Officer in death of Midland man cleared by SIU following police dog bite incident – read more for details

SIU clears officer in death of Midland man after police dog bite

“Police Officer Cleared in Midland Man’s Death: Special Investigations Unit

In a decision that has sparked controversy and mixed reactions, the Special Investigations Unit has officially cleared a provincial police officer in connection with the death of a Midland man. This ruling comes after several months of intense investigation and speculation surrounding the incident.

The Incident and Investigation

The director of the Special Investigations Unit, Joseph Martino, announced on Tuesday that there were no reasonable grounds to believe that an Ontario Provincial Police officer had committed a criminal offense in relation to the death of a 45-year-old man last November. The incident occurred when South Georgian Bay OPP responded to a gun-related call that involved two men in Midland on October 13, 2023.

According to the civilian agency, the officers attempted to arrest the man after he brandished what appeared to be a firearm at another individual. Subsequently, a police service dog was deployed into the apartment before the officers entered. The dog bit and held the man, allowing the officers to take him into custody.

Controversy and Uncertainty

While the police maintained that they provided the man with ample opportunities to surrender peacefully, questions still linger regarding the necessity of using a police dog in the situation. The man tragically passed away in the hospital a few weeks after the incident, and there is uncertainty surrounding the cause of death.

Director Martino stated that it was unclear whether the police dog bite and resulting infection were causally related to the man’s death. However, he defended the use of force by the police, asserting that it was reasonably necessary in the circumstances. This decision has divided public opinion and raised important questions about police conduct in sensitive situations.


The ruling by the Special Investigations Unit sheds light on the complex nature of police interventions and the challenges faced by law enforcement officers in high-pressure scenarios. It also underscores the need for transparency and accountability in such cases to ensure that justice is served and public trust is maintained.

As discussions continue and emotions run high, it is crucial to consider all perspectives and seek a balanced understanding of the events that transpired. Only through open dialogue and a commitment to truth and justice can we strive towards a society where incidents like this are minimized and resolved in the most fair and equitable manner possible.”



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