Avi Yemini EXPOSES how the mainstream media spins Israel-Hamas conflict


Right our next speaker um is another former Soldier he is someone who embodies the reason why I refuse to dignify them with any other name not soldiers but the lying Harlot media those people in the former formerly honorable profession of Journalism and and I don’t say that to

Be explicitly provocative but to be very technically accurate because so many journalists are just professional Liars the truth may be coincidentally in their story but it’s not intentionally there it’s a narrative and that’s why I call them the Harlot is because they are commercially unfaithful to the integrity and virtue

That they have a contract with us for and they do it for profit the lying Harlot media there is probably no topic misrepresented more than the topic of Israel for the record I am a defiant Zionist and it’s important to Define terms that are frequently distorted manipulated and lied

About I believe Australia has a right to sovereignty and security without the approval of anybody else in the world I do not believe Australia is beyond criticism I hold the same standard for Israel and that makes me a Zionist if you’re not a Zionist you are in Furious agreement with radical Islam

Radical leftism and radical globalism and if you’re comfortable with that I’d ask you is there any other topic in which you can find Furious agreement with islamists globalists and leftists any topic that’s debatable we should breathe air vegetables are good for you there’s probably not much else and

So if you’re on the same page as them regarding the topic of Israel get ready for some information our next speaker was a soldier who served on the border of Gaza immediately after Israel withdrew completely and uh I won’t steal any more of his story because that’s what I want

Him to share with you in his own words but at the end of his short speech uh we’re going to take questions feel free to ask the hard ones I will be filtering them you won’t get the microphone uh but we’re going to put a

Slide up as we had yesterday you need to download download the application on your smartphone WhatsApp and then you can add church and state as a contact don’t bother calling it or texting it it won’t work um but if you send us a message via WhatsApp I’ll be able to see

Which questions are the most common aggregate them and uh get the most pertinent questions addressed by our next speaker before the end of his speech would you please welcome to the stage one of our major sponsors for this conference in fact he’s donated 100 copies of his book to the conference so

100% of the prophets are going to support this ongoing Ministry around Australia and um the internet so doing that will be very good get to your feet come on up please welcome to the stage Arvy yeni thank you he’s taking half my speech good morning it’s bright and

Early for a Saturday usually I’m recovering from Shabbat dinner shabbat shalom to the other um I’m assuming there’s probably a couple of naughty Jews in this Crow yeah there was right so when my good friend Dave pellow asked me to speak at this year’s church

And state I admit I was I was honored but I was a little bit nervous CU I was thinking what could this Orthodox turned secular Jew offer a Christian Summit so I asked David who by da by the way Dave I think he’s doing a fantastic job put your hands together for

Dave I asked him what’s the brief what exactly do you want me to talk about and I was expecting him to say something inspiring inspiring enlighting Godly something to be frank that I probably struggle a little bit with but thank God himself Dave without hesitating he answered the lying Harlot

Media now there’s something this particular Jew can offer a room of God-fearing Christians because there are three things that I think the media hate the most the truth truth people like you who put their faith before their lies and won’t fall for their nonsense and people like me who may not

Be as God-fearing as you but we are able to call out their lies and bring more people to that fold so we’re in the we’re in great company we’re in this together as they like to say in the fight for truth now of course um 25 minutes is not

Very long which was the specific time that Dave about I reckon 30 times said to me it’s capped at 25 minutes I’m not sure where he gets the impression that putting a mic in my hand is a dangerous game and it may not end very well

But um you know what could possibly go wrong there but um so I thought you know what I’m going to do do a quick talk and then I’ll open the floor to uh hecklers I mean questions I don’t know why Dave ruined it he I feel I felt the disappointment

In the room when he said he’s going to filter those questions Dave can I be in charge of the filtering anyways 25 minutes is the limit so um we’ll have a chat about the Tre of the mainstream media um and and and even even on that subject

I said to Dave when he told me the hry of the mainstream media I said can you be a bit more specific because even 25 minutes on that is not very long and uh I I’ll read what his words were exactly explain to the audience why they shouldn’t trust the mainstream media

