Global National: March 19, 2024 | Why did Canada’s inflation rate slow to 2.8%?


Inflation is cooling this Tuesday night what could help keep consumer prices down and fresh hopes for an interest rate cut would really help the economy recover smoke and fears BC’s early warning about wildfires and how Canada’s air quality rates worse than the US what happened to Canada’s promise to

Get relatives out of Gaza to Canada death is all around them and Kate go shopping which will be nearly 4 months out of the public eye is this glimpse of the princess quelling conspiracy theories global national with Donna freezen good evening and thanks for joining us there’s a bit of good news

About the cost of living in Canada the rate of inflation dipped last month and though the cost of big things like rent and mortgages are still high there are some positive economic signs here’s a snapshot Canada’s annual rate of inflation slowed to 2.8% in February that’s down slightly from 2.9% in

January it is the first time since early 2021 inflation has been in the Bank of Canada’s target range for two consecutive months in our top story an gaviola looks at what’s behind that and what it could mean for interest rates all those interest rate hikes have helped cool the economy consumers in

Canada have been pulling back their spending a lot on a lot of things and that lack of demand is not allowing enabling businesses to raise prices as much as they had been in the past reflected in some lower prices in February new cell phone plans plunged 26% clothing and Footwear prices were

Down more than 4% airfares tumbled more than 5% and it was the first month grocery food inflation was below overall inflation since October 2021 in at 2.4% economists say dampening consumer inflation expectations can help tame future price increases they see that grocery prices are not going up as

Quickly anymore they see discounts and Deals back in store helps keeping control inflation Expectations by consumers and that in turns have inflation stay in moderation the proverbial Thorn In The Bank of Canada’s side shelter costs mortgage costs remain stubbornly high up 20 6% year-over-year and rent inflation continues to soar the

Bank of Canada is widely expected to hold its Benchmark interest rate at 5% in April but with the economy flatlining a cut by midyear may be on the table a rate cut in June or sooner rather than later would really help the economy recover Energy prices may be the Wild

Card we’re about to switch to Summer gas which is more expensive Supply will also tighten as some refineries go offline for for maintenance while demand picks up with the warming weather I would expect broadly gas prices to likely continue rising in much of Canada through potentially a Victoria Day

Before we start to see some improvement an is with me from Toronto and rent and mortgage interest costs continue to be the main drivers of inflation and of course the major expense for most Canadians are there any signals about what’s coming for those if you carve out those shelter costs the

Bank of Canada has already met its inflation Target but they’re a huge challenge soaring demand has Juiced rents across the country and there are no signs that’s letting up and mortgage costs will come down if the Central Bank Cuts interest rates but as recent polling and history suggest a clear sign

Will likely fire up the housing market and boost prices and activity it is a conundrum Donna interesting and gaviola in Toronto thanks Canadians have begun paying their last respects to former prime minister Maron his casket draped in a Canadian flag was carried by mounties into the Serj a McDonald

Building in Ottawa this morning it’s there that he will lie in state opposite Parliament Hill today and tomorrow McKenzie gray has been speaking to people about why they wanted to pay tribute we’re here today to honor uh the brilliant Legacy of a great uh Statesman

We’re going to miss him uh he made it an extraordinary difference uh for my community but for the entire country Brian Mor’s family greeting hundreds including another former resident of 24 Sussex who served in maron’s cabinet Joe Clark maron’s external affairs minister was Central in their fight against

Apartheid in South Africa when you think back on it uh for anyone to win two majority governments is remarkable uh but then to have applied that capacity to so transform the country is really a a tribute to his stamina but it wasn’t just VIPs a steady stream of Canadians

Came to remember the 18th prime minister I’m an immigrant to this country and um it is those forbears who have provided opportunities for for people like us uh to be here the first person in line one of Mo Ro’s former RCMP security officers I was strictly there

To provide security not to uh to advise him in any way in his politics not necessarily in favor of a lot of what he did but also in favor of some of the stuff he did obviously didn’t always succeed Mor did leave office deeply unpopular and it was years before the

Conservative party recovered despite 13 years of liberal rule after Mal Ro former conservative leader Aon oul praised the former prime minister for making tough decisions on GST and free trade the economy we have today really was set in motion uh almost 40 years ago by Baron [ __ ] [ __ ] will continue to

