‘This is the slow walk towards full tyranny’: Viva Frei on the Online Harms Act


That online online harms bill which people will see is very very specifically focused on protecting kids and not on uh censoring the internet as misinformation and as the rightwing tends to try and uh uh characterize it as but I want to be crystal clear about

What the online harms act does not do it does not undermine freedom of speech it enhances free expression by empowering all people to safely participate in online debate what does Justin Trudeau mean when he says when he says the word hate speech he means speech he hates they’re basically trying to regulate to

Death uh independent content creators or at least create some exposure uh to regulate the internet and and it’s only to give back this benefit this this sort of Quasi Monopoly that Legacy media had his recent unveiling of the online harms Bill C63 justtin Trudeau aims to address online safety replacing Bill c36

Who failed following the snap election call in August 2021 however questions arise regarding its true purpose especially as existing criminal code offenses already cover child sexual exploitation concerns cited by the Liberals don’t forget to visit stop the censorship. ca where you can sign our petition to support our fight against

Censorship laws and advocate for their repeal to delve deeper into the Bill’s implication Viva fry a YouTuber and lawyer shed light on its provision the bill targets eight propaganda genda proposing Amendment to the criminal code and the Canadian including a defined notion of hatred in section 3190 it also permits

Penalties up to life imprisonment for advocating genocide and two to 5 years for indictment prosecutions the potential for overreach and censorship looms large as determining what constitute hate speech remain subjective opposition leader PV warns of potential censure of expressing unacceptable views under Bill C63 the bill also established

Three new bodies a digital safety commission a digital safety uchman and a digital Safety Office their mandate is to ensure social media platform comply with the online harms Act is this another step towards government control and compliance the question remains Will Bill 63 generally protect online spaces or will it

Inadvertently stiffle discourse and prosecute individuals over speech that may not truly constitute hate now let’s hear Viva fry comprehensive analysis for those of you out there in Canada who might not know who I am David fry height former Montreal litigator turned current Florida rumbler Viva Fry on the channel

I read the bill C63 today and picked the brains of people who I think are legally more insightful than me and uh it’s wild it’s wild so what is your main comprehension of the bill this is the uh the slow walk towards full tyranny remember like back in the day bill c16

When it added gender expression and gender identity to aggravating factors for hate crimes in the criminal code and Jordan Peterson came out and was you know flagging or ringing the warning bell saying this is going to lead to compelled speech they’re trying to Define hatred in this law like actually

Uh creating a legal definition of hatred and it’s so patently insane but my analysis is that once upon a time they tried to Define hatred it was a few a couple of years ago and it was a joke when they tried to do it at the time and

That session ended because they called the election and now they’re just picking right back up and cramming it through the same way they crammed through the online streaming act the uh what was it colloquially the link Tax Act uh they’re just jamming through these laws that are looking to regulate

To death the internet and it’s not a coincidence it’s part of a plan and not in a conspiratorial sense just in a sheerly pragmatic one the online streaming Act and the link Tax Act was intended to give the leg up to re the advantage to Legacy Media on the

Internet because they no longer had the Monopoly of radio and television they now need to compete with independent content creators independent news outlets like yourself on the internet and so you got the online streaming act which now governs the internet the way it governs uh radio and television and

It’s going to only penalize the independent non-government adjacent actors uh the link tax is the government’s way of finding a way to subsidize uh Legacy Media in a way they couldn’t do directly because they’ve already subsidized them as much as they can through the law and through Co ads

And government ads here they’re basically trying to regulate to death uh independent content creators or at least create some exposure uh to regulate the internet and and it’s only to give back this benefit this this sort of Quasi Monopoly that Legacy Media had and so they’re going to go out and

Create exorbitant um business expenses to manage and and micromanage and and now subject the businesses to this Zar so to speak the uh what do they call the commission that they’re creating it’s going to create exceedingly difficult and and costly business decisions business practices for for online platforms and creating real meaningful

Exposure for people who engage in words on the internet but the idea that they to pick up and redefine hatred and to jam it through uh an amendment to the criminal code it’s it’s absurd and so hopefully this gets some meaningful push back and doesn’t get I don’t know second

Third reading and and Senate vote with respect to genocide what I know as a lawyer as Minister and what I’ve learned from the stakeholders and the experts whom we have consulted is that there is a determination to demonstrate at the highest level that the maximum penalty for a crime such as advocating or

Promoting genocide should be increased promoting and advocating genocide that’s the provision that they want to amend to increase the sentence to potentially life in prison oh don’t worry it’ll only be under the most egregious circumstances of promoting or advocating genocide I said when I read that I have

Three questions what does promoting mean what does advocating mean and what does genocide mean and I’m not saying this to be glip because we typically and colloquially understand genocide to be calling for the actual murder of an identifiable group at large well if you go to the uh the UN definition of

Genocide and you’ll see it’s so much broader than that it includes uh uh displacement and of of a of a portion not even of all so it doesn’t just include calling the murder and the slaughter like you had in Rwanda with the hootus and the tosis it it calls for

