Trudeau defends carbon tax amid provincial backlash | says tax will put money’ in Canadians pockets


Was designed to do two things both uh send a clear signal to investors to companies to Canadians that it makes good sense to invest in reducing our carbon emissions and saving energy and a price signal is the clearest way of doing that but the second goal of the price on pollution

Was to make sure that middle class families and vulnerable families across the country weren’t carrying the brunt of that price on pollution and that’s exactly what we’ve done a family of four in Alberta is going to receive $1,800 over the coming year with our price on pollution that is

More than the average family will pay with the carbon price and there’s a 20% top up for rural areas that puts it over $2,000 those are checks that the conservative governments and conservative party wants to take away from people it’s a way of both fighting climate change of pushing

For Innovation and uh better Technologies and putting more money in the pockets of Canadians right across the country eight out of 10 families in the jurisdictions across the country that uh have the price on federal price on pollution do better with the Canada carbon rebate checks they get

Every few months then it costs them that’s what a smart plan to price pollution is all about and I can understand there’s a lot of political misinformation and disinformation about that but every Canadian knows particularly here in Alberta that the impacts of climate change are real and the

Opportunities to innovate and build an economy of the future with high hydrogen with ccus uh with uh Renewables uh with nuclear is going to continue to lead good jobs for albertans and uh and and a an economically driving force here in Alberta in a world that understands the reality of climate change

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke on how the carbon tax policy will ‘put more money in the pockets of Canadians.’

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  1. Great speech Trudeau. You care about Canadians and the environment. Haters don't care about our future but Trudeau does and that is why he is one of the greatest PMs. We are lucky to have him and all those that are not grateful need to start showing him some respect. Trudeau is Truth!

  2. I am confused – if you are taxed more- meaning you paying more for carbon you use – which will increase transportation fees which could increase food cost. Which means you pay more basically on everything. When do I get more money from government to pay the offset on ALL the extra costs of living expenses? Or yet again another tax to increase my expenses when I am just a few dollars away from food bank now.
    So in May I might be at the food bank?
    No purchase of a home now there is a possibility of not enough money for food.
    Will start questioning have I failed as a father and provider for a “better life” for my young family. Perhaps Ontario is just the wrong place for a young family. Alberta and Quebec next options?? Or to another country. This is depression not CoVID

  3. your on crack trulip. unless your on welfare unmarried with no income you dont get alot. we dont get enough to cover our fuel tax let alone our heating tax which in april will be more than what the gas costs.

  4. The tax is designed to do only one thing.
    To persecute ordinary folks for the crime of living in Canada, for living their lives and minding their own business.
    To benefit foreign business/political interests.
    It isn't and never has been about 'saving the planet'…only to put money into the pockets of government and their connected friends.
    Maybe he should go pitch his tax in…say…Beijing…or know places that really do pollute the planet.
    Trudeau, Singh…ndp-liberals…make then Net Zero

  5. The heritige fund already have 22.1 billion dollars, to create jobs and innovation and more. Why aren't they useing that money to help combat climate changes. Instand of asking Alberta citizen?

  6. YEAH,,, ALL TAXES are about Putting Money in Your Pocket… Every Year I put $25,000 into Income Tax and the Liberals give me back $40,000 because that is how taxes work for the Middle Class… (( NOT ))


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