Did you get a raise this year? The CBC to receive an extra $96.1M from Trudeau


Justin Trudeau’s taking care of those who he wants to take care of him Ottawa adds funding to CBC documents released Thursday show CBC will get $ 1.4 billion the increase amounts to 96.1 million which the department says is primarily attributable to salary increases following the ratification of collective

Agreements oh so they’re all getting raises you heard it they’re all did you get a raise last year No in fact you had a real reduction in your per capita GDP and more is coming when they hike the uh carbon tax on they first what’s

Incredible to me at all is that such a failure has been allowed to continue because the CBC audience continues to decline who gets a raise for failing worse every year

| According to their own annual report, CBC viewership is declining every year despite rapid population growth due to immigration.
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