About anything to do with the Israel Hamas War where do I start firstly is there anyone In This Crowd that believes a mainstream media about anything put your hand out oh there we go we’ve got someone about a mini but you know I think most people don’t anymore but what many people don’t

Realize is even if they’re getting their information sometimes these days off platforms like I don’t know Tik Tok or Facebook or whatever it’s often come through the mainstream media so whoever they’re following especially when it comes to the subject of Israel and Hamas or the the Middle East conflict it’s

It’s usually started at the mainstream media and you think you might be getting something edgy everybody everybody does and this isn’t something new we’ve seen this um explode since October 7th but the truth is this issue of um the Distortion of The Facts of the truth of

The Middle East conflict is what got me into what I do today so I used to well I have a long story and you can read it all by buying one of the books that 100% of the um proceeds like he said will help support the church and state so you

Can read the entire book with my with the story from the start but when I got back from Israel um in 2009 I opened gyms called IDF training and they were Krab magar um and 24-hour gyms and um the thing is I was not a very political

Person I wouldn’t have been able to tell you the difference between liberal and labor and the truth is I still can’t but but a lot has happened since then um and I remember it was it was about it was about 10 10 years ago something like that and I I remember sitting down

Um in front of the TV when I got home from a long day of work and it was through one of the Gaza operations and I sat in front of the TV turned on ABC just to see the latest from what was happening and I couldn’t believe my eyes

Because as Dave mentioned uh most of my service I was deployed so in the beginning of my service I was in the Lebanon war but I I was was very Junior there and and most of my active duty was um in actually karaza which is one of

The um kibuts that got decimated in October 7 that’s where I was stationed On the Border um and doing missions in and out of Gaza I knew that place really well and when I turned on the TV I just couldn’t believe my eyes I couldn’t believe how they were distorting what

Was happening in that in that particular Mission because I knew exactly what they had done I could see how they manipulated the story to suit their narrative and I guess it was my first introduction to fake news it was where I realized holy crap if we’re being lied

About on this particular thing then why would I trust them to tell me the weather and in Melbourne in Melbourne a lot of people can resonate we don’t we haven’t trusted him about the weather for a long time but it made me question everything and

You know to cut a a long story short it was where I found my voice I started to use our platform at um the gyms which were quite popular because I know surprise surprise there was one thing I’ve always been good at and that’s been getting attention I’m the middle child

Of 17 kids so the I’m I’m enjoying every moment of this can we extend it to 30 minutes day um and so I you know I used at the time our Facebook pages that were massive for for for two small gyms that were very big and I I started to you

Know voice my view on the conflict from my experience having served only a couple years earlier in that exact place and you know I got all the feedback people who loved or despised our gym some members some not telling us you know having everybody’s a an expert

On Israel when it comes to any conflict um and at the time people were telling me Oh well you shouldn’t you know you shouldn’t use your business or whatever and I thought you’re training at IDF training KRA m is the Israeli Army self-defense system if you don’t like us

Defending Israel’s right to exist then you can probably go do I don’t know jiu-jitsu or something else that’s fine but then after that had happened and and the conflict um you know that round of fighting ended I kind of found my voice and like I said I wasn’t very political

I just approached things from a common sense point of view which I found out quite quickly was a farri position on politics and um so I started you know I started kind of voicing my sensible op opion on all sorts of social and political issues and people did say well

Maybe don’t use your business there and fair enough so I open a Facebook page at the time and I told anyone that’s interested in My Views you can join there and that was the beginning of my journey I guess to where I am today at

Rebel news like I said you can read that whole book including all my War Stories um in in in the book that uh Dave has out the front and I I can even sign a few if you want to give me more attention at the

End but I want to bring it back before we bring it to questions I want to bring it back to the current conflict because like I said it seems like since October 7 more than anytime in life and I think the reason any time in my life

Everybody’s an expert on it I think that’s probably got to do with uh social media which is got its great uh you know it’s it’s great Pros to it in the fact that everybody can be a citizen journalist but it also has its cons where everybody has an opinion and

Doesn’t matter how stupid some of the opinions are they can be Amplified quite quickly and since October 7 um as soon as as soon as the horrific attack on the terrorist attack on Israel happened we saw this thing I don’t know if you all remember I guess anybody that’s

