Cambridge, Ont. to unveil $108M centre, while controversy rages over ‘gender-neutral’ facilities


Part of the process of grooming children is establishing a connection isolating a child testing boundaries of all which counselors you’re providing opportunities stop now why are we doing this why are we why are we doing this kind of thing when we can have the a a women’s washroom change room showers

Same with the men and we can also accommodate our our our transgender population again we want to be we want to be very s uh respectful we want to um do the same thing we did it we’ve done it with the disabled and we’ve been very successful at doing

That David men for Rebel news here in Cambridge Ontario and folks as you can see behind me a big vacant field albeit there are some uh construction machines uh digging holes and such that’s because in a couple years there will be a brand new $18 million um Recreation Center and

That Recreation Center this proposed Recreation Center rather has been in the news uh well for all the wrong reasons namely there has been an outcry by some regarding the change rooms uh they’ve been called gender neutral change rooms Universal change rooms but the idea of a

A men’s room a woman’s room a boy’s room a girl’s room uh that will not be part of this project and standing right next to me is Janice fiell and uh by the way uh Janice went to a Cambridge council meeting to voice her concerns rather on

This um Community Center with these uh gender neutral change rooms uh here let’s throw to a clip of that right now let not be naive our children are exposed to people who do not have their best interests in mind and now you offer the Universal open area for males

Females and children to change and shower together part of the process of grooming children is establishing a connection isolating a child testing boundaries of all which counselors you’re providing opportunities stop now okay because you’re going in a direction that is not allowed here and I ask

Respect I I will redirect just need to we just need to bre Council held public I’m still talking to you I we just need to breathe deeply Y and and I I know you’re passionate about what you say but we need to keep it I’m just explaining the process which you prob you’re

Offering opportunities has nothing to do with this facility absolutely it does we’re talking about safeness I’m gonna ask you to sit down now you’re finished what is your concern regarding the so-called Universal or gender neutral change rooms well I I think what’s happening here is that uh you know we’re we’re providing

Opportunities for um opportunistic individuals to you know uh be in the change rooms we have uh cubicles uh but how do you manage to um you know have the children in the cubicles if you have multiple you know multiple children uh and and uh how do

You do that and the other thing is that you know you can very well have men who men or women who choose not to wear anything and and they’re uh they’re out in the open and our children are there so you’re opening up those those areas

For men women and and children I reached out uh to the city of Cambridge and I was lucky enough to get Adam Cooper He’s a counselor to come in on this issue now uh Adam we spoke to Janice uh she aired all her concerns I’m sure you’re uh

Familiar with those concerns she showed up at a council meeting you uh told me uh off camera that these concerns about these Universal or gender neutral change rooms and washrooms are they been blown out of proportion what say you about these rooms um yeah I mean that’s

Putting it lightly saying it’s blown out of proportion I mean frankly people I understand that people are passionate about this issue and if what they are reading were true I’d be upset too um but I’ll put it bluntly what they’ve been what the information has been put

Out there is frankly just bull oh okay it absolutely is um I’ve seen the Articles I’ve seen the articles that that people have been reading that have getting them up in arms and it’s it’s it’s trying to it’s trying to inflame the situation whoever wrote These clearly is not educated on exactly what

Is happening in these changing rooms uh so people are being told oh there’s going to be men changing in front of women front of children everyone’s using using getting naked in showers in front of each other and the fact is it’s total crap is not what’s happening at all but

Janice In fairness as I understand it um each cubicle is for one separate person uh so if I went in there there would be no chance of you know say a little girl uh getting changed as well we’d all have our separate uh cubicles that’s what the

Proponents of this kind of a setup are saying uh do you buy that no I don’t um those cubicles are they’re solid from the uh bottom to the top they I I realize that they’re open at the at at the at the top um they that’s about 8 ft

Right that’s right and and they lock and uh what are they you know what are the chances of of losing track of your children how are you going to accommodate you know uh multiple families with 34 cubicles so it’s a logistics thing it’s absolutely absolutely it’s it’s a logistical

Nightmare and if they’re going to be putting in a school here and this the schools are going to have you know the opportunity to use the complex you have two classrooms 30 kids in each classroom 34 cubicles how are you going to supervise those children I guess why is

Cambridge going to such length to accommodate well you know let’s face it a percentage of a percentage of of a percentage of the population yeah well that’s that’s not what it’s about at all we we we we didn’t say oh we wanted to be this way we get we get this this uh

