Not-so-sweet news for chocolate lovers as prices set to double


So there’s many reasons that the cost of Coco has gone up crops aren’t performing like they used to for things like El Nino changing weather migrating Farmers moving out of farming and so last year 60% of the world’s Cacao is from West Africa and coot divad in Ghana and they

Had 32% less production last year than usual there’s less Supply way more demand the price has gone way up so is climate change part of this what’s going on huge part of this soate change is cus Dr ising the opposite of Dr is cusing massive rainf which is creating disease we will have

No choice but to increase our prices and it’s not just going to be in specialty cacao it’s going to be in commoditized too so what you know chocolate bar that you’ll find at the supermarket that’s more in The Confectionary space is probably going to be doubling as well do

You have any concern that going down the line that this is going to threaten the actual viability of caca as a product that that it may not exist at some point bit of a double-edged swore cuz if we don’t pay more it won’t exist because farmers will transition to a different

Crop I think it’ll be more of a luxury product versus something you might just munch on every day and I think it’s a good thing all around if we can find sort of that happy medium in price where consumers are willing to pay for something special and it’s just going to

Be the way of the future I think

An Edmonton-area chocolatier says consumers should be ready to pay more for chocolate confections as extreme weather events related to climate change threaten the viability of cocoa farming.

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