The displacement and not of all but of a part it has linguistic aspects to it you know uh ending or suppressing a language uh at a larger scale or a sufficient scale can qualify as genocide so what does genocide mean in the context of this law if you say I used an example

Today during my stream uh you know Quebec should only be speak they should only speak French in Quebec I’ve heard a lot of separatists say that is that genocide is that compelling calling for the displacement of a linguistic minority genocide who knows promoting advocating I don’t know what these terms

Mean and to couple that with a the risk of life in prison I I mean it’s you get murderers I mean I don’t even think you get convicted rapist and murderers getting life in prison and you get some who are convicted and sentenced life getting parole it’s patently absurd to

Even float the idea of life in prison for words not for carrying out genocide or murder or that would be a little bit easier to to evaluate promoting or advocating so it’s it’s patently Preposterous on his face especially since these terms uh don’t have any clear definitions under the law that I

Could see but the idea that these fines and like 20,000 70,000 you remember and everyone should remember or refresh their memories of the Mike Ward the comedian Mike Ward uh where he was taken to a human rights Tribunal for violating the Dignity of Jeremy Gabrielle and his mother and by

The skin of uh of Mike Ward’s teeth it got to the Supreme Court and they said no this is not how the tribunals are supposed to be used they’re right now basically trying to legislate trying to codify what they couldn’t do judicially in Mike Ward and that is to criminalize

Offensive hurtful speech I to hateful speech hate online Pro hate propaganda online where does it end where does it start nobody knows and I suspect if it even if it got passed through the Senate uh with this phraseology it would have to get struck down by the

Supreme Court at some point uh for being void for vagueness I mean it’s the idea that you can Define hatred and then make that be something of a crime only only in North Korea only in the most totalitarian authoritarian regimes that trudo spends all of his days pretending he has not made Canada

Into the you so I’m living in the States now and we compare the administrative bureaucracy of of Canada to the administrative bureaucracy of the states and and we have basically in Canada relinquished a ton of our most fundamental rights to they’re they’re uh administrative tribunals I mean they are

Basically government courts that have no oversight that are not judges in the in the true sense of the word it’s Wild America seems to be going the other way there was this decision Chevron decision out of the States Supreme Court decision where you know basically deference towards administrative tribunals

America’s moving away from that and and fighting back against that whereas Canada seems to be marching right into it imagine you these are all government appointees this is the administrative State uh interpreting and implementing its own rules and the only beneficiary of certain interpretations of those rules is the government through fines

Through penalties exceedingly unfair and I would dare say like Charter violative uh sanctions for Words um it’s only a matter of time before this is entirely weaponized politically if it’s not already I mean this is a tool of a government to go after ideological adversaries you have a Danielle Smith

Out of Alberta you know denying uh certain what they call gender affirming care for Trans what they call Trans kids that denying that is going to be tant out of genocide promoting advocating genocide you know denying trans their pronouns to them at least some have raised the argument it’s a form of

Denial of existence a form of genocide it’s not an if but a when this ever gets pasted it being weaponized for totally um perverse political purposes and it’ll it’ll be Trudeau appointees and whoever it is it’s the state uh abusing and weaponizing outrageous opaque ambiguous laws uh for what will only and

Inevitably be its own profit you are a Canadian YouTuber and you gain your life with live stream and other video do you have any concern about what are you doing and maybe facing prosecution or maybe lifetime for having some dissident political views well I I I’ve been worried about that since I

Donated to the trucker Convoy back in 2020 there there’s there’s concerns there’s realistic concerns and then there’s you know theoretical concerns I know that I never promote genocide I mean it’s it’s just just a stupid thing that being said I also know that I say minors should not have what they call

Gender affirming care because I consider that to be genital mutilation of children is that is that promoting hatred I mean we we’re not even we’re not even one step away from that there are people who can consider that to be promoting hatred I mean I think that

They are intellectually demented um in a in a meaningful sense but we’re not far from there you got Justin Trudeau going out and you know taking a KNE for BLM protests if we if we come out and say it’s okay to be white you don’t if we

Come out and say if you can have black pride you can have white pride is this promoting genocide is this promoting hatred who the hell knows but the bottom line is nobody needs to know if it needs to be weaponized it will be much like you know what we’re seeing sort of out

Of New York state which is what I like to call Kami New York State it’s not far from Canada you have you will have corrupt uh people in positions of authority who will say I know what it says the law and I know how I can

Interpret the law and when you said uh gender affirming care is child mutila child genital mutilation well that was promoting hatred against an identifiable group and take it down suppress him fine him jail him I mean I’m not so concerned about it because I’ll put up one hell of

Fight but it’s a it’s it’s it’s the end goal of this piece of legislation and there’s no question about it what in that bill that is not already covered by the criminal code that’s the question I’m gonna be asking just day in and day out and I don’t know if I’m allowed

