sh can I ask why you’re here sir yeah we’re here to facilitate a peaceful protest okay then looks kind of peaceful

To me so far yeah okay it just it quite literally it looks like there’s more police here than demonstation Mr menes but you have a good day okay oh okay I didn’t mean to upset you okay then all right stay safe guys well folks here I am at the Downsview United Church and

Will you check it out as far as the IE can see police vehicles Galore it’s almost every space I see the Marquee is advertising um Palm Sunday service for March 24th uh I guess they’re getting here a a good week uh early to get a uh

A prime uh Pew seat I don’t know or is this where uh they’ve set up a little mini Detachment but again talk about Overkill you know we have car J jacking we have gun crime we have assaults sexual assaults homicides and for YX meeting with Mamud abas a man who

Literally has blood on his hands look at this overreaction of protection because she’s one of the Justin Trudeau liberals she is the protected class you know it’s it’s like a Ford dealership specializing in law enforcement vehicles uh folks make it 20 8 vehicles in total this one is called court services that’s the

Politically uh correct way of uh saying Patty wagon here on the day after St Patrick’s Day um that’s my cue uh to get out of Dodge uh I don’t want to get arrested for asking impolite questions so I’m kind of triggered by that vehicle let’s get back to yasak office if yasak

Was in her office today and the door was open and we could go in and have a few words with her what would you say to her resign resign with your tail between your legs get out of office leave never come back in the end she’s Jewish and I

Think that that’s what all I would say is that is that how can you have a foot on each side of this equation I would ask her why would she uh support the hamas’s uh policy of uh massacring civilians and uh taking hostages by trying to reward them no taxpayers

Dollars for Hammer uh terrorists is she being pressured by Justin Trudeau to do this uh because uh foreign affairs minister Melanie Jolly she was there too what what do you think is going on behind the scenes I think the knife Cuts deeper because she’s Jewish I think that

Is the most traitorous thing you can do it’s one thing to stand for the rights of Palestinians it’s one thing to say that you know there are people who are dying that shouldn’t all of us feel this way I know they like to pretend that we don’t like we’re happy about war that’s

Their mentality that’s not our mentality being pro-israel does not mean being anti- Palestinian her mentality I can’t I don’t think she has a mentality I don’t think she’s able to think to be honest with you because if she had a semblance or even a cintilla of capacity

To be able to actually understand the damage she’d be doing by posing with this disgusting terrorist she would have said maybe my job isn’t as important as thring my entire Community under the bus I fight against anti-Semitism in my country Iran is still we need to fight uh against anti-Semitism in Canada and

We know that we learn our lesson from histor they go after Jew first then they come after each of us they don’t need any cops here they don’t need a single cop save the millions of dollars that it cause us but when the other side shows

Up bring the cops cuz we both know how violent they can bece go over there there can’t stop me you we don’t want we want you to show your face Gaza you go to Gaza if you like Israel’s committing a genocide you people are supporting ethnic cleansing ethnic cleansing women children

Babies you should be ashamed of yourselves be sick free free Palestine here’s another figure for you Israel has killed more journalists in the Gaza Strip than every single War combined since the end of the second world war where do you guys get your figures from not ham us well you’re

Obviously not getting it on the ground either okay thank you sir those heads are accounted for of every single journalist who has been killed in the Gaza in five months five months they have killed more journalists than the entire amount of wars that we’ve had

Since the second world war in 80 years I find that very hard to believe oh you do find that hard to believe well i’ expect nothing less from aist Pig like you so folks in case you thought I was exaggerating when I said a law enforcement overreach for a small

Peaceful protest I’m at Downsview secondary school and check it out the Toronto police mounted unit is here it’s just maybe 2 minutes away from yak’s Office that’s why they’re here so quite literally all the king’s horses and all the king’s men are out here to protect

Uh this self-hating Jew that is going to the Middle East to uh uh cozy up to terrorists it’s either that or there is an illegal rib joint opening up but when it comes to this outrageous waste of taxpayer dollars well to quote Mr horse from Ren and Stimpy no sir don’t like it

No sir I don’t like it well folks the demonstration outside the constituency office of yaras sax it continues as reported the police presence it’s it’s ridiculous but that’s what the kind of protection they give to the protected class for you and I well uh the Toronto

Police wanted to make it easier for the thieves leave your key fob at the door maybe 50 bucks so they can fill up their tank when they steal your car to prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home leave your fobs at your front door but look at this sign here folks

Hate has no home here signed the honorable YX MP York Center but this woman went to rala to meet an Uber hater somebody who despises Jews somebody who pays assassins to kill Jews a pay for slave scheme and do you want to know what else y sax hates the Jewish

Constituents of her writing she has hate in her heart and I’ll go one step further YX is the dictionary textbook definition of a self-hating Jew for anyone to meet with a terrorist who supports the eradication of Israel and killing Israelis and you are a Canadian Israeli

Jew for Rebel news I’m David the menzo menes can you imagine folks yasak herself a Canadian Israeli Jew shakes hands with somebody who denies the Holocaust while he cheers on another Holocaust unbelievable if you feel like we do please go to fires that’s fires sign the petition and if

You can please contribute uh to our expenses this truck is going to be about $2,000 for the 4 hours we have it we greatly appreciate your support

? | Tell Trudeau he needs to fire this disgraceful MP!
David Menzies and our Rebel News billboard truck were on the scene as protesters held a rally outside the constituency office of Ya’ara Saks after the Liberal cabinet minister was pictured alongside terrorist leader Mahmoud Abbas.
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  1. We should not be surprised………Remember back in 2017, Justin Trudeau sent Omar Alghabra MP as Canada's representative to the 44th Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Not once but twice~! So! Does that mean Canada is now a Muslim country? Did Trudeau ever send a representative to any international Christian conference? We have a Czarina for Islamophobia! Do we have one for Jewophobia or Christophobia?

  2. Talking about the number of journalists killed since WW2. As far as I can remember that happened in the 90s in that Herzogovina conflict. Involving the Croats and Serb forces. Buddy going on about ethnic cleansing was way off about that.
    I think the cops were there to protect Saks from her Jewish constituents that are disgusted with her behavior. Hostages still being held and tortured and she is making nicey with a Terrorist. Joly is no better.

  3. I followed the link to the fire yaara saks site and Y.t. blocked it so I just copied the link and found it and signed. I do not like what is going on in Palestine anymore than anyone else does. I don't like any people and especially the children being killed because Israel wants to build another canal. I don't like what the muslims do to women and children either. I wish people would speak out about that. But then the excuse is that it is their religious right. How sad and disgusting for both sides.


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