Expert says the gangs are very well armed and deeply entrenched | HAITI NEWS


Nadal is my guest with the University of Toronto one of his areas of expertise is the situation in Haiti Danny good to see you your thoughts on where we stand right now this upcoming resignation of Ariel AR and the difference you think that might make I think it it’s going to make a

Difference this has been uh very long in the making he was supposed to have stepped down um almost two years ago and there’s been pressure from Civil Society in Haiti and from other political actors for him to step aside he was supposed to have impanel the transition uh Council

And he kept delaying the implementation he kept um making it hard for them to do their job I think with him now finally supposedly out of the way if he actually does step down uh we might see uh a new A Renewed attempt at trying to get sitution under control that said it’s

Not a Magic Bullet uh he was not the only thing standing in the way of improving situation in Haiti and now with no partner uh for dialogue in the the next couple of weeks it’s going to be interesting to see how Canada the US and Community deal with the impending

Mission if they’re going to be able to get off the ground if they’re going to be able to overcome the the other obstacles including um the court injunction against the mission in Kenya yeah the Kenyans of course will be leading a peacekeeping force of sorts about a thousand police officers uh and

Other countries will contribute to that Force but as you point out there are constitutional challenges within Kenia itself to see whether those police will ever actually be deployed what do you think needs to happen here to try and stabilize the situation in Haiti I don’t think anybody knows

Exactly what will work uh there’s a lot of concerns about what won’t work and what we’ve seen in the past and there of course real risks with any operation like this uh Kenyon police is not experiencing kind of operation they’ve participated in some missions in the

Past um but the idea that a thousand Kenyon uh police officers even with the help of another thousand um of components of different countries in the Caribbean are going to be able to uh fly into Haiti and temp down the situation I think is is a little fanciful um they’re

Likely to encounter a very difficult situation on the ground uh these armed groups are very well armed and have been um engaged in violent action for for sometime now they’re veterans they know the country very well they know the the streets the the city uh they’re very well entrenched any foreign force is

Going to find it very hard to dislodge them just like the Brazilian lead mission did back in 2004 yeah I’m wondering if there is any way to get the criminal gangs that have taken over most of poal prce the capital and other places you know to get them to

Stand down so to speak I mean in some cases they’re now calling themselves the real liberators of Haiti and they’re already warning about International intervention and calling into question the legitimacy of of you know these Summits going on in Jamaica and elsewhere um you know saying that this

Needs to be a Haiti uh Solution by Haitians not by Outsiders yeah I think one of the big mistakes the International Community made um was to treat these criminal actors as solely criminal uh in nature even fact that we call them gangs instead of calling them insurgencies or

Anything else uh speaks of the the Le of understanding of what their political role is they’ve had uh close ties with political with politicians including elected members of of the Asian legislature and former presidents uh they’re part of the political DNA of the country and they have had political

Roles and political demands from the very beginning of this crisis and I think the community had trouble calling them as such because it would Grant legitimacy to to these actors that don’t have an inherent legitimacy but by treating them as gangs instead of as insurgents or political uh actors they

Fail to even think about what might uh satisfy their demands or might uh allow for some dialogue um now we have a situation in which they have demands and they want to see um a new government in Haiti that’s produced by Haitian a bullet Solution that’s produced by

Haitians and is not even willing to talk to them Danny adal with the University of Toronto Haitian expert with his take on the chaos and word now the prime minister of Haiti Ariel AR is set to step down thank you for your time Danny and your insights much appreciated thank you

Political science professor Dani Nedal says the gangs in Haiti are very well armed and deeply entrenched in the country.

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  1. They have no APCs…Tanks…or anti-tank rockets…no explosives really..

    It would be a route with 200 Bradley's and 400 FLIR equipped UH60s with A.I. assistance and……drones.


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