Swearing you’ll bleep it out but the pretext is absolute horse crap the the pretext is always won’t someone think of the children like Reverend lovejoy’s wife won’t someone please think the children I that’s my question child pornography distribution is all Canada has some very very strict child pornography laws you know child

Pornography uh any depiction it can stories uh depicting children engaging illegal uh hosting it illegal if there’s a violation revenge porn I I don’t know what these specific legislation about what is deemed to be revenged porn but non-consensual images there’s already legislation there’s already recourse for

That there’s nothing that I that I know of but I’m asking it in a very sincere way if anybody knows what um amendments to this piece of legislation actually solves a problem that existing criminal and civil remedies do not allow for I’m all ears there’s a lot of stuff we can

All agree on like we’d like we would like to facilitate or you know I don’t know make it easier to take down revenge porn uh images that of of people put up without their consent that stay up for a long time there been it’s been an issue

For a long time uh especially on Twitter and Elon Musk has been tackling it but by and large if that’s the issue there are already laws about uh disseminating uh owning producing communicating publishing uh child pornography there’s images provided without consent private dis public disclosures of private there’s civil and criminal remedies

Already so horse crap is what I say to that it’s the pretext to add hate hatred I I wish I could pull up the definition right so Preposterous um it is the pretext you take a little bit of what they of what everyone can agree on yes

We want to solve this problem online but abuse on on on the internet there there’s one solution to dealing with abuse on the internet if you’re uh that sensitive to it stay off the internet you’re not you’re not going to regulate morality and that’s basically what they’re trying to do here pretextual but

It really is only a question of regulating and governing the internet at large they try already to pass C11 c36 and previous like other censorship law how do you compare this one to the previous one well I mean it’s definitely more extensive because even when they were trying to add hatred to the

Criminal code under c36 I don’t think they had all of these other uh amendments as well but I mean it’s just an amazing thing like we we’re we’re seeing this in real time and they’ve really exploited uh the covid pandemic to jam through and cram through and rush

Through legislation it’s it’s been one the order and Council gun ban uh the online streaming act the uh what’s the link tax one called I forget what it’s called they just they cram him through and they’ve got jug meet sing’s coalition government with Trudeau they’re they have the uh the coalition

To do it so to speak but no this is definitely as far as I remember the most extensive and the most Preposterous and the most I mean the life in prison for advocating or promoting genocide it can’t and doesn’t make sense in any realm of the universe the finds

Are astronomical to me it looks like another way of also subsidizing government activity where like you’re living in a country where you have an exodus of taxpaying citizens and you have an exodus of a population and no population growth and an importation of demographic that’s not necessarily going to be paying much

Taxes hey what what other better way to to get blood from a turnup than just to impose these massive fines uh potential fines that you can apply willy-nilly to these big corporations when they when they when they impose the link tax and Google and um Google and Facebook said

We just won’t we just won’t link to news articles in Canada and then ultimately they agreed to some where they’re going to you know pay up 105 million a year and divvy it up among accredited media I mean that’s basically it looks like that’s what they’re trying to do more indirectly

Here is just you know find a way to divvy up more big Tech bucks among the government because government might be having some liquidity problems itself what would would you say to the people who say anyway it doesn’t apply to me I’m not doing live stream I’m not a

Content creator I’m doing nothing online well uh very reminiscent of the World War II poem at first they came for the union workers but I said nothing cuz I wasn’t a union worker then they came for the Socialist yeah then then they came from me and there was no one to say

Anything so if you this this never ends well when it starts with you know a select few you’ll lose your content creators you’ll lose your in your truly independent news outlets uh you’ll have a brain Exodus and a financial Exodus from Canada but more important than that

If you think it can’t or won’t ever apply to you because you’re not politically disfavored wake up it’s endless the way it can be abused and will be abused especially by Trolls but also especially by just bad faith actors who now say I see I see dollar signs oh

You you know Jeremy Gabrielle know he might he might you know if he’s a protected class go after C standup Comics who make jokes about disabilities that’s that’s it’s people are going to look at this like a lottery now to weaponize not just the criminal code potentially for criminal complaints

The human rights tribunals for financial jackpots don’t forget to visit stop the censorship. ca right now where you can sign our petition to support our fight against censorship laws and advocate for their repeal this is really important so please visit stop to censorship. ca sign now share it and make your voice heard

Now before it’s too late

Rebel News reporter Alexa Lavoie speaks with lawyer and political commentator Viva Frei about Trudeau’s new ‘online harms’ bill.

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  4. Has Viva Frei moved to Florida, if he did could we still subscribe to his channel, and he can give commentary and information and be immune from our laws? This may be the way forward for Canadians who want to effect change in Canada, if they are earning enough from their channels maybe guys like Frei, Clyde and all of Rebel News would do better to relocate.

  5. It would make sense to actually enforce the original bill that's been in place for years, but rather than enforcing laws (online and offline) the criminal Liberals create harsher bills instead, to cover up their incompetence, and to censor us further. This government is truly evil.

  6. People have been brainwashed in this country!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I got to get the F** out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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