This particular change room presented to us and we looked at it and said okay are there any are there any problems with this okay and I think one of the the issues has come up is that Unfortunately they get this um naming format they called it Universal change room okay now

People are familiar with change rooms you go in there you’re changing a lot of times you’re changing in front of each other you know men changing in front of men women changing in front of women so when you say Universal change room gets everyone hair up on their back of their

Neck and I fully understand that um but you need to understand I want to make this clear to people okay there is nobody of any age of any sex that is going to be getting naked in front of anybody okay okay if anybody were to do

That they’re going to be asked to leave and or charged okay this is not a general you can say this is is this Universal change room no what this is is about I think there’s over 30 individual private secure change cubicles those are the change rooms uh 0.33% of the Canadian population is

Transgender and that’s through Canada census so you know I think we have accommodated our disabled quite well and quite successfully with with uh washrooms and changing facilities why can’t we not do that for the transgender population I I I do believe they they deserve the respect of uh you know

Change rooms but at the expense of our children I I I I question that and I think people should question that and I understand again there’s also the angle where um they believe that there’s certain ideologies okay that we are seeing creeping into schools that I don’t believe many other people

Shouldn’t be there because there ideologies that are ruining women’s sports ruining women’s dreams okay and I absolutely understand how people can be passionate about this because they feel that that is this that creeping in here okay and I looked for that I tried to find that and I can tell you that fight

Cannot be found here this is if you if you remove all that um the whole you know trans ideology issue however you feel on that that’s another topic you remove that this is still a better change room situation than any other I’ve seen before so maybe I I think what

You’re saying this is almost a solution in search of a problem that if we had a male change room and a female change room and like so many other facilities in existence right now an all gender change room a family change room then everyone is accommodated absolutely why

Why do we not allow the choice the choice to have change in a women’s washroom a choice to change in a a men’s washroom you have the family you know we have family uh family change rooms I should say um and we have the the the you know transgender um area for them

You know or change room um it’s quite doable and it’s quite logical and I think I think it it respects everybody in accommoda needs everybody again there’s there’s a lot of really brutal misinformation going on out there okay and I mean we’ve getting horrible emails that are based on on things that just

Like I said they’re crap they’re just not true um we uh we listen to the delegates at the uh at the meeting and you know we’ve been told that you know Miss fet and understand she’s passionate about this and I understand that um you know that she was was shut down cuz you

Didn’t believe you know we didn’t want to listen to the other side of the story it wasn’t fact is she went off topic okay we tried to bring a back and she refused to do that okay okay and Jan had to kind of Jan had to you know take

Control of the situation everyone’s saying that she was removed she was not removed she stayed for the entire meeting uh the only person that was removed because we had to was uh one lady was uh was uh standing up and yelling and screaming at the may but

Miss fet she was welcome to stay and she did stay you know for men um and and maybe all of us you know we’re just opening up ourselves too as as adults to false accusations you know and that can happen why are we doing this why are we

Why are we doing this kind of thing when we can have the a a women’s washroom change room showers same with the men and we can also accommodate our our our transgender population again we want to be we want to be very s uh respectful we

Want to um do the same thing we did it we’ve done it with the disabled and we’ve been very successful at doing that is there anything uh you have up your sleeve or are you resigned to the fact that uh these Universal change rooms are going to be part of this new recck

Center well I I’d like to think that uh more people will uh will become aware of this situation and uh they will take it up learn about it and uh maybe maybe you know voice their their concerns and in terms of Il legal um that’s you know that’s something that people will have

To have to decide if that’s that’s an option that they want to want to take hey folks as always Rebel news tries to tell you the other side of the story but you know what we need your help unlike the mainstream media we don’t receive a nickels worth of funding from the

Federal government nor would we receive it if offered you know just in case hell froze over in any event if you can support our journalism please go to Rebel field that’s Rebel field and like I said if you’re in a position where you can donate that would be greatly appreciated

| Rebel News interviewed Janice Fiaschetti, a retired teacher, who feels misrepresented in mainstream media about the facility. She raises a key concern: with only 34 cubicles, there will likely be lineups for changing or showering.
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  1. My question is why the attack on REAL WOMAN/ girls??? Why do biological men want to change and shower in girls/women??? ?. I haven’t heard 1 incident of Trans men changing in Biological males change rooms or shower or competing in biological mens sports …….. ???.


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