Um that has any kind of close um sensitivity to this issue you’ll know on October 7 October 8 and probably October 9 the world was sympathetic to Israel there’s no question about that I I was shocked I was shocked that even people who had never thought would be were and looking back

Um I I guess it was that we saw hamas’s own footage that they gloated that they Liv streamed that they put online in fact they took their victim’s phones logged into their Facebook pages and live streamed their own brutality on their own Facebook pages so at the time

There was no question about what had happened so any decent human um basically stood up and go wow this is horrific to see this happen to any human being doesn’t matter where you sit on any of any issue is you know it is heartbreaking but I knew when I saw that that

Surely that’s not going to last long um you know to most if it happened to any other country you you’d have at least six months to a year of sympathy but Israel I gave it you know day weeks if not days and I decided then I remember I really I I

I was talking to my boss Ezra and I said we were deciding whether I should go or not and one part of me was looking at going no don’t worry it’s going to be fine even the mainstream media was looked like they would they were actually reporting the truth for once

They were they weren’t they weren’t trying to paint Islamic terrorists as the victims there you know is there really a reason for me to go and I remember talking to Ezra and saying there’s no way I reckon by the time I land The Narrative is going to

Shift and I think I I arrived so it was October 7th I think I arrived in Israel um October 9 or October 10 their time and by the time I land The Narrative was already shifting and I knew I’d gotten I I I did the right thing by

Traveling and just to give you one example of my experience in that time um that really demonstrates the reason why the M the the mainstream media the as Dave likes to call them the Harlot mainstream media why um what’s everything that’s wrong with him so I don’t know if you guys remember on

October 17 there was news and I was there on the border at the time there was a story that broke is Israel bombed a hospital 500 dead the headline it started with Al jazer of course a terrorist Network um and I’m not just saying that we’re talking about Al jazer funded by

Qatar which funds Kamas it’s you know yes they’re also a I think on ABC or SBS but so you draw your own conclusions there I’m not saying they’re terrorists too I’m not but if your best friend is a terrorist um and that me that that story you know it it spread like wildfire

Every mainstream network ran it channel 9107 here everyone around the world was running it and every clout chasing influencer who realized the easiest way and I’ll be honest as an attention seeker this was a conflict for me internally the amount of attention you could get for bashing

Israel or staying on the issue and and and the truth um it was tempting I know I love my family in Israel but I do love them more than attention it turns out but everybody jumped on this story and at the time in Israel you got to

Remember the the the was in shocked it was it was literally 10 days after um the brutal Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel in fact when I got there there was no one on the streets there was literally no one on the streets people it was the first time and I’ve been I

Served in war in Israel and the country was scared people didn’t know in fact there was um no one would go out on the streets out of fear and we were traveling one night I’m just I’m probably going to go over the 25 minutes sorry mate but there was no one on the

Streets and we would we were just trying to get as close to the Border as we could get that um we were driving down this like this road that that goes to Gaza and um we’re thinking it got really dark and we’re thinking there was no lights nothing and and we’re thinking

Holy crap we are getting you know hundreds of meters away and nobody’s stopping us and at the time this is why people were so scared they were literally catching terrorists out in those same Fields daily in fact not even just in the fields in beeva the the day

Before I’m talking about they found terrorists in an apartment that had come over the border so Israel was in a state of fear in in that story we kept driving and I was kind of hoping somebody stops me but then I also kind of wanted to see

What would happen don’t tell my wife and um suddenly out of the pitch black there was a you know flood lights on us and guns drawn and again as somebody who served in Israel’s Army um that would never happen on Israeli territory ever you you would never have isra the

Israeli mil military um so anxious that they would draw their guns immediately and scream not from not to the not from Hamas side but from driving from Israel and you know they were screaming at us to turn their headlights off it was a bloody Tesla I don’t know how to turn the headlights

Off at the time ilon musk was giving free electricity to free power to the cars and I jumped on it didn’t realize it was going to almost get me killed thanks Elon um but at the end it it ended up all right and they just turned us around and told us probably

