Canadian animator to release first feature film in endangered Indigenous language


Tera otber is carrying on the age-old tradition of indigenous storytelling these are the same ways that the stories have been told to me and past down to me only the indigenous animator is doing so in a much more modern way I wanted to tell these stories in a way that um you

Know children are going to enjoy them but also that adults are going to enjoy them just the eyes I working with students at this New Brunswick College along with animators around the globe this fall otber will release Canada’s first indigenous and animated feature film being voiced in the language of her

Ancestors wellist language is an endangered language there’s less than 100 fluent speakers got got including her aunt who voices the film featuring wide-eyed Whimsical characters addressing a very adult topic it’s a story about um a fox who is uh kind of suffering from mental illness um you

Know she’s trying to run away from her problems and in that she uh ends up running into the the Dark Forest which for me is representation of depression animation student Dusty Tibido is helping to bring those characters to life and can relate to the topic this

Film may help some people um find that they can find someone who they can connect with and go through some tough times in their lives still once complete the film will also be releasing versions subtitled in English and in French for me it has a connection with um the

Residential schools and looking at residential school survivors from second and third generation and people that have to live with someone else that maybe is a residential school survivor who’s also has mental illness SP away otber is hoping it will eventually be played in Canadian classrooms well huses is my favorite

Character because he’s bad he’s he’s so bad but he’s also so cute addressing a heavy topic yet using humor in a way that can the hearts of the characters and the viewers alike Shelley Steves Global News maymi New Brunswick

An Indigenous New Brunswick filmmaker is preparing to release Canada’s first full-length animated features film in the language of her ancestors.

The film called “QAQSOSS NAKA WAHUNTUHSIS (Fox & the Tiny Demon) features wide-eyed, whimsical characters addressing the very adult topic of mental illness.

It is entirely in the Wolastoqey language, and endangered Indigenous language with less than 100 fluent speakers.

Shelley Steeves speaks to the filmmaker behind the project about what she hopes it will mean to audiences.

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