Lie in state here in Ottawa tomorrow in advance of his casate going to Montreal Donna before his State funeral on Saturday all right Mackenzie gray in Ottawa thanks there’s a dire projection of what’s coming in Gaza the UN High Commissioner for human rights says Israeli restrictions on the entry of Aid

May amount to starvation as a method of War which is a war crime and the US Secretary of State said today no other place in the world is suffering the way Gaza is where 2 million people don’t have enough to eat 100% of the population in Gaza is at

Severe levels of acute food insecurity that’s the first time an entire population has been so classified acute food insecurity is when a person’s inability to find adequate food puts their life or livelihood in immediate danger it is the strongest statement yet from the US on the scale of the

Crisis 100% the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance compare that to uh Sudan about 80% of the population there is in need of humanitarian assistance Afghanistan about 70% so again this only underscores uh both the the urgency the imperative of making this the

Priority it’s been more than two months since Canada’s government launched a temporary Visa program allowing Canadians with loved ones in Gaza to apply to bring them here one Calgary man is trying to save his sister and her four young children but he tells tells Heather uri’s West Canada’s Visa process has

Stalled born in terrible conditions inside a Rafa tent Tamar Jada’s one-month-old nephew is fighting to survive Adam now is in the hospital because of uh infections welcome to uru the number you are calling is currently unreachable it’s the message J hears most days when he tries to call Gaza the

Last time he spoke with his sister it was a heroin call as always she was crying begging for help and I was hearing the bombs around her tent in Rafa and her kids her kids being scared the family has already been devastated by loss last October an air strike killed 17 family members

Including gera’s mom dad and two sisters it’s why the Calgary cancer researcher is now desperate to get his surviving sister and her family along with his in-laws to Canada 16 of 18 family members have received initial approval for special temporary visas and yet in Rafa they remain according to Ottawa

There have been 986 applications for visas from Gaza but among those who passed preliminary eligibility only 14 have left the region to complete the necessary biometric step in Egypt and each one did so on their own we obviously would prefer a more reliable way of getting a lot more people out but

Um I’m not going to blame people for taking their lives in their hands and and taking Extraordinary Measures to to save their own people it’s why jata is now looking to Egyptian operatives for help and turning online to crowdfunding to try and raise the Staggering $60,000 required my biggest fear right now is

That I won’t be able to talk to my sister tomorrow for a grieving and terrified family desperate to bring their loved ones to safety this it seems is the only option they have left Heather urx West Global News Calgary there’s more Fallout tonight from the passing of a watered down NDP

Motion on Palestinian statehood in the House of Commons Monday liberal MP Anthony housefather one of three liberals who voted against the motion says he’s considering his future in the party I started reflecting as to whether or not I belonged and I will let you know further how I feel over the coming GES

For the moment I’m still there all right the motion passed but not until after the Liberals drastically altered its wording to say the government will work towards recognizing a Palestinian State as part of a two-state solution house fathers says there was not enough recognition of what he calls the

Existential threat Israel faces and the fears of Jewish Canadians we’ve long prided ourselves on pristine air quality in Canada but that is an outdated notion a new report shows for the first time on record Canada’s air quality was worse than the US in 2023 in its sixth annual

World air quality report swiss-based IQ air named Canada the most polluted country in North America and of the 15 most polluted cities in Canada and the US 14 were in Canada most of them in the west that’s where wildfires burned the largest swaths of land and as Neu garer

Reports people in BC are already being warned to prepare for what could be another fiery and hot year with the sun shining bright on the cusp of spring The Season’s promise of renewal is overshadowed by fears of drought and scorching heat setting the stage for what could be another devastating

Wildfire season this is the earliest that we have begun press conferences cautioning British Colombians about the summer season with last year’s Wildfire season in the most destructive on record she’s encouraging British Colombians to have an emergency plan in place register for emergency Support Services uh but online now

Before the emergency actually happens so that you’re ready to go and and able to receive support if you need it evacuation is something Winery owner John Skinner has had to deal with it’s a constant threat after a weekend of record breaking temperatures in BC Skinner is sharing his fears about the

2024 season in 20 we had a very substantial fire right to the back of our property and it’s frightening because we’ve got such a a small snow pack now the average provincial snow pack for March 1st was 66% of normal the concerns are echoed by fire officials in the province’s Okanagan Valley where

