Gaza crisis: No ceasefire as Ramadan begins with fears of famine


At this makeshift camp in Rafa Ramadan is marked not with traditional daytime fasting but instead with a desperate search for the next meal if the first day of Ramadan is tough on us how will the second and the third days be this woman asks there had been hope the Muslim holy month would

Usher in a ceasefire and the release of hostages held by Hamas my strongest appeal today is to honor the spirit of Ramadan by silence the guns there is no deal in sight the situation in Gaza is only growing more desperate by the day even as the pace of air drops increases

Gaza’s Hamas run Health Ministry reports at least 25 people have now died of starvation the death toll has surpassed 31,000 we can’t let Hamas survive yet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vows to press ahead with the military invasion of Rafa where hundreds of thousands are are still Sheltering

It’s either Israel or Hamas there’s no middleway I mean we have to uh have that Victory we can’t have 3/4 of a victory we can’t have uh two-thirds of a victory those comments were a direct response to US President Joe Biden I want to see a ceasefire over the weekend he suggested

An invasion of Rafa would cross a red line you cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead as a consequence of going after there’s other ways to deal to get to to deal with the with with the trauma caused by Hamas but Biden’s words appear to be an empty threat the

President said he would not suspend military aid to Israel under any circumstances back in the camp they can only wait for a break in the fighting that may never come we don’t want Aid what we want is a ceasefire Jackson prco Global News Washington

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan has started in much of the world, including the Gaza Strip, where fears of a famine are worsening as ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas stall.

Gaza’s Hamas-ran health ministry says at least 25 people have died of starvation, while the total death toll since Oct.7, 2023 has surpassed 31,000.

As Jackson Proskow reports, the grim situation could get worse as Rafah braces for an Israeli ground invasion.

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  1. Canadian media like to say “Hamas” run health ministry to please the genocide supporters, because they feel adding the word “Hamas, will undermine the number of those killed in Gaza. That’s pretty vile and sick.

  2. In these dire situation where people are dying of starvation. I suggest mufti of Alazhar and other ulama should find a way to excuse the people from fasting. They can however compenaste by fasting when the sitution gets normal.

  3. May God (Allah) help the oppressed and innocents of this world. We said never again in 1945, 1979,1993. Here we are again, another genocide, another tragedy.


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