“Suspect is actively shooting at the Calgary Police Service”: CPS says incident ongoing | FULL


Good afternoon everyone uh thanks for being here uh as uh promised earlier we want to give another update uh as the event heads into the uh evening hours I thought it was important to get ahead and make sure that the media and the public are aware of what’s going on in

The city so uh as you’re aware we’ve been on scene at the pen Brooks Meadows address for over 24 hours now uh we we understand this event has significant impact on the community for both a perception of Public Safety and inconvenience as you can see a lot of

The businesses in the area are shut down and people are having trouble uh getting into their homes uh we understand that uh although we understand the fear and the uncertainty uh please uh trust us that we have uh things within uh within the the situation within control um we

Are currently uh exercising me measures to protect the public such as the the red zones and uh the uh shut down of certain uh roads and uh areas to traffic uh our attempts to deescalate the situation to negotiation and facilitate a PO uh a voluntary surrender uh have

Gone uh un have been UNS successful to date however uh we are confident that we can continue to work towards a peaceful resolution to this situation uh we have uh utilized uh non-lethal tactics to help uh facilitate a uh a surrender however to date uh it’s been unsuccessful we will continue with these

Tactics uh until such time uh that we do have a peaceful surrender however uh should the situation escalate we are prepared to intervene and and stop any harm to the public or to officers um our goal remains a peaceful safe resolution to this event while ensuring Public Safety for our officers

And the suspect and the public most importantly for those residents of Penbrook who may be impacted by this the Calgary emergency management section uh agency has set up a family Reception Center at the Village Square Leisure Center if you are displaced or feel uh experiencing any uh difficulties and

Need support we ask that you attend there we will provide an update through our uh social media and uh through a media release about the areas that are impacted where we are asking residents not to return uh until this uh uh situation is resolved uh that’s it I got

Any questions I’ll need to know do you know if he’s still alive sorry do you know if the suspect is still alive we are currently engaged uh with the subject how are you engaging or verbal contact or so those are tactics uh that I can’t get into but uh again I think it’s

Pretty obvious you guys can hear the loudspeakers here so we are uh using a number different uh communication method with how do you manage a situation like this when somebody is going through maybe psychotic episode or something or they’re dealing with uh you know these uh these crazy thoughts anything like

That when this happens especially so I I won’t speak uh uh to this situation or the uh the uh status of the suspect however I can say uh that the answer to your question is time talk and tactics and that’s exactly what we’ve engaged in and that’s why we’ve entered our 24th

Period here so we’re not planning on rushing this uh we will take our time at the same time acknowledging that this is having an impact on citizens is there a threshold for how long this could last is there a threshold uh that’s hard to say at this point uh we do want to

Resolve this as quickly and safely as possible and that’s the balance right quick and safe does the suspect have any demands sorry does the suspect have any demands when you’re asking him to surrender is he asking for something in return so um I won’t get into negotiation tactics but uh our our

Crisis negotiation team who are uh experts and uh expert sorry professionally trained in this field uh are engaged is there any less risk now than than you talked to this morning the risk level uh Remains the Same and extremely high to both the public and the officers so it stays as is until

Either the surr we will uh I guess the best I can answer that is we are monitoring the situation and we have a number of pre-planned tactics in place uh and we will consider them all As you move forward why is why uh why have we not named the suspect

Yet uh just uh no charges have been laid yet so can you reveal What charges he was facing when you tried to execute the search warrant I don’t have this specific set but uh the search warrant was in relation to Firearms do you know how many Firearms he has inside

Or I do not how many people have been displaced uh in the area I do you know I don’t have that number but uh there’s going to be uh several more because we are creating a Zone uh what we call a a Red Zone in case the situation uh

Escalates we want to make sure that the public is safe so you’re expanding it then yes is the city requ to like accommodation people that have place to sleep yes so um uh citizens that are displaced uh can attend the uh family uh Response Center at Village Square uh

Leisure Center uh where they’ll be provided with support such as accommodations overnight was it a Calvary warrant that you guys were executing or was it shared with our CMP or were you assisting or how did that go down good question uh I take you that question is uh because of the presence

Of the RCMP this was a Calgary uh Police Service investigation by our Firearms investigative team has he used his Firearms could you comment on that sorry has he been using his Firearms the suspect is actively shooting at the cab Police Service but no injuries by to police no

Injuries to uh the police officers or any citizens that we know do you know what kind of weapons he has or suspect is injured I I do not uh know that do you know is the suspect injured at this point I do not know that you

Dok you thank you sir sir can you just give your first and last name in your rank sir sure uh superintendent Joe BR Joe b r a r thank you thank you very much thank you

Calgary police continue to deal with an incident in the southeast part of the city that has been ongoing for over 24 hours.

According to Calgary police Supt. Joe Brar “the suspect is actively shooting at the Calgary Police Service.”

Brar said attempts to deescalate the situation and bring about a voluntary surrender have been unsuccessful.

“The risk level… is extremely high to both the public and the officers” Brar stated.

The CPS tactical unit was executing a search warrant at around 3:30 p.m. on Thursday. Police said prior to entering the home, shots were fired in the direction of the officers at the scene.

According to Brar the search warrant was in relation to firearms.

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  1. i get that law is complex… but this seems reckless to not show us who is shooting at you. besides the fact that they're going to try to escape and there is the chance they are successful… you limit your ability to get the community to provide information that may provide insight to get them to surrender.

  2. Isn't this what India pays Trudeau to allow? His retirement should be fully funded by now. He should step down before decent people can no longer tolerate his corruption and start considering lawsuits.

  3. Good thing we have all those gun laws to stop people like this from getting a gun.
    But i think this guy has an illegal gun.
    Just saying crooks dont follow the law, thats why its foolish to think more laws to be broken will help.

    Just saying gun violence has never been higher

  4. These cops never heard of reverse psychology, and lastly how does a crazy person get a gun ? I understand a completely normal person finds a gun or buys one but a crazy person gets a gun like HOW the doctor gave it to him ?


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