Not to drive into into Gaza but it was it was a it was a a on edge and that story that spread like wildfire started by the mainstream media spread by every influencer on the internet that want some clout then what happened in the weeks following as and and at the time sorry

Every Israeli I was talking to everyone was like it wasn’t even a question of is it possible we accidentally hit that hospital it was like this is complete nonsense and Israelis are a population that are happy to speak out about the government in including myself during Co I was the

First to to condemn many Israeli policies but everybody at the time was just like there’s no chance that that is true and after all the international investigations it turned out Islamic Jihad it’s not hamas’s fault it was a different terrorist group they misfired into a parking lot next to the as part

Of the hospital that uh killed and injured I think 80 to 100 people it’s a very different story and guess what many of you may not have heard the ending may not have heard about how the mainstream media who acts like they’re so great and they um you know that that that they’ve

Got such Integrity in the I didn’t realize it was a countdown time I better hurry up now I the mainstream media has such Integrity that they walked back this story and they corrected the record but guess what the damage was done and still to today I talk to people and they

They absolutely believe the story that Israel went in the first days to bomb the hospital even though when I ask him can you explain to me what the benefit for Israel to bomb a hospital of civilians would be I you’re part of the we that’s the answer you get that that

That somehow The globalists Wanted Israel to get away with bombing the hospital the same globalists that put more resolutions against the state of Israel than any other Nation on the planet I think I ran out of uh time there so I think we’ll uh open to the

Hecklers and um we got 6 minutes and 11 seconds so I’m saved by the clock so that’s about 10 questions all right first question is first in best dressed and unfiltered why did you not go harder after the obvious corruption that let the Massac happen that started the

Recent war in Israel it’s a good question and the the thing is in Israel I asked that a lot in fact that was my first question to anyone in a position of power what the hell happened and I tell you somebody that my job in fact if I was there on October

7 it was my unit that was slaughtered it was in my base in in the bedroom that I would have slept in they got butchered and I know more than anyone that it is so hard to penetrate that border I was there like Dave said right after the

Disengagement so the months after and Kamas had taken over they threw all their other Palestinians off the top of the buildings including the queers for Palestine sorry to break up to you and I knew that my job as a as a marksman was if somebody came within the 200 met

Meter buffer zone was to f the warning shots and then if they you know work out who they are and then if they were still that was my job so I know how how difficult it was the thing is everybody’s asking that question one is people go yeah we want that answered but

First we need to win the war to even have the to even get the answer because it doesn’t matter if we lose because if there is no Israel at the end of it what doesn’t matter whose fault it was everybody in Israel wants to hold those people accountable my personal opinion

From the fact that you know speaking to soldiers there that were serving on that border before I think there was a massive intelligence failure military failure I think that they didn’t look at Gaza as the threat that they really were anymore in fact every Soldier was telling me the worst um deployment line

At the time before October 7 for a soldier a soldier wants an active deployment line because it’s otherwise it’s a lot of just standing around was Gaza because it was so boring there was nothing in my time it wasn’t like that in my time we were going in every night

Trying to track the people firing the rockets and all that type of stuff but yes that is a valid question and questioning that is fine as long as you can at the same time stand for Israel’s right to defend herself so if you if you’re going to use that question to

Justify why Israel should be allowed to be slaughtered and why Israelis should be sacrifice then you’re not asking it in good faith if you’re asking it in good faith I am asking that alongside you good do you know and are you familiar with the content of Amir

Safti no that’s a no that means you don’t know if his content’s reliable well I like him but I haven’t been inaz what’s what’s a platform what’s the oh he’s on Telegram and he shares a lot of intelligence from from Israel uh but I would recommend him look

Him up on telegram MEF if Dave recommends him I Reon is are yeah he’s quite credible so was Dave uh what other resources for information about events in politics in Israel would you recommend or trust I don’t think Israel is so different to anyone I think trust your

Gut and your CR and your ability to critically think I’m not saying every Israel Advocate doesn’t inflate their version of a particular event that’s just human nature but I think you should look at or everything that’s that’s going on and every story in fact if you

