Trudeau allowing antisemitic mobs to run wild through weakness and cowardice: Spencer Fernando


Move away move away move move away move away move away move away by the way why the were the police just standing there let me read to you section 176 two of the criminal code everyone who willfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met for religious

Worship or for a moral social or benevolent purpose is guilty of an offense punishable on summary conviction well they were outside the synagogue they were targeting the synagogue they said they were but police were fine with it it went on for many hours joining us now via Skype from

Winnipeg Manitoba to talk about this is our friend Spencer Fernando the proprietor of Spencer fernando. comom Spencer great to see you again it’s been too long good to see you too your latest article is called through his weakness and cowardice Justin Trudeau is allowing Canada to be stolen from you by the

Anti-semitic mobs it’s a very powerful headline why don’t you unpack that for me what’s your argument basically that it’s uh we’re seeing a battle of wills between you could say the the lawful authorities and you know just regular Canadians who you know support the law and U you know oppose

Anti-Semitism and between us and then between you know people who are obviously anti-semites people who have a radical in many cases islamist uh worldview and so what they’re trying to do is they’re basically saying um you know we’re going to show that we’re in control you know the laws don’t really

Apply to us because there’s more of us than there are of the police right so we’ll just we’ll do do whatever we want we’ll intimidate people obviously they’re trying to push Jewish Canadians out of public life uh that’s the first step in their plan obviously for something much worse and so it’s it’s

Really a battle of wills and what trau doesn’t understand is you know I wrote something for my Patron subscribers as well that got into this in in more depth but that really what’s happening is you know if we if we give even a little bit

Of benefit to the doubt to some of the liberal MPS and say okay they think they’re doing the right thing they think if they just appease the the pramas mod that something will turn out well for them and that they’ll calm down and they’ll be you know saded by some sort

Of concession but they’re trying to deal with a group you know they’re trying to deal with people in in the way that you could deal with you know people who are uh rational reasonable you know people who support Western Civilization people who support freedom and democracy where

Yes making a concession you know making a reasonable shift in someone else’s Direction can bring about something beneficial but when you’re dealing with people who have an ideology that is all about asserting dominance imposing fear um you know that I say that the the pro call it pro Palestinian but really Pro

Hamas movement is a fear-based movement so it responds to strength and so when you when you concede to them when you give into them they say well I mean I guess protesting outside of synagogues is working I guess calling for the death of Israel and the death of Jews is

Working and so the government keeps trying to make oh one more concession and then finally they’ll be happy then they’ll calm down they’ll go home no it’s just going to get get worse and worse and so you know the clip you showed obviously that’s that’s a serious problem because that’s about as textbook

As it gets with one group saying oh look we’re in control now I mean we we if we don’t want to be arrested then we just you know surround the person and take them away and the police can’t do anything and so that kind of assertion of dominance is a very serious problem

Because it’s just going to keep getting worse unless the government wakes up and realizes that only strength only resolve and only making zero concessions is actually going to start turning things around yeah I think that’s pretty unlikely with Justin Trudeau um but I want to talk about the larger society

Because I remember back to the trucker Convoy when the truckers were in AO I was there for a few days and I saw a lot of Canadian flags and and a lot of Canadian symbols and a lot of handwritten signs I spent a lot of time

There and I didn’t see any schwas or any Nazis but some Anonymous photographer snapped a quick picture of a Nazi flag it looks like it was being held at the fancy Chateau uh laor Hotel there and this circulated and I don’t think anyone other than this mystery photographer saw

It it sure felt like it was a setup huge coverage Coast to Coast hundreds of news stories written about the swasa to prove that all the thousands of people there were Nazis because they couldn’t find any actual saskas but some Anonymous photographer found one so he said I want to compare

That to these weekly hate marches which have not only sometimes do they have actual terrorist Flags but the chance are you see H Hitler salutes you talk you see calls for the final solution there is only one solution inata which is an Arabic word I guess the Russian

Word would be a pgom basically an anti-semitic Riot my point is one fake swastika flag and the entire truckers were demon ized unfairly for weeks but you see hate messages that would curdle your curdle milk uh every single time and the mainstream media goes out of their way not to report it

There’s violence at these protests the mainstream media says they’re peaceful so what’s going on with the media why is the entire political media establishment not the entire but most of the political media establishment in League with the protesters or at least not scrutinizing and criticizing them I think this is many ways a

Long-term consequence of identity politics you know the idea that um you know who someone is you know their character who they are as a person the value they bring is dependent only on external characteristics and so you know let’s let’s do an experiment let’s pretend that every single element of all

These anti-semitic protests was exactly the same you know the chance the position where people were standing everything’s the same except the protesters were all you know like 6’3 uh blond-haired blueeyed men right everything the same except the protesters you know you know fit the you know the mold of you know the the

Dangerous anti-semite you from Germany or something right think of the reaction from Justin Trudeau every every major politician in the liberal government they’d be just going absolutely crazy the media would be going crazy and so you can have the exact same behavior that we would easily identify okay if it

Was coming from you know white supremacists people would say this is outrageous this is unacceptable people would be melting down but if it’s from people who are identified as I guess a victim group if they’re recent immigrants or if they’re you know from a Middle Eastern country oh I guess

They’re just victims of Western imperialism you know they can’t be held accountable for their actions and so that’s that’s one of the big problems here is you have so many people who their whole worldview is that you judge people by what they look like not what

They do not what they say not how they act and so now you know it’s it’s it’s like cognitive dissonance right trill’s his his whole worldview has been oh well you know you know everyone from outside of Canada or outside the Western world is just oppressed and you know innocent

And we’ve been so bad to them and we need to be apologetic and then all turns out a lot of those people are super anti-semitic and have extremely hateful views that are basically the same as you know Nazi Germany oh well uh H what to do about that and it’s like they just

They just can’t process it right they just don’t know how to deal with it so they just kind of pretend it’s not happening right that’s how a lot of people deal with cognitive dissonances just ignore it it’s nothing’s happening at all and so I think that’s a very

Serious problem and it’s not really going to go away because most of the media is now made up of people who went to University and this was they were Ste in this worldview for years and so that’s it’s kind of an ongoing problem is they just can’t they can’t accept two

Things that someone could be from a traditional victim group and could also be extremely anti-semitic and have horrible views and so they they just choose to ignore it

On last night’s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, independent journalist Spencer Fernando joined the show to discuss why antisemitic hate marches are flourishing under Justin Trudeau’s leadership.

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  1. It is against the law to provide support for Hamas, which has been designated by the government as an illegal terrorist entity. Please sign our petition demanding that the government deport non-citizens, including foreigners on student visas, who are abusing the privilege of being our guests by supporting Hamas hate rallies:

  2. If you fly any other flag than this ?? you do Not belong in Canada; deport the treasonous now please

    Fight your holy war over there;
    Canadians love peace-loving people

    Both of these groups have brought terror to Canada

  3. I can't believe they're distorting the peace and taking up our officers time when they've got important matters to attend to.?
    I can't believe our tax payer money is going towards this never ending hateful nonsense.


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