“I’m coming for you,” Doug Ford tells carjackers in Ontario, promising to build more jails


Number one the Montreal Port that uh they’re being shipped over to we’ve asked the federal government to enhance the number of uh border officers there and hopefully they’re going to do it put more Scanning Machines there uh part two is uh these police officers uh go into high-risk takedowns and they’re putting

Their lives on the line only to see and and the criminals when they catch them only to see that the criminals mock them saying I’ll be out by the time you start your shift tomorrow uh because they know uh the judges are giving them bill I

Have a message uh to all these criminals we’re coming for you we’re going to catch you and you’re going to jail and no matter what it takes every tool I have including making sure we have judges that do not let these people out

On Bill when I go out I I go out be it the the local store the gas station anywhere I go every single person every person is saying keep going get judges that will keep these criminals in jail stop terrorizing our neighborhoods stop terrorizing our families I’m coming for

You and when I get you you’re going to jail and I can’t wait I’m going to put every resource we can to catch these criminals that are are ruining our communities I’m going to be building more jails and I’m not worried about the criminals I always uh uh support the the

Correctional officers there uh making sure that they have the resources to keep these criminals Behind Bars uh but I’m going to I’ll build as many jails as these as we need to put these criminals behind bars for a long time as as well

Ontario Premier Doug Ford on Friday spoke directly to criminals he says are responsible for an uptick in vehicle thefts across Ontario, telling them “I’m coming for you.”

“Stop terrorizing our neighbourhoods, stop terrorizing our families. I’m coming for you, and when I get you you’re going to jail,” he said.

Ford applauded Peel region police Chief Nishan Duraiappah, who he said has done an “incredible job” as the region continues to grapple with a record year in auto thefts.

Ford said his government has asked the Federal government to enhance the number of border officers at the Port of Montreal, where the stolen vehicles are being shipped. He also commended officers, who he said have put their lives on the line to catch suspects responsible for carjackings and vehicle theft.

The premier also promised to “build as many jails as we need” to put criminals behind bars and tackle the uptick in auto theft.

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  1. My dad used to buy hash from this guy back in high school, said he was never that bright and was a priviliged dummy. On one occasion he got beat in a fight and got all his friends to jump the other guy. Classy I guess. Ironic he wants to talk about jail.

  2. Build more jails? Police can be standing 20 feet away from a stolen vehicle, but do nothing because it's on the other side of a fence that limits their jurisdiction. That should probably be addressed before building more jails.

  3. Let me tell you something out of curiosity. Today in the afternoon someone confused me as if he knew me from before when I was riding my bike to my house in the afternoon after buying some food, I was also trying to talk in vain as if I knew him from before, about who he had a fight with and I am pretending it was me, I was just adding to the discussion . I have not had a fight with anyone in my entire life at 42 years old, I have never fallen for anyone either directly or by intrigue. But the one who confused me today about where I saw him as a face, it seems to me that he had a fight with someone else some time ago but who has nothing to do with me, he could be that's why he looks like a familiar face to me.

  4. We never had all these problems before Trudeau took office. Now we have record number of homelessness, food bank usage, taxes and crime. Just to name a few. I wont even get into all the corruption.


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