Israeli protesters disrupt flow of aid trucks at key border crossing


The UN and international Aid agencies insist the best way to get humanitarian assistance into Gaza is via land but some key corridors into the south of the territory are struggling to deal with the large number of trucks lining up cbc’s senior International correspondent Margaret Evans is at the Israel Egypt

Border with the story of why protesters gather daily to disrupt Aid convoys we are standing along the border between Israel and Egypt if you look on the side of this fence you can see a row of trucks packed with Aid destined for Gaza of course it’s not getting there

Fast enough and not enough is getting in they’re in the lineup here because they have to come across the border into Israel where the Israelis will check to ensure uh that they’re satisfied with what’s going into Gaza they then go back out and go further down to another entry

Point into Gaza the people you can see behind me here are Israelis who have been trying to stop any humanitarian aid from getting into Gaza they say it winds up in the hands of Hamas and they’re not concerned with the humanitarian impact on gazin they say that is simply a cost

Of war the Army needs to finish this war and when that is over there can be a future for the gazen people but if but first Hamas needs to be eliminated we know from the United Nations that a quar quarter of the population in Gaza is on

The brink of famine uh Health officials from the gazen Run Health Ministry say at least 25 children have now died of acute malnutrition there are International Community is so frustrated with the number of trucks Israel is allowing to get in they are now trying airdrops they’re talking about a

Humanitarian sea Corridor coming from Cyprus and we’re hearing about potential attempts at another land Crossing in the north but a agencies will tell you it’s not coming fast enough and the suffering is destined to continue unless something is done very quickly Margaret Evans CBC News along the Israeli Egyptian border

Protesters at the border crossing between Gaza and Egypt are disrupting the flow of aid into the territory, saying they believe the shipments wind up in the hands of Hamas.

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