If you’re on Twitter you could see the same video with two separate captions one from the pro palestin pro let’s Pro Hamas and the other side the pro Israel side and they will portray the same thing in a completely different way I think you should look at both and I

Think over you know if if you have a critical um if you have a critical mind you will come to the right conclusion because the truth is a truth and the video speaks for itself and you can hear the way each side is portraying it and

You’re the best person to judge it don’t rely on the media to break it down for you because they have an agenda too um I’ll help answer that question that there is recommended reading for every section in in this book um and I uh I actually didn’t get a

Recommendation from Arvy but this um comes from one of the other leading Israel Advocates um from ajac uh in Australia and uh and I’m most of the way through listening to this now and I find it excellent that’s Israel A Simple Guide to the most misunderstood on Earth

By Noah tishby Noah tishby is a leftist feminist not devoted to a theologically accurate interpretation of either Doctrine or Israel um but she gives a really good um overview of the history in very um layman’s terms so I would recommend that um and I’d recommend it

To people who are critics she just gives a good apologetic for Israel’s right to exist as well as the history and the context which is so often glossed over um in in Israel on on that in fact that’s something I found since October 7 I found that I’m uh I’m I’m going to

Sources and and and listening to commentators a lot more in the center both the right and the left because the two fringes have lost the plot a little bit the the left lost the plot you know years ago but even on the right and then you obviously have the islamist and they

They between the three of them they have the numbers so sometimes when you’re on the internet you feel like your one your one rational voice amongst them all but what I’m finding myself lately doing is is listening to people like not she’s great that I disagree with on probably political and social

Issues on everything else but then listening to their and and actually it’s opening me up to listening so there’s another one that I think is really good completely different style and is not Jewish is this is this streamer called destiny and he’s a leftwing streamer but he debates everybody on

Israel and he’s he comes at it from a really rational perspective and makes really good arguments I don’t agree with all his arguments even on Israel but I think if you want to um understand what the other side what the pramas are are often doing and they come on to like he

Gets people on his shows that I would never be allow allowed to have because I’ll never come on because he’s from their side technically um and the the the discussions and the the information you can get out of those really so a YouTuber look up Destiny I can’t I

Cannot believe if you asked me before October 7 that I would be um recommending Destiny I would be don’t listen to him about anything else don’t listen to him about Trump and Biden that’s all I can say um where can people find you on social platforms um so if you got to

Follow ay.com you can see all my um socials there but these days I guess Twitter is probably one of the better ones because we’re free to talk and that includes letting the other side speak so if you’re if you’re not on Twitter I think that’s probably one of the safest

Platforms today yeah it is XX I still call it Twitter I’m stubborn are you expecting Hezbollah to be increasingly attacking in the north anytime soon if yes are the IDF ready it’s a good question um I remember when when we were in Israel covering the war in the South

And and and oh this is a so we didn’t know as as journalists you don’t know it’s it’s all unfolding nobody really knows what’s about to happen and I get a call from my friend while we’re on the southern border and he says to me a friend from the Army he

Goes hey I’m head of security in oh I forgot what it’s called um it’s the most Northern uh mosab so it’s on the border um God it’s breaking no no above kir anyway so he calls me he goes hey I’m head of security Now of of this uh mosab I think

Something’s like it’s about to get real you should come here and I could get you in and I go oh sweet yeah we’ll come there and and cover what happens I get about uh an hour and a half in I interviewed what’s her name from the she’s the what’s her name I’m forgetting

Everything’s names now anyways and the Bloody Tesla because you can’t we didn’t know which roads are locked so we had to drive 2 hours back to go 2 hours forth by the time we got there it had already been locked down and uh a bunch of

People in that mov were killed by uh anti-tank missiles and he he calls he goes no you can’t come I go what do you mean I can’t come and I’m like um that’s cool don’t tell my wife we just drove there anyways and um we got to the gate and he

Sent he wasn’t able to come to us because it was all happening but somebody else came in on one of the videos that we we covered at the time was giving us a a gave us an interview on that on that G but at that time to answer the

Question everybody was sure Lebanon was opening up because also historically if you look at like all the conflicts you know even when I when I was there in 2005 2006 that conflict started with uh Gaza then then it opened up in the north that that’s generally how it happened

