SpaceX’s Starship rocket successfully blasts off | FULL LAUNCH


10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 3 1 30 seconds into flight we are feeling the rumble we are seeing 33 out of 33 Raptor engines ignited on the super heavy booster booster and ship avionics power and T nominal acquisition of signal Corpus Christie continuing to get good call

Outs our trajectory looking nominal systems looking nominal just amazing to see all 33 lit up once [Applause] Again this point we’ve already passed through Max that maximum Dynamic pressure and passing supersonic so we’re now moving faster than the speed of sound getting those onboard views from the ship cameras now the me the next major Milestone is going to be a hot staging maneuver again we’re going to be doing

That in just about 90 seconds to do that we’re going to shut down all but the three Center Raptor engines on super heavy that’ll be our Mo our most engines cut off and then the clamps holding the two stages together are going to release Starship second stage will ignite its

Engines the arvac first the sea levels right after that the sea level engines will be spayed or just kind of pointed out at about a 15° angle so if you look close we get good tracking you might be able to see those center right after and so those six engines will push

Starship off of the booster all right counting down now we’re going to be coming up right around the three minute mark on that hot staging maneuver again we’ll see the booster engines start to shut down you’ll see all but three lights go out in the middle and

Then we’ll see the engines ignite on ship pushing it away and that will start carrying the ship into space booster will start to do its flip and then move the Boost back burn setting it up for eventual splash down in the Gulf of Mexico separation it hot staging

Confirmed boosters now making its way back seeing six engines ignited on ship Kate we got a Starship on its way to space and a booster on the way back to the gulf oh man I I need a moment to pick my jaw up from the floor because

These views are just stunning uh these are live views from Starship uh first stage is currently performing shics power andry nominal good there news informing us at the second stage or the ship everything looking good nominal there first stage is currently performing the Boost back burn expecting

That to last about 1 minute that boost back burn nominal uh that boost back burn propels the booster back towards the coast taking it to a landing in the waters of the Gulf of uh we’re only using the super heavy boosters 13 Center engines from here on

Out uh as whenever they relight you’ll be able to see that in the left bottom corner uh those are the ones that can gimal in other words they move and change direction uh in order to change the thrust to steer the first stage back to Earth wow these are just incred

Incredible views coming to us everything is looking good for both the first stage on the leand side of your screen or the super heavy booster as well as on the right hand side of your screen that is Starship or we also refer to that as the

Ship now the Boost back burn uh was the first of two Burns required to return it to Earth the next one will be the landing burn where all 13 Center engines will initially ignite and then transition into a three engine burn uh to help slow it down just as a reminder

Of the stage one test objectives uh we’re looking for controlled Ascent which we have so far uh stage separation which gorgeous we Cruise right through it uh as well as a nominal trajectory good news there telling us that the path that Starship is on uh is good now Starship second stage is still

Firing its engines and as you heard following planned flight path uh the ship objectives we’re looking for hot staging again cruised right through that we’re looking to demonstrate controlled Ascent as well as orbital insertion now the bottom right hand corner of the screen shows the ship uh

Engine Graphics so be sure to keep an eye on those yeah Kate like this is just a phenomenal test so far super heavy is performing beautifully today it’s on its return leg of the journey ship continuing to burn its six engines those larger circles the Raptor vacuum engines the inner circles the uh

Raptor se- level engines we’re about 30 seconds away uh just under 30 seconds away from the start of the Boost back bur uh excuse me the landing burn on the booster you can see the grid fins rotate those hypersonics are guiding us through the atmosphere back towards our splash down

Site again we’re going for a hard for a splash down a soft splash down so for landing burn we’re going to expect to see the 13 Center engines light rapidly bring down the boosters velocity and then just the three in the center for Flash down let’s see if that’ll [Applause]

Work we’re getting a few a few engines and acquisition of signal we’ll see if we can get some other video of that now uh this is a test objective today it is still something that we’re attempting to learn um and to make it that far to demonstrate the controlled re-entry up

To that point is pretty darn good ship continuing to look nominal with its Ascent burn this burn lasting uh about 6 minutes total and we’re expecting that this burn will end uh just after t plus 8 minutes about a minute from now so far though I mean

Congrats to the team making it this far is farther that we than we’ve gone too just wonderful views and great engine performance from the vehicles so far we’ve hit controlled Ascent we’re in the middle of that right now we demonstrated the hot staging Kate as you said cruise through that uh we

Demonstrated controlled entry of the the booster just stopped a little short of the engine relay but hey that’s something we can learn for the next one yeah now that view that we just had moments ago was a live shot of Star Command there you see it again this is

Uh our mission control center at Starbase uh where vehicle operators are standing by now the next Milestone coming up uh is in less than a minute uh at that point chip will or I’m sorry actually it already has um engine cut off there we [Applause]

Go as you heard there by the callout and for from the crowd behind us star starship’s six rapor engines have successfully shut down

SpaceX has successfully launched Starship rocket on it’s third test flight – the previous two ended in explosions.

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