Crews responded to two new wildfires over the weekend as you can see here the show all around is but on this self facing soope it’s really dry it is drer than what it looks Target temporary water restrictions may be needed again but they are a last resort The Province also announced an expansion

Of its use of enhanced technology to predict Wildfire Behavior including infrared scanning 5G technology and drones we are the first and only Standalone Emergency Management Ministry in in Canada for for a province this isn’t about being scared it’s about being prepared above normal temperatures across BC are expected in the coming

Months and for forecasters say the chance The Province will see enough spring rainfall to alleviate drought conditions is possible but unlikely Nea Global News Vancouver critics of a new National Security Law in Hong Kong call it Hong Kong’s giant leap backward known as article 23 it passed unanimously by the

Territories Pro Beijing Parliament eliminating freedoms that distinguish distinguished Hong Kong from China it establishes new offenses like external interference and Insurrection Human Rights Watch says even possessing a book critical of the Chinese government can violate National Security and mean years in prison attempts to impose similar

Laws in the past were met with huge pro-democracy protests leaders of those protests have mostly been jailed or gone into Exile a question of identity coming up why the Inu nation is taking the federal government to court Canada’s auditor general is frustrated saying little has changed in the living

Conditions on First Nations in this country after four audit reports I can honestly say that I am completely discouraged that so little has changed our audits of federal programs to support Canada’s indigenous peoples reveal a distressing and persistent pattern of failure whether in housing policing or Safe Drinking Water she says

There’s been little progress Karen Hogan says the number of First Nations homes needed to be repaired or refurbished was the same in 2022 as it was in 2015 the report found funding for policing and safer communities has significant late increase since 2014 but she says $113 million in the last fiscal year went

Unspent Inuit and in organizations joined forces today in Ottawa calling on the federal government to scrap a controversial agreement that gives 6,000 people in South and Central Labrador indigenous rights critics argue the group is not entitled to those rights as Abigail Beeman reports they call them settlers who are fraudulently claiming to be

Inu from shahaji natasi and nunuts in Labrador all the way to Ottawa more than 50 in you wanted to be at a federal court case in person with the question of identity at the core this is a group of settlers pretending to be an inovent the Inu nation is taking the federal government

To court wanting a 2019 agreement signed with the Nuna tuut Community Council thrown out arguing they aren’t really innuit I know who I am and I know who our people are we know who we are we know where we come from former liberal MP Todd Russell heads up

The new nuko community council more than 6,000 people claim a large area of traditional ter atory in Labrador that overlaps with both Inu and Inuit land they used to call themselves The Labrador mate te Association Russell says he’s confident in their case we have for the last 30 years been

Presenting evidence reports genealogy archaeology anthropology sociology a number of groups are backing the Inu Nation concerned about the impact if the government recognizes the nunatukavut as indigenous we are forced to fight fraudulent groups that Canada has empowered and this was never part of the deal the right to self-identify as a

Indigenous person should not be used as a tool to harm the rights and interest of First Nations by taking away rights and resources intended for the original stewards of these lands Russell says his people need housing and food security help and wants the government to come to

The table we have many of our communities that are hanging by by their fingernails this is why we say to the federal government ignore the BS ignore all of these false allegations the federal court hearing continues Wednesday Abigail Bean Global News Ottawa surprise shut down ahead why Manitoba could face a fuel

Shortage winnipeggers are wondering if their fuel supply could soon run out Imperial oil shut down a pipeline on March 15th because of what the company calls Integrity concerns it supplies Winnipeg with gasoline Diesel and jet fuel and will be out of service for 3 months as Marne blunt reports there

Doesn’t appear to be a clear-cut solution it’s an Abrupt halt to the flow of fuel to Winnipeg a major Manitoba pipeline now shut down for 3 months almost everything in terms of gas gasoline Diesel and jet fuel is brought in Via these pipelines Cruz will be replacing a section of the pipe that

Runs underneath the Red River South of Winnipeg near the small rural community of St Adolf Imperial oil says no materials were spilled but now the city is left with about a week’s worth of Supply I realize anything you know a discussion around gas can can cause

People to get anxious um and and we just simply don’t have any reason to think anybody should um we’re not we’re going to just kind of make our way through this solutions include moving fuel by Truck and Train but supply chain experts say those are all things that take time

