Trudeau, Smith all smiles in Calgary as fight between provinces, feds on carbon pricing looms large


Time you know but it’s a big really I have to spend four hours getting back to Adon so great to see great to see you as well would you like me to start thank you I’m looking forward to U meeting the Prime Minister today we have so much to

Talk about uh we actually have had some wonderful collaborations on some some great uh emissions reductions Pro projects Air Products which is a hydrogen net zero product project Dow Chemical which is a net zero petrochemical project we’re hoping to get to a final investment decision together with heidleberg which would be

An nzero cement project I’d also like to thank the Prime Minister for getting the Trans Mountain pipeline nearly to the Finish Line it’s going to be a major boost not only for Alberta but also for the entire country and uh we’ve worked very collaboratively with First Nations on an Alberta indigenous opportunities Corporation

We hope that we can lend our expertise and support to hopefully something similar at the federal level uh in addition I I hope we can find a a solution on Pathways I think Pathways could be another major collaboration for us would be one of the biggest carbon sequestration projects in the the

Country has ever seen if we can make sure that we get the investment tax credits on that um on an area where we don’t quite see eye to eye the the carbon tax I think we’ve now seen seven premieres have suggested that we need to pause on April the 1st so I’m very

Hopeful that we maybe come to some Solution on that to address issues of affordability so those are the things I’d like to be talking about today thank you very much Danielle it’s uh great to be back in Calgary glad to be sitting down uh with you to talk about indeed

All the things that we have been working on together uh I uh in addition to all the Investments uh and the work we’re doing on creating jobs and uh a positive future for Alberton where uh you know we’re we’re glad to be big Partners in investing in the future of Canada by

Investing in the future of Alberta and for albertans um there’s lots of other things we’re working on on affordability as well we’re having great conversations uh around child care as uh as there’s been real progress uh on bringing down the costs which has made a huge difference for families here in Alberta

And I I thank you for that uh and there’s always more to do we’re going to we’re going to keep doing it uh I’m here today to talk about pharmac care and sorry here to talk about Dental Care uh but we’re also moving forward uh with opportuni on uh on affordability through

Uh uh through boosts to various pharmacare elements there’s things that we’re doing together that are really making a difference and I know it’s a time of challenge for so many people uh that having governments work together to respond is really important uh obviously we will also talk about uh uh pricing

Pollution and making sure we’re protecting uh future generations and jobs uh I’ll highlight that as of uh beginning of April uh the average family of four in Alberta will get $1,800 a year with uh the Canada carbon rebate that’s uh money in people’s pockets even as we fight climate change uh but

There’s lots of different perspectives uh and uh and things we’ll be talking about how we can best work together to serve Alberton so it’s h it’s a pleasure to be back in Calgary uh and a pleasure to have this conversation

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is in Calgary, Alberta, Canada on Wednesday to meet with Alberta Premier Danielle Smith.

The two laughed and shook hands during their initial meeting Wednesday, with each detailing the broad areas of agreement between their two governments – a notable exception, of course, being Alberta’s opposition to the federal government’s carbon pricing proposal.

The federal backstop is set to rise from $65 a tonne to $80 a tonne on April 1. This means the fuel charge on gasoline will go from 14.3 cents per litre to 17.6 cents.

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  1. Why does she live in Calgary? Edmonton is the capital of Alberta. She does next to nothing for the rest of Alberta. She is only focused on Calgary. Stupid Leader of our province. She needs to resign.

  2. "Take $2,943 and give back $1,800 "… the canada carbon rebate.

    … and convince albertans that it's a good deal ! This Federal government is ludicrous.
    They keep telling us how much they're "putting in the pockets of canadians" when they're taxing the CR@p out of us at every level and doling out a nickel on the dollar while pocketing the rest.

  3. They keep telling us how much they're "putting in the pockets of canadians" when they're taxing the heck out of us at every level and doling out a nickel on the dollar while pocketing the rest.
    Take 2900 and return 1800 and convince albertans that we are better off. What gaslighting.

  4. The Canadian taxpayer has to reluctantly spend more on interest payments to service the debt that Justin Trudeau incurred, than what the Federal government spends on healthcare (exluding: dental/ pharmacare).

    Let that sink in fellow taxpayers.

  5. Wonder if she barfed
    in her mouth ? He has his little knees together like the nice little girly he is ! Ugh ! We are paying an astronomical amount in carbon tax and get peanuts back , if any thing at all

  6. After eight years, Justin is still blaming Harper for his failures. When hollow promises that reap negative results, it is time to reevaluate not continuing the same old failed policies. Canadians are not that naive to think he is working to keep Canadians safe when he froze bank accounts and trampled Canadians. He should resign.

  7. I'll say this. She at least shock hands like a premier this time. Don't think anything will come out of this. Trudeau is too arrogant to postpone the carbon increase. No one is fooled by the rebate either. Just let us keep that money in our pocket to start with rather than getting back a token of it every 3 months. ?? is coming!


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