Aid ship carrying 200 tonnes of food for Gaza sailing from Cyprus


The latest next in the war between Israel and Hamas ker which is a key mediator in ceasefire negotiations it says it’s working to establish a permanent end to the fighting not a short-term ceasefire and that’s a key Hamas demand a qari foreign minister spokesperson adds talks are nowhere

Close to a ceasefire deal at this point also this morning the head of the European commission is urging an immediate humanitarian ceasefire right now there’s only one way to restore an adequate flow of humanitarian Aid the people of Gaza need an immediate humanitarian pause that would lead to a

Sustainable ceas fire and they need it now this is video into us from Gaza from Gaza civil defense aan France press says it shows people being rescued yesterday from under Rubble in Gaza City as we were reporting to you yesterday at this time is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is signaling a ground

Offensive into Rafa will go ahead but there’s no new indication of when that could begin and CNN is quoting Israeli officials as saying it is not imminent Reuters reports this morning European union leaders will urge Israel to hold off on the Rafa offensive that call is expected at next week’s Summit in

Another development this morning a ship carrying tons of food Aid is now sailing to Ward Gaza and from Jerusalem Sarah Coats brings us the latest we do know now that the Spanish NGO Shi the Open Arms loaded up with around 200 tons of humanitarian Aid carrying uh a barge

Behind it which reportedly has rice flour and other protein has now left lanica port in Cyprus Bound for gazer after being inspected Yesterday by Israeli forces this trip is expected to take around 2 days the journey is around 320 kilm uh although at this stage Heather it is unclear as to when this

Ship actually does arrive where it will actually Dock and then how this humanitarian Aid will get onto land and then be distributed given that there are no working ports in the Gaza Strip although the organizer the world Central Kitchen has come out to say that it is

Now creating a jetty of its own using from a number of destroyed buildings in Gaza although no no timeline yet on when that will happen Sarah getting Aid into Gaza by ship this seems to be sort of the latest aspect to the growing International push

To get more food into the people in Gaza Canada will be part of that effort so explain to us why this sea rout is seen as being so desperately needed well Heather this comes after a dire Warning by the United Nations that quarter of the population in the Gaza

Strip is on the brink of famine we do know of course that most of these border crossings have been shut off by Israel barely any trucks have been getting in according to Aid groups half of the amount of trucks that went in in January made it through in February so this

Really goes to show the dire need that these people are facing there and over the last few days we’ve also seen many countries including a joint Mission between GE and Canada airdropping supplies over the Gaza Strip but this is really uh being seen as insufficient inadequate and uh there have been a

Number of casualties also from these air drops some of these parachutes not opening literally crushing people below who were waiting for this humanitarian Aid so it certainly comes at an extremely critical time and we have actually just heard from the head of unra Philip lazarini he’s just tweeted

Saying that Israel has blocked turned back a truck because it had scissors used for children’s medical kits Israel is denying this the Kat organization which is the coordination of government government activities in the territories tweeting that lazarini is lying but certainly this just shows how desperate the situation is and the restrictions

Being put on Aid going into the strip we also heard from the UN Secretary General Antonio terrish he says that there needs to be an end to this war also the release of hostages speaking about that rougher operation that you were just talking about saying that if this does

Happen it would plunge Gaza into an even deeper circle of hell Heather Sarah Coats from Jerusalem this morning

A ship carrying 200 tonnes of aid for Gaza has left Cyprus in a pilot project to open a sea route to deliver supplies. The U.S.-based charity World Central Kitchen says it is building a jetty from rubble to receive the ship in Gaza, which has no port.

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