And money there’s no way that they’re going to be able to make it as sort of life as normal uh there just simply is enough capacity uh loading unloading facilities uh even available trucks and rail cars to be able to move everything that we’re moving now so there will be

Some reduction and Supply the disruption will likely be reflected in prices at the pumps as well manitobans are being asked to moderate their gas consumption to avoid making a bad situation worse Marne blunt Global News Winnipeg you’ve probably seen the latest video of Princess Kate it’s everywhere

She was spotted with her husband buying some groceries no big deal except because she hasn’t been seen in public for a few months it’s creating quite a stir and as Crystal maning reports it’s doing little to silence the Roar of conspiracy theories both TMZ and the Sun newspaper have published what are

Believed to be the first images of The Prince and Princess of Wales in public since her abdominal surgery in January even that photo in the paper they got nothing else to write about the Royals especially the Next Generation sells papers increase views and people tend to

Take it all in the woman who used about the paper not having anything better to cover also said this yeah it’s nice to see her I’m glad she’s in good health the Princess of Wales has been out of the public eye recovering making the images of the future king and queen at

The farm shop in Windsor near their home even more desirable an official photo released of her and the couple’s three children last week sparked controversy International newswire agencies determined it had been edited violating photo policies Kate issued an apology but memes and conspiracy theories flooded the internet about her health

Her whereabouts even her marriage the palace originally said the 42-year-old would not return to public duties until after Easter this is now just such a huge thing I don’t see how they can wait that long which will be nearly 4 months out of the public eye when Royals aren’t

Seen the stories don’t stop they can however ever become more absurd Russian State media channels recently falsely claimed the king had died multiple British embassies including Ukraine’s issued statements saying the report was fake being part of the royal family comes with clear perks but privacy isn’t one of them Crystal Ganson Global News

London and that’s global national for this Tuesday I’m Donna FZ and tonight’s your Canada is Jasper Alberta we’d love to see your Canada please email it to viewers and thanks for watching hope to see you here again tomorrow bye-bye

Inflation took a dip to 2.8 per cent in February, marking the first time in three years it has stayed within the Bank of Canada’s target range for two consecutive months. Anne Gaviola explains what’s behind it, and what it could mean for interest rates and Canada’s cost of living.

People have begun paying their last respects to former prime minister Brian Mulroney, who is lying in state in Ottawa ahead of his state funeral. Mackenzie Gray speaks with Canadians about why they wanted to pay tribute.

The federal government launched a temporary visa program in January for Canadians who want to bring over loved ones from Gaza. But as Heather Yourex-West explains, the process has been frustrating for one Calgary man trying to save his sister and her four young children.

As British Columbia deals with the dual threat of a prolonged drought and record-breaking temperatures, the province is bracing for what could be another destructive wildfire season. As Neetu Garcha reports, officials are warning people earlier than ever.

Inuits and the Innu Nation are joining forces by pressuring the federal government to scrap a controversial agreement giving Indigenous rights to 6,000 people in south and central Labrador. Abigail Bimman explains why critics say the NunatuKavut are settlers who fraudulently claim to be Inuit and how that community is responding.

Imperial Oil has shut down a major pipeline that supplies Winnipeg with gasoline, diesel and jet fuel. It was shuttered over “integrity concerns” and will be out of service for three months. As Marney Blunt reports, there does not appear to be a clear solution for Winnipeg to avoid a fuel shortage.

Plus, TMZ and the U.K.’s Sun newspaper have published video of what’s believed to be Prince William out shopping with Princess Kate, who has not been seen in public since Kensington Palace says she underwent major abdominal surgery in January. And as Crystal Goomansingh explains, this has only further fuelled the Royal rumour mill.

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  1. Arguing percentages, we have a whole planet of problems.


    2024 43,372,950 ==> 80% is 34,698,360

    2024 48,947,292 ==> 80% is 39,157,834

  2. To help combat the rise of global warming, how about reducing the use of wood for housing construction?… And what is done to filter and purify the foul air generated by factories, fossil fuels, etc.?…

  3. Canadians want less “Israel mythology”. Never again to ANYONE. Canada should stop funding organizations that spread propaganda for a foreign country. Stop the “online harms bill, C63” which will create jail time for stating the truth.


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