Nashville plane crash: Community mourns Ontario family who perished


A community near Toronto is also mourning another family tonight a couple and their three children were the victims of a deadly plane crash in Nashville earlier this week ctv’s Adrien gobrial on the tragic loss in Victor danko’s final words the husband and father of three shared this heartbreaking message with their traffic

Control I’m too far away I make it my Eng down parents Victor and Rema deseno and their three children 12-year-old David 10-year-old Adam and 7y old Emma all died Monday evening when the single engine plane they were flying in crashed near an interstate in Nashville Tennessee it’s

Uh it’s very hard the dosenko were members of the synagogue north of Toronto Victor even put up these new windows for free just one of the family’s many acts of generosity recalls Rabbi hyim hild disim who married the couple and helped name their children one of the last conversations he says I

Have to start preparing my son for his b Mitzvah and he asked the steps to take and sadly now we’re going to have to celebrate in a different way on the front steps of the now empty deseno family home three teddy bears sit surrounded by flowers and a growing

Memorial a short drive away the children attended this private Jewish school in vaugh Ontario they were so loved by all of their classmates their teachers their their friends and it’s it’s a tremendous loss Victor dosenko graduated from this flight center in Bramton Ontario in 2022 with a private pilot license what led

The family to fly a 1978 Piper plane from Ontario confirmed stops in Erie Pennsylvania then Mount Sterling Kentucky and then towards Nashville’s John C tune airport Still Remains unclear tonight to ask why and how there’s no point what we should ask is what could we do in their memory let us do

Something something to be a better person let us do something to bring more light into this world in memory of these five beautiful souls the details of the deadly crash are now being investigated Stateside by the national Transportation safety board a preliminary report is expected to be released next month Omar

All right Adrian thank you

Adrian Ghobrial reports on what is known about the Ontario family who perished in a small plane crash in Nashville, Tenn.

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