And at the time everybody thought the north was going to open now if they haven’t done it by now uh I feel like they’ve Iran’s not really up for it is Israel prepared uhb is not Hamas Hezbollah has a lot more Firepower um but will is Israel win if

They are drawn into a war in the North they have to that’s right yeah final question and I might help you with this and then you can add something on as briefly as RV can manage I did pretty well man yeah yeah okay I I even didn’t put an ending to I

Realized like reading my notes there was no ending I assumed Dave was going to cut me off lunch is going to be just a little bit shorter how do we answer our fellow Christians who think differently to us and subscribe to the belief that those in Israel uh now are not the original

Israelites and that zionists are different to Israelites I’ve even heard the argument that the blessing of Israel that is its Prosperity um since 1948 is actually because Hitler financed aqueducts I haven’t heard that one where can we read reliable modern history to discern the truth around such matters um

With the why modern history what about the Old Testament oh yeah all all of history I’m not religious myself but I reckon that’s a good history book I’m I’m religious um it is biblical for Jews in Exile to intermarry with the local population uh Jeremiah 2911 you know

Where God that verse we claim for ourselves for I know the plans I have for you plans to prosper you not to harm you to give you a future and a hope that was to the Jews in Exile in that same chapter it says seek the peace of the

City where you dwell give your sons to the the daughters of that City give your daughters to the sons let them have have children and intermar plant Gardens and settle in and be become part of that Nation that’s what God Said to do why would you be surprised

That after 2,000 years of God scattering the Jews that they intermarried with the locals and became incredibly like that culture where they were it’s very biblical so I think it’s a really really weak theological argument and the genetic evidence for tracing ancestry back to uh Judah is incredibly strong uh

A very good source who goes into the forensic details of that seeing um critical reports that sort of say oh ashkanazi Jews aren’t real um is Dr Michael Brown look for if you want to search search on his YouTube channel uh Dr Michael Brown Ash Kazi Jews DNA uh

You’ll come up with a really good video that refutes um that uh biased argument um do you want to add to that yeah so quickly like I think there’s so many flaws in that and and and often those arguments are made in bad faith they’re not they’re not real right the whole

Argument of ashkanazi to like I’m I’m half half I’m Yemen and Russian polish I’ve got both my y family are certainly not ashkanazi and the majority of Israel is an ashkanazi but what do would say for Christians that are fighting Israel I would say go

Live in Gaza you remind me of you remind me of the que for Palestine like you guys you know what don’t even go to Gaza I get it Gaza is a horrible place the zionists are bombing it go leave anywhere else in the Middle East heck go live in

Bethlehem go live in Beth in 1948 Bethlehem I think was 80% Christian today it’s about 11 and that’s the same across the Middle East except for one tiny dot those bloody zionists they’re the only ones by a small percentage that the Christian uh the the Christian population has grown since 1948 so if

You’re a Christian calling for the demise of the zist Enterprise you’re essentially calling to wipe out Christians from the Middle East yeah yeah totally ladies and Gentlemen please thank a manyi and before I go I just want to say thanks to Dave and we’ll do a win-win go

Buy my book at the at the back that way I get more attention and all the money is going to help fund this it’s a really well-written book by someone that couldn’t pass your eight thank you sir

At the recent Church and State event in Brisbane, Rebel News’ chief Australian reporter Avi Yemini delivered a speech focusing on media bias, particularly concerning coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

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  1. Journalism has had its ups and downs, and HowHistoryWorks has a fantastic video on the 2000 Year Decline of Journalism, but I also have it listed in a playlist on my channel.

    It might be a bit harder to find than on his channel, but if you'd like some education and skepticism in a general sense, head over to my channel, under Intellectual Wellness, there will be a playlist called Education & Skepticism. His video is in the middle of that playlist, but there's also a lot of other great stuff in there too. I like to try to include your stuff as well (Rebel News), but I find that most news stations have a certain niche, so it isn't just one voice on my channel, but many (what I would consider to be) exceptional voices. At least for the topics of which